
单词 最靠近
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gris-Nez〕A promontory of northern France extending into the Strait of Dover near Calais. It is the nearest point to the island of Great Britain.格里内兹角:法国北部的海峡,靠近加来伸入多佛海峡。为最靠近大不列颠岛的地点美国传统〔adaxial〕Located on the side nearest to the axis of an organ or organism.近轴的:位于最靠近器官或有机体轴部的美国传统〔aftermost〕Nautical Nearest the stern; farthest aft.【航海】 最靠近船尾的;最向船尾的美国传统〔aftermost〕Nearest the end or rear; hindmost or last.最后面的,最后的:最靠近后面或后部的;最后面的或最后的美国传统〔aftmost〕Farthest aft; aftermost.最向船尾的;最靠近船尾的美国传统〔bow〕The oar or the person wielding the oar closest to the bow.前浆手:前浆或最靠近船头的划桨人美国传统〔duck〕They ducked into the nearest house.他们闪进了最靠近的房子里。21世纪英汉〔foreground〕The part of a scene or picture that is nearest to and in front of the viewer.前景:舞台或图画上位于观赏者前方且最靠近观赏者的部分美国传统〔forwardmost〕Closest to the front; first.最靠近前端的;第一的美国传统〔groundsill〕The horizontal timber nearest the ground in the frame of a building.卧木,槛木,地槛,作基础的横木:房屋结构中最靠近地面的水平木料美国传统〔gunshot〕The nearest soldier was almost within gunshot.最靠近的那个士兵几乎在射程之内。外研社新世纪〔hithermost〕Nearest to this place or side.最靠近的:离这儿或这一侧最近的美国传统〔kingside〕The side of the chessboard that is nearest to the king's opening position.王翼:下棋开始时最靠近国王的位置的棋盘的一边美国传统〔line〕The battle area closest to the enemy; the front.前线,前沿阵地:最靠近敌人的战斗区;前线美国传统〔perigee〕The point nearest the earth's center in the orbit of the moon or a satellite.近地点:在月球或其它卫星绕地运行的椭圆轨道上最靠近地球的一点美国传统〔queenside〕The side of the chessboard that is nearest to the queen's opening position.后翼:棋盘上最靠近王后的开局位置的一侧美国传统〔rump〕The part of a bird's back nearest the tail.(鸟的)毛部:鸟背部最靠近尾巴的部分美国传统〔situate〕We situated ourselves in the seats nearest the exit.我们走到最靠近出口的位置坐下。韦氏高阶〔spanker〕A usually gaff-headed sail set from the aftermost lower mast of a sailing ship.后纵帆:帆船上最靠近底部船桅的斜木头的帆美国传统〔terrestrial planet〕Any of the four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars, that are nearest the sun and have similar size and density.类地行星:最靠近太阳并具有相似的体积、密度的四颗行星之一,水星、金星、地球或火星美国传统〔tertiary〕Of, relating to, or designating the short flight feathers nearest the body on the rear edge of a bird's wing.第三羽的:属于、关于或称呼鸟的翅膀后沿最靠近身体的短飞羽的美国传统〔transom〕The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost.船尾构架:铁船 中最靠近船尾的横向组成部分,包括在船尾柱附近的甲板、肋骨和横梁上美国传统

