
单词 论据
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕Despite their arguments, I still saw no reason to abandon my agnosticism. 虽然他们论据充足,但我仍觉得没有理由放弃不可知论。朗文写作活用〔COMPLICATED〕He always uses a lot of convoluted arguments to support his theories, but no one's ever impressed. 他总是用错综复杂的论据来证明自己的理论,可是没有给谁留下印象。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕I don't think your arguments are relevant to this discussion. 我认为你的论据与这次讨论无关。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕After the prosecutor had presented his case, the defence lawyer tore his arguments to shreds. 控方律师陈述论据后,被辩方律师批驳得体无完肤。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕He made a persuasive case for making the changes. 他提出了很有说服力的论据,要求变革。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕There was a time when the response ‘that's a value judgement’ would have demolished any argument in the educational field. 有段时期,一句“那是价值评判”的回答就会驳倒教育界的任何论据朗文写作活用〔altogether〕I am not altogether convinced by this argument.我不完全信服这一论据牛津高阶〔appeal〕His argument appealed to me.他的论据引起了我的兴趣。21世纪英汉〔arguable〕It's arguable that the legislation has had little effect on young people's behaviour.有论据表明,立法对年轻人的行为影响不大。朗文当代〔argue〕She argued the case for bringing back the death penalty.她为恢复死刑的主张提供论据牛津高阶〔argumentum〕An argument, demonstration, or appeal to reason.证据:论据,论证或诉诸理智美国传统〔argument〕Her main argument was a moral one.她的主要论据是道德上的。牛津高阶〔argument〕I can see no flaw in your argument.我觉得你的论据没什么问题。牛津搭配〔argument〕The author makes a compelling argument for the use of hydrogen as a fuel.作者主张用氢气作燃料,提出的论据很有说服力。牛津搭配〔argument〕There are powerful arguments against releasing them from prison.有强有力的论据反对释放他们出狱。麦克米伦高阶〔argument〕There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.对安乐死支持和反对的人都有强而有力的论据牛津高阶〔argument〕There is a convincing argument for the Federal Government to take greater responsibility for cities.论据有力地说明联邦政府应该对城市承担起更大的责任。牛津搭配〔argument〕We need to provide a convincing argument as to why the system should be changed.我们得提出有说服力的论据,证明为何要改变体制。朗文当代〔avail〕Your ability to argue is of little avail if the facts are wrong.如果论据是错的,你的辩才也就没有什么用了。牛津高阶〔back ... up〕The argument is to be backed up by a lot of facts.这个论据将补充大量事实。21世纪英汉〔base〕The base of his argument is that our price is too high.他的论据是我们的价格太高了。英汉大词典〔befuddle〕These fancy arguments befuddled us.这些异想天开的论据令我们迷惑不解。21世纪英汉〔blow〕We found evidence that blew his case out of the water.我们找到证据证明他的论据是完全错误的。麦克米伦高阶〔bottom〕Upon what do his arguments bottom? 他的论据以什么为基础?英汉大词典〔bring forth〕He was able to bring forth persuasive arguments in support of his position.他可以拿出有力的论据来支持自己的观点。韦氏高阶〔bring over〕His forceful arguments brought us over to his views.他那具有说服力的论据使我们对他的观点心悦诚服。21世纪英汉〔case〕Our lawyer didn't think we had a case(= had enough good arguments to win in a court of law).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,无法赢得官司。牛津高阶〔case〕The court ruled that we had a case (=had enough good arguments to go to a law court) .法庭裁定我们论据充足。朗文当代〔case〕The evidence does not support the prosecution's case.这个证据不能支持控方的论据朗文当代〔circumstantial〕The case against her was circumstantial.对她不利的论据是推测而来的。剑桥高阶〔conclusive〕The argument was far from conclusive.这个论据很难令人信服。牛津搭配〔construct〕To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms.构筑:通过对思想或词语的系统排列而创造或编造(例如论据或句子)美国传统〔contradiction〕They appeared unaware of the contradictions in their argument.他们好像没有意识到他们论据中的自相矛盾。麦克米伦高阶〔con〕An argument or opinion against something.反对论点:反对某物的论据或观点美国传统〔corroborative〕Is there any corroborative evidence for this theory? 是否有进一步说明问题的论据来支持这个理论?牛津高阶〔court〕I don't think that argument would stand up in a court of law.我认为那个论据在法庭上是站不住脚的。牛津搭配〔deploy〕He deploys several arguments to prove his point.他利用几个论据来证明自己的观点。韦氏高阶〔destructive〕She argued that the law was destructive of personal liberties.她提出论据说明这项法规是对个人自由的极大损害。韦氏高阶〔dialectic〕The art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments.辩证法:通过逻辑论据的交换求得真理的艺术或实践美国传统〔essentials〕Just try and grasp the essentials of the argument.只要试着抓住论据的要点即可。牛津搭配〔fact〕His facts are open to question.他的论据有质疑的余地。英汉大词典〔fact〕The police have to support their case with hard facts.警方得用确凿的事实来支持他们的论据牛津搭配〔fallacious〕Such an argument is misleading, if not wholly fallacious.这种论据即使不完全是谬误,也是误导人的。朗文当代〔fatal〕There was one fatal flaw (=serious weakness) in his argument.他的论据中有个致命的缺陷。朗文当代〔favour〕Councillor Stone then outlined the arguments in favour of the proposed changes.斯通议员接着概述了支持所建议的改动的论据麦克米伦高阶〔flavour〕I have tried to convey something of the flavour of the argument.我试图表达某种类似论据的东西。牛津高阶〔forceful〕There are forceful arguments in favour of this.存在强有力的论据支持这一点。麦克米伦高阶〔force〕I could see the force of her argument.我意识到她的论据很有说服力。牛津同义词〔forcibly〕The case was forcibly put by the speaker.这个论据发言人说得很有力。朗文当代〔good〕Yes, that's a good point.是的,那是个有说服力的论据牛津高阶〔ice〕That argument cut no ice with me.那个论据一点儿也说服不了我。英汉大词典〔invincible〕There was an invincible reasonableness in his arguments.他的论据中有不能驳倒的合理成分。英汉大词典〔ironclad〕The case for testing now is ironclad.正在接受检验的这一论据牢不可破。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevant〕This argument is entirely irrelevant to the question of who is right.这个论据与谁是谁非这个问题毫不相关。牛津搭配〔logic〕I fail to see the logic behind his argument.我不明白支持他论据的是什么逻辑。牛津高阶〔mass〕We need to turn this mass of evidence into a coherent argument.我们需要把这大量的证据变成有条理的论据麦克米伦高阶〔meat〕There's no meat to their arguments.他们的论据里没有什么有趣的内容。朗文当代〔move〕His arguments moved them to reconsider the plan.他的论据促使他们重新审议计划。韦氏高阶〔newspeak〕His facts are not facts but newspeak.他的论据不符合事实,而是颠倒黑白的宣传。英汉大词典〔oral〕Stuart Isaacs QC will put the oral arguments against the ban to the European Court of Justice.王室法律顾问斯图亚特•艾萨克斯将向欧洲法院陈述反对这一禁令的论据外研社新世纪〔outline〕Organize your essay by writing an outline in which you state your main idea followed by your supporting points.写一个提纲来理顺文章的结构,在提纲中列出要点及其主要的论据韦氏高阶〔parsimony〕Adoption of the simplest assumption in the formulation of a theory or in the interpretation of data, especially in accordance with the rule of Ockham's razor.俭省,惜墨如金:阐述一个理论或解释一个论据时采用最简单的设定方式,尤指符合奥卡姆剃刀的规律的方式美国传统〔passion〕She argued her case with considerable passion.她相当激动地为自己的主张提出论据牛津高阶〔persuasive〕Your arguments are very persuasive.你的论据非常有说服力。剑桥高阶〔powerful〕I find his argument powerful.我发现他的论据充分有力。英汉大词典〔powerful〕Recent events are a powerful argument for gun control.最近的事件是实行枪械管制的有力论据麦克米伦高阶〔pregnant〕Convincing; cogent. Used of an argument or a proof.令人信服的:令人信服的;有力的。用于论据或证据美国传统〔prepare〕I haven't had time to prepare my arguments properly.我未能有时间为我的论据做充分的准备。牛津搭配〔produce〕Scientists have produced powerful arguments against his ideas.科学家们已经提出有力论据反驳他的观点。外研社新世纪〔put〕I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence.我想我们能够为辩方整理出十分有力的论据牛津高阶〔rebut〕The prosecutor's arguments were rebutted by the defence lawyers.起诉人的论据为被告的辩护人一一驳回。英汉大词典〔rebut〕To refute, especially by offering opposing evidence or arguments, as in a legal case.驳回:反驳,尤指诸如在法律案件中用证据或论据来反驳美国传统〔reduce〕Her argument can be reduced to a few essential points.她的论据可以归纳成几个要点。韦氏高阶〔reflect〕He reflected long over her argument.他久久思索她的论据英汉大词典〔refute〕The argument cannot be refuted at the moment.眼下还不能驳倒这论据英汉大词典〔rehearse〕These arguments have been rehearsed on many occasions.这些论据在许多场合重复过多遍了。英汉大词典〔rhetorically〕These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.这些论据或许是用来作为一种修辞手段来论证联合国将发挥长久的作用。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕The argument had a plausible ring.这论据听上去似乎有理。英汉大词典〔special〕There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions.支持复活节和圣诞节放假是有充分论据的,因为这些节日都是特殊的时刻。柯林斯高阶〔spurious〕Some of the arguments in favour of shutting the factory are questionable and others downright spurious.赞成关闭工厂的那些论据,有些值得质疑,另一些则明显站不住脚。剑桥高阶〔structure〕She had structured her arguments very carefully.她的论据组织得很周密。牛津搭配〔talking point〕I have a list of talking points here that support my case.我这里有一组论据可以支持我的案例。韦氏高阶〔talking point〕Something, such as an especially persuasive point, that helps to support an argument or a discussion.有利论据:帮助支持一个论点或讨论的事物,如一个特别有说服力的论据美国传统〔thin〕Evidence that capital punishment deters crime is pretty thin.极刑能制止犯罪的论据不能令人信服。朗文当代〔trot〕He keeps on trotting out the same old arguments.他总是动不动就提出那些同样的老一套论据英汉大词典〔unpick〕Some readers may be sufficiently intrigued to unpick the arguments and see why he is right.一些读者可能有足够的兴趣对那些论据条分缕析, 想弄清楚他为什么是对的。外研社新世纪〔vindication〕The defense, such as evidence or argument, that serves to justify a claim or deed.证明,辩白:用于证明声言或行为的辩护,如证据或论据美国传统〔waver〕The strength of his argument convinced the waverers.他以有力的论据说服了那些摇摆不定的人。牛津高阶〔weakly〕The claim exposed a weak point in the structure of facts upon which his argument rested.这一主张暴露了支撑他论点的论据结构的一个弱点。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕The new evidence added considerable weight to the prosecution's case.新的证据有力地支持了控方的论据牛津搭配〔win over〕They eventually won him over with some persuasive arguments.他们最终用令人信服的论据说服了他。韦氏高阶He goes into meetings armed with talking points.他带着论据出席会议。牛津商务His arguments are watertight. 他的论据非常严密。译典通History confirms this general datum. 历史验证了这个论据译典通I think that argument/theory is defective.我认为那个论据/理论有缺陷。剑桥国际The book is a closely argued defence of (= something that supports) Keynesian economic theory.这本书以严密的论据维护凯恩斯经济理论。剑桥国际The ethical argument was that righting wrongs should be a priority in itself.伦理论据是,改正错误首先应从自身做起。剑桥国际This is an important point in my argument, and I shall (= intend to) come back to it.这是我的论据中重要的一点,我待会儿还要加以论述。剑桥国际You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.你必须承认她论据的真实性。剑桥国际You trot out that argument whenever I try to discuss this matter with you.每当我试图和你讨论这件事时,你动辄便提出那个论据剑桥国际

