
单词 看者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔audience〕The spectators or listeners assembled at a performance, for example, or attracted by a radio or television program.观众,听众:聚集在演出前的观看者或倾听者,如被电台、电视节目所吸引美国传统〔dexter〕Heraldry Situated on or being the side of a shield on the wearer's right and the observer's left.【纹章学】 右边的:位于或处在徽章佩戴者的右侧,观看者的左侧美国传统〔guardant〕Positioned so that the head is turned toward the viewer. Used of an animal depicted so that its body is viewed from the side.头转向观看者的:放置成头转向观看者的姿态的。用于描绘动物使观看者可以看到其身体侧面美国传统〔housesit〕To act as a house sitter.房屋照看者美国传统〔passant〕Being a beast facing and walking toward the viewer's left with one front leg raised.扮兽行走:饰面为野兽并且抬起前腿朝向观看者左边走动美国传统〔relative〕She is beautiful to me, but beauty is relative to the beholder's eye.在我看来她是美的,但是美不美又是随观看者的眼光而定的。英汉大词典〔shooting stick〕A stick resembling a cane, pointed at one end with a folding seat at the other, typically used by spectators at outdoor sporting events.折叠座手杖:一种类似手杖的棍子,其中一端被削尖,另一端有一折叠椅子,一般为观看者观看室外体育运动时所用美国传统〔viewer〕One that views, especially an onlooker or spectator.观察者:观看者,特指旁观者或者观众美国传统One of the central questions in aesthetics is whether beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or whether there is something within an object itself which makes it beautiful.美学的中心问题之一是美存在于观看者眼中,还是事物本身存在着令其美的东西。剑桥国际The caretaker can turn his hand to anything (= is able to do many useful things).那个照看者能够做任何事。剑桥国际The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.下面的节目中有些场景可能叫一些观看者不安。剑桥国际

