“oil price”例句

单词 oil price
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕Further cuts in oil prices seem unlikely. 油价看来是不太可能进一步降低的。朗文写作活用〔GUESS〕We're predicting a 10% rise in oil prices -- and that's a conservative estimate. 我们预测油价会上升10%一那是个保守的估计。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕As oil prices rose, countries in the West suddenly became conscious of fuel efficiency. 随着油价上涨,西方各国突然意识到充分利用燃料的重要性。朗文写作活用〔barrel〕Oil prices were closing at $19.76 a barrel.石油的收盘价是每桶19.76美元。外研社新世纪〔breakdown〕A sudden rise in oil prices could lead to a breakdown of the economy.油价暴涨会导致经济崩溃。朗文当代〔chain reaction〕Increased oil prices could trigger a chain reaction in the economy.油价上涨可能引发经济上的连锁反应。韦氏高阶〔decrease〕We've got stable labor, decreasing interest rates, low oil prices.我们拥有稳定的劳力、不断降低的利率以及低廉的石油价格。柯林斯高阶〔depress〕A rise in oil prices depressed the car market.石油价格上涨使汽车市场不景气。21世纪英汉〔fluctuation〕There have been wide fluctuations in oil prices in recent years.近年来石油价格有大幅度波动。牛津搭配〔foresee〕Few analysts foresaw that oil prices would rise so steeply.没几个分析家预料到油价会这么飞涨。朗文当代〔gain〕Oil prices rose again today after yesterday's gains.油价继昨天上涨后今天又进一步攀升。剑桥高阶〔hell〕High oil prices are playing hell with the nation's economy.高油价给国民经济带来重创。韦氏高阶〔hit〕Oil prices have hit rock-bottom.油价已降到最低点。朗文当代〔hit〕Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.油价昨天达到了创纪录的水平。柯林斯高阶〔hit〕Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.昨天石油价格达到了新高。外研社新世纪〔in〕Oil prices are fixed in dollars.原油以美元计价。外研社新世纪〔jump〕Oil prices jumped in the past year.在过去一年中,石油价格猛涨。21世纪英汉〔miserably〕The oil price is now at miserably low levels.现在的油价低得可怜。外研社新世纪〔movement〕There has been no movement in oil prices.石油价格没有变化。牛津高阶〔normal〕Oil prices are above/below normal.油价现在高于/低于正常水平。韦氏高阶〔note〕In her chapter about rising oil prices, she sounds a cautionary note.在有关油价上涨的章节中,她用的是一种警告性口吻。韦氏高阶〔novel〕Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.抗议者找到了抗议油价飞涨的新办法。柯林斯高阶〔novel〕Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.抗议者找到了抗议油价飞涨的新办法。外研社新世纪〔onset〕With the onset of war, oil prices climbed past $30 a barrel.战争一爆发, 油价就攀过了每桶30美元。外研社新世纪〔premium〕There's a risk premium of probably $10 a barrel built into oil prices.每桶石油的价格中约有 10 美元的风险溢价。牛津搭配〔reversal〕We saw a marked reversal of trends in oil prices.我们看到石油价格有明显的逆转趋势。麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕You're running a big risk if oil prices drop sharply.如果油价下跌,你就会冒上很大的风险。剑桥高阶〔send〕The increase in oil prices is sending up the cost of all other goods.石油涨价正使所有其他货物的成本增加。英汉大词典〔slump〕Oil prices have slumped quite badly in recent months.近几个月石油价格暴跌。牛津搭配〔surcharge〕Supermarkets have cut the cost of petrol following the fall in oil prices – but British Airways still surcharge customers.随着油价下跌, 各大超市已经降低了汽油价格, 但是英航仍旧没有降价。外研社新世纪〔tumble〕Oil prices took a tumble yesterday.昨天油价暴跌。柯林斯高阶〔turnabout〕There was a sharp turnabout in oil prices.油价突然急剧变化。韦氏高阶〔upward〕Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning.今天上午纽约油价继续上扬。柯林斯高阶〔upward〕Oil prices continued an upward swing.油价继续上扬。外研社新世纪〔wisdom〕Conventional wisdom has it that higher oil prices are bad for economic growth.人们普遍认为,高油价对经济增长不利。牛津搭配Oil prices are being supported by fears of a shortage.对短缺的担心使石油价格得到支持。牛津商务Oil prices steadied. 石油价格稳定下来了。译典通Governments had to take counter-inflationary measures to try to cope with the effects of the increase in oil prices.政府不得不采取反通胀措施以应付石油价格上涨所带来的影响。牛津商务Higher oil prices have pushed the economy into recession.油价的上涨使经济陷入衰退。牛津商务Industry experts predict that oil prices could rise even higher.工业专家们预测石油价格还会继续攀升。牛津商务Our forecasts assume an average oil price of $55 a barrel.我们的预测假定平均油价为每桶 55 美元。牛津商务The oil price was languishing below $50 a barrel.石油价格停滞在每桶 50 美元以下。牛津商务The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the seventies.自70年代油价大幅度上涨以后,西方国家在提高能源使用效率方面取得了显著的进步。剑桥国际The increase in input costs was largely due to the rise in oil prices.投入成本的增加主要源于石油价格的上涨。牛津商务The increasing oil price has put markets on edge.不断上涨的油价使市场陷入恐慌。牛津商务The medium-term outlook is for lower oil prices.石油价格中期看跌。牛津商务The overall oil price outlook is expected to remain bearish.油价前景总的来说还是看跌。剑桥国际The rise in oil prices has been driven by fears of a supply crunch (= a situation where there is not enough oil available).对供给短缺的担心促使石油价格上涨。牛津商务The seer who predicts oil prices into the twenty-first century is either brave or foolish.预言二十一世纪石油价格的人不是勇敢便是愚蠢。剑桥国际There has been no movement in oil prices.石油价格尚无变动趋势。牛津商务

