
单词 肺的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arborize〕The airways of the lung arborize like a tree.肺的导气管分枝如树状。英汉大词典〔arborize〕To have or produce branching formations, as the bronchial tubes of the lungs.使成树状:具有或产生有分支的结构,如肺的支气管美国传统〔auscultation〕Medicine The act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders.【医学】 听诊:以听取内部器官,如心脏或肺的声音来帮助诊断某些疾病的行为美国传统〔bronchopulmonary〕Relating to the bronchial tubes and the lungs.支气管肺的:与支气管和肺部有关的美国传统〔cardiopulmonary〕Of, relating to, or involving both the heart and the lungs.心肺的:心肺的,与心肺有关的或涉及心肺的美国传统〔consume〕He fought against the cancer that was consuming his lungs.他与正在吞噬自己双肺的癌症进行抗争。外研社新世纪〔franchise〕The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment.潜水学校已获得水肺的特许经营权。牛津搭配〔lung〕Your heart and lungs have to work harder if you're overweight.超重会加重心肺的工作负担。牛津搭配〔oxygenation〕Oxygenation of the blood is a key function of the lungs.为血液加氧是肺的关键功能。剑桥高阶〔phthisis〕Tuberculosis of the lungs. No longer in scientific use.肺结核:肺的结核病,科学上已废弃不用美国传统〔pneumonectomy〕Surgical removal of all or part of a lung.肺切除术,肺部分切除术:对整个或部分肺的外科手术切除美国传统〔pneumonic〕Of, affecting, or relating to the lungs; pulmonary.肺的:属于、影响或关于肺的肺的美国传统〔pulmonary artery〕An artery that carries venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.肺动脉:一种从右心室将静脉血输送到肺的动脉美国传统〔pulmonary〕Having lungs or lunglike organs.有肺的或肺状的器官美国传统〔pulmonate〕A gastropod of the subclass Pulmonata.有肺的腹足纲动物美国传统〔pulmonate〕Having lungs or lunglike organs.有肺或类似肺的器官的美国传统〔pulmonic〕Of or relating to the lungs; pulmonary.肺的:属于或有关肺的;肺部的美国传统〔respiration〕The act or process by which an organism without lungs, such as a fish or plant, exchanges gases with its environment.无肺呼吸:无肺的有机体与环境交换气体的行为或过程,如鱼或植物美国传统〔scream〕Rebecca let out a piercing scream.丽贝卡发出一声撕心裂肺的尖叫。外研社新世纪Double pneumonia is a case of the illness involving both your lungs.双肺肺炎是累及双肺的疾病。剑桥国际She was awfully thick-skinned about dumping her boyfriend. 她遗弃了男朋友,真够无心无肺的译典通We just heard the devastating news about her son's death.我们刚刚听到她儿子令人撕心裂肺的死讯。剑桥国际When she isn't modelling, Sonya's hobbies include hang-gliding, aerobics and scuba-diving.索尼娅在做模特儿之余,爱好悬挂式滑翔、有氧健身运动和戴水肺的潜水运动。剑桥国际

