
单词 理所应当
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Quite rightly〕Quite rightly, the police commissioner is being blamed for the city's rising crime rate.警察局长因城市犯罪率升高而受到指责,这是理所应当的。韦氏高阶〔attendant〕Mr Branson's victory, and all the attendant publicity, were well deserved.布兰森先生的胜利,以及随之而来的关注度,都是理所应当的。柯林斯高阶〔deservedly〕He deservedly won the Player of the Year award.他理所应当地获得了年度最佳球员奖。柯林斯高阶〔deserved〕Their victory was richly/thoroughly deserved.他们获胜完全理所应当剑桥高阶〔deserve〕They deserve their success.他们的成功理所应当外研社新世纪〔have〕He found it quite natural to have people fussing over him.他觉得别人对他关怀备至理所应当朗文当代〔logical〕It is logical to take precautions.采取预防措施是理所应当的。外研社新世纪〔matter of course〕Shouldn't I be told all this as a matter of course?难道这些事告诉我不是理所应当的吗?外研社新世纪〔rightly〕Education, quite rightly, is currently at the forefront of the political agenda.现在教育理所应当地排在政治议题的首位。外研社新世纪〔right〕You're right to be annoyed - you've been treated very badly.你生气是理所应当的——你受到的对待及不公平。剑桥高阶I know you wanted to help, and I'm duly grateful.我知道你想帮忙,我理所应当是很感激的。剑桥国际Some people regard huge pay rises as an entitlement.一些人认为大幅加薪是理所应当的。牛津商务

