
单词 flakes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PIECE〕Her sunburnt skin was beginning to peel off in big flakes. 她的皮肤被阳光灼伤后开始大片大片地脱落。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕Large white flakes of snow fell upon the cold ground. 大片大片的雪花飘落在冰冷的地面上。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕She brushed the flakes of dandruff from her shoulder. 她把片片头皮屑从肩上刷掉。朗文写作活用〔bialy〕A flat, round baked roll topped with onion flakes.洋葱卷包,巴利面包卷:一种平圆的上覆有洋葱片的烤面包卷美国传统〔blister〕Scrape off the loose paint flakes, blisters and peeling bits.把翘起来的漆皮、气泡和剥落的地方刮掉。外研社新世纪〔cleaning〕He cleaned the flakes away with his coat sleeve.他用大衣袖子把碎屑掸掉。柯林斯高阶〔clean〕He cleaned the flakes away with his coat sleeve.他用衣袖将玉米片拂去。外研社新世纪〔cohere〕When you squeeze a handful of snow, the flakes cohere to make a snowball.你把一团雪捏紧,雪就黏合成雪球。牛津同义词〔depth〕The density of the flakes and the depth of the snow prevented us from seeing the road clearly.纷扬的大雪和厚厚的积雪使我们无法看清道路。外研社新世纪〔dust〕She seemed not to notice as flakes of snow dusted her hair.她似乎没有注意到片片雪花落满她的头发。外研社新世纪〔exfoliate〕To cast off in scales, flakes, or splinters.使鳞片样脱落:把表面剥成鳞片状或薄片状去掉美国传统〔exfoliate〕To come off or separate into flakes, scales, or layers.表皮脱落:裂成薄片或鳞片状脱落美国传统〔exfoliate〕To remove (a layer of bark or skin, for example) in flakes or scales; peel.片状剥落:使(例如,树皮或皮肤一层层)地成薄片状或鱼鳞状脱落;剥落美国传统〔flake out〕If he flakes out before I get back, just cover him with a blanket.如果他在我回来之前就睡着了, 给他盖条毯子就行了。外研社新世纪〔flake white〕A pigment made of flakes of white lead.铅白,碳酸铅白:用白矿制成的一种颜料美国传统〔flake〕Bake the fish until it flakes easily when tested with a fork.把鱼烤到用叉子一碰就散成小块的程度。韦氏高阶〔flake〕Fry until the fish flakes.把鱼煎成薄片。外研社新世纪〔flake〕Fry until the fish flakes.把鱼煎成薄片。柯林斯高阶〔flake〕If he flakes out before I get back, just cover him with a blanket.如果我回来之前他就困得睡着了,给他盖条毯子就行了。柯林斯高阶〔flake〕Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.大片大片的雪花开始簌簌飘落。外研社新世纪〔flake〕Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.大片大片的雪花开始簌簌飘落。柯林斯高阶〔flake〕Poach the fish until it flakes easily.把鱼炖到一碰就碎为止朗文当代〔flake〕Sandstone flakes readily in heat.沙岩遇热易成片状。英汉大词典〔flake〕This room needs decorating - flakes of paint keep coming off the walls.这个房间需要装修——墙上的油漆不断地一片片地往下掉。剑桥高阶〔flake〕To cover, mark, or overlay with or as if with flakes.用或似薄片般覆盖、标记或延伸美国传统〔flaky〕Made of or resembling flakes.由一片一片(一层一层)组成的或象层状的美国传统〔flanker〕The company has always had companion, or flanker, products, going back to Ivory bar, Ivory Flakes ... We now have an Ivory shampoo.该公司一向有伴侣产品或者叫辅助产品,过去有“象牙”香皂、“象牙”皂片…现在又有了“象牙”香波。英汉大词典〔fuse〕The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals.雪花好像融合在一起形成了冰晶。柯林斯高阶〔ground〕There were a few flakes of snow on the ground.地上有几片雪花。朗文当代〔lazy〕Large white lazy flakes floated past the window.大片大片缓缓落下的雪花从窗前飘过。英汉大词典〔pill〕To come off, as in flakes or scales.阶段性完成:完成,如一片片或一层层地美国传统〔proud〕Sand the surface with abrasive paper until no flakes of paint stand proud of the surface.用砂纸打磨表面,直到表面没有隆起的漆点。剑桥高阶〔settle〕Flakes of snow settled on the windscreen.雪花落在挡风玻璃上。麦克米伦高阶〔snow〕Frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes.雪,雪花:一种凝固的降水,以柔软、白色片状落下,形式为白色、半透明状的六角冰晶体美国传统〔snow〕It began to snow big, fat flakes.鹅毛大雪开始纷纷飘落。英汉大词典〔snow〕The first few flakes of snow (=small pieces of snow) started to fall.雪花开始飘落下来。朗文当代〔snow〕The snow was still falling in thick flakes.雪还在纷纷扬扬地下着。英汉大词典〔spit〕To rain or snow in light, scattered drops or flakes.下细雨,下小雪:少量、稀疏的雨滴或雪片美国传统〔stick〕There were just a few flakes, not enough snow to shake a stick at.只不过是飘了几片雪花,没下多少雪。 英汉大词典Sand the surface with abrasive paper until no flakes of paint stand proud of the surface.用砂纸摩擦表面,直到表面没有一点油漆。剑桥国际Snow is falling in large flakes. 雪片纷飞。译典通The skin on the back of his hands flakes (off) in hot dry weather.在炎热干燥的天气里,他手背上的皮屑往下掉。剑桥国际This room needs decorating -- flakes of paint keep coming off the walls.这房间需要装修了----墙上的涂料一片一片老往下掉。剑桥国际We watched the flakes of ice drift downstream. 我们看著薄冰层顺流漂去。译典通

