
单词 船甲板
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abseil〕Commandos abseiled from five helicopters to the deck of the ship.突击队从五架直升机上绕绳下降到轮船甲板上。外研社新世纪〔batten down〕Everything on the ship's deck was battened down.船甲板上的所有东西都被固定住了。韦氏高阶〔break〕Nautical The point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship.【航海】 间断面:船甲板的两层之间的中断点美国传统〔camber〕A slightly arched surface, as of a road, a ship's deck, an airfoil, or a snow ski.弧面:稍呈弧形的表面,如路面、船甲板、机翼面或滑雪板美国传统〔carling〕One of the short timbers running fore and aft that connect the transverse beams supporting the deck of a ship.短纵梁:纵向短肋梁之一,联接支撑船甲板的横梁美国传统〔carrick bitt〕Either of the two posts that support the windlass on a ship's deck.起锚机系桩:轮船甲板上支撑起锚机的两个系桩中的一个美国传统〔deck〕A platform or surface likened to a ship's deck.平台:象船甲板一样的层面美国传统〔farewell〕I waved farewell to my friends from the deck of the ship.我站在轮船甲板上向朋友们挥手告别。牛津搭配〔foredeck〕The forward part of the deck of a ship, usually the main deck.前甲板:船甲板的前面部分,通常是主甲板美国传统〔heave〕As the wind increased, the deck of the ship began to heave beneath his feet.随着风力增大,轮船甲板开始在他脚下颠簸起来。剑桥高阶〔landfall〕From the deck of the boat, we saw our first landfall.起航以来,我们第一次从船甲板上望见了陆地。韦氏高阶〔lazaretto〕Often lazaret Nautical A storage space between the decks of a ship. 常作 lazaret 【航海】 船甲板中间的贮藏空间美国传统〔observe〕He looked out through the window and observed me walking along the boat deck.他从窗子望出去看到我在船甲板上行走。英汉大词典〔partner〕Often partners Nautical A wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where a mast or other structure passes through it. 常作 partners 【航海】 补板:轮船甲板、桅杆或其它结构中穿过处起加固作用的木制框架美国传统〔sea legs〕The ability to walk on board ship with steadiness, especially in rough seas.不晕船:一种在船甲板上稳稳行走的能力,尤其在波涛汹涌的大海中美国传统〔waist〕Nautical The middle part of the deck of a ship between the forecastle and the quarterdeck.【航海】 船腰:船甲板中部前甲板和后甲板之间的部分美国传统〔waterway〕A channel at the edge of a ship's deck to drain away water.舷侧排水沟:轮船甲板边上排水的沟美国传统Huge waves washed over the deck of the ship. 巨浪从船甲板上打了过去。译典通On our sailing holiday, we all took it in turns to swab (down) the deck of the boat.出海度假时我们总是轮流擦洗轮船甲板剑桥国际The deck of the ship leveled as the wind subsided. 随著风的平息,船甲板也平稳了。译典通

