
单词 尔特
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BCE〕Celtic remains were found dating from as early as 1200 BCE.发现的凯尔特人遗址历史可追溯到公元前1200年。剑桥高阶〔Brittonic〕The branch of the Celtic languages that includes Welsh, Breton, and Cornish.布立吞语:包括威尔士、布列塔尼、康沃尔语在内的凯尔特语的分支美国传统〔Brython〕An ancient Celtic Briton of Cornwall, Wales, or Cumbria.布立吞人:包括康沃尔、威尔士、坎布里亚在内的古凯尔特美国传统〔CHILD〕Hardly a day goes by without Mrs Molt or one of her offspring calling around to borrow something. 莫尔特夫人或她的孩子几乎没有一天不到处借东西。朗文写作活用〔Carthusian〕Of or relating to the Carthusian order.卡尔特教派的,与卡尔特教派有关的美国传统〔Celtiberian〕One of an ancient Celtic people of northern Spain.凯尔伊比利亚人:西班牙北部古代凯尔特人的一支美国传统〔Celticism〕A Celtic custom.凯尔特习俗美国传统〔Celticist〕A specialist in Celtic culture or Celtic languages.凯尔特专家:凯尔特文化或凯尔特语言的专家美国传统〔Celtic〕Celtic languages 凯尔特语族韦氏高阶〔Chiltern Hills〕A range of chalk hills in south-central England northeast of the upper Thames River.奇尔特恩丘陵:英格兰中南部的一系列白垩丘陵,位于泰晤士河上游东北美国传统〔Chiltern Hundreds〕A merely formal office applied for by members of Parliament when they wish to resign from the House of Commons.奇尔特恩诸邑:一个议会议员若要从众议院辞职须申请此职位的虚职美国传统〔Cortland〕A large, red-skinned cultivated variety of apple.科尔特兰人:一种红皮肤有教养的身材高大的人美国传统〔DO/NOT DO〕You look guilty, Stuart. What have you been up to? 你看上去很内疚,斯图尔特。你一直在暗中搞些什么?朗文写作活用〔Gaulish〕The Celtic language of ancient Gaul.高卢语:古代高卢的克尔特美国传统〔Gaul〕A Celt of ancient Gaul.高卢人:古代高卢的克尔特美国传统〔Goidelic〕A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.盖尔语:凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,苏格兰盖尔语和曼岛语美国传统〔HAPPY〕Kurt is tickled about all the attention he's been getting. 库尔特受到这么多人注意,感到高兴极了。朗文写作活用〔Herculean〕In Celtic legend, Arthur was a Herculean hero who killed the Demon Cat of Losanne.在凯尔特传说中, 亚瑟王是一位杀死了洛桑猫精的赫剌克勒斯式英雄。外研社新世纪〔INSTEAD〕A Walt Disney film is being shown in place of the advertised programme. 现在放映一部沃尔特·迪斯尼的电影来代替事先预告的那个节目。朗文写作活用〔Iona〕An island of western Scotland in the southern Inner Hebrides. An early center of Celtic Christianity, the island is a popular tourist site.爱奥那:苏格兰西部位于内赫布里底群岛的一个岛。凯尔特基督教文明的一个早期中心,现在是一个游人甚多的景点美国传统〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕It was well known that Mr. Walters was interested in our mother. 大家都知道沃尔特斯先生对我们的母亲有兴趣。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕I lived with Stuart for three years before we broke up. 我与斯图尔特同居了三年后分手了。朗文写作活用〔Lug〕The ancient Celtic god of artisanship and warriors. He was said to be the father of Cuchulain.拉格:古凯尔特的工匠和战士之神。据说他是库丘林的父亲美国传统〔PRISON〕Holt is currently serving five years for child abduction. 霍尔特因绑架儿童目前在服五年徒刑。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Slater has enormous potential, and should soon be playing football for England. 索尔特潜力很大,应该很快就能进入英格兰队踢球了。朗文写作活用〔Toltec〕Of or relating to the Toltec or their culture.托尔特克的:托尔特克人的,其文化的,与之有关的美国传统〔USE〕That joke is wearing a bit thin now, Stuart. 那个笑话现在有点听腻了,斯图尔特朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕The family's problems were exacerbated when Walter lost his job. 沃尔特丢了工作,一家人的麻烦更大了。朗文写作活用〔Wiltshire〕A white sheep of a breed originating in England, characterized by a long head with spiraling horns.威尔特羊:原产于英格兰的一种羊,特点是头长、角螺旋形美国传统〔above〕As a major, Stuart was a rank above me, but we remained good friends.作为少校,斯图尔特军衔比我高一级,但我们一直是好朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔admire〕Altman is much admired for his technical skills.奥尔特曼因他的专门技能而极受推崇。麦克米伦高阶〔advisement〕Thank you for your input Mr Walters - I'll take what you've said under advisement.多谢您不吝指教,沃尔特斯先生——我会仔细考虑您的意见的。剑桥高阶〔assert〕Altman asserted, 'We were making a political statement about western civilization and greed.'奥尔特曼坚称“我们发表的是关于西方文明和贪婪的政治宣言”。外研社新世纪〔baldy〕The actor Patrick Stewart is a long-time baldy and proud of it.演员帕特里克•斯图尔特早就是个秃子, 而且以此为傲。外研社新世纪〔bard〕One of an ancient Celtic order of minstrel poets who composed and recited verses celebrating the legendary exploits of chieftains and heroes.吟游诗人:古代凯尔特族的吟游诗人,自编自唱,吟唱酋长和英雄的传奇业绩美国传统〔bard〕The bards saw themselves as one of the founts of wisdom in the Celtic world.在凯尔特人的世界中, 吟游诗人把自己看作智慧的源泉。外研社新世纪〔byline〕The Times ran a wrap-up under the byline of Walter.《泰晤士报》连续刊载一篇署名为沃尔特的新闻摘要报道。英汉大词典〔call-up〕Stewart's recent call-up to the Wales squad 斯图尔特最近被威尔士队征调朗文当代〔circuitous〕Stuart came into film-making via a circuitous route.斯图尔特费尽周折才最终开始电影制作。柯林斯高阶〔come down to〕Walter Crowley says the problem comes down to money.沃尔特·克劳利说,归根结底就是钱的问题。柯林斯高阶〔consecutive〕Last night's win was Celtic's eighth consecutive victory.昨晚是凯尔特人队取得的八连胜。外研社新世纪〔constable〕Constable Stuart Clark.斯图尔特·克拉克警员柯林斯高阶〔continuity〕Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting.我和沃尔特参照着一盘原始电影胶片录像带来检查镜头的剪辑和灯光。柯林斯高阶〔contribute〕Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.恩雅的成功极大地引发了时下人们对凯尔特音乐的兴趣。朗文当代〔crannog〕An ancient Irish dwelling or fort built on an artificial island in a lake or marsh.(古凯尔特人的)湖上住所:建在湖里或沼泽地中的人造岛上的古代爱尔兰住宅或堡垒美国传统〔dead〕Stewart is a dead cert for the men's 100 metres.斯图尔特肯定会赢得男子100米(赛跑)的冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔debilitated〕Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus.昨天拉塞尔因肠胃病毒感染身体不适,由斯图尔特暂时接手。柯林斯高阶〔dinky〕The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.宾馆已经客满了, 客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家不起眼的小汽车旅馆里来。外研社新世纪〔draw〕Maltravers took a long draw on his cigarette.马尔特拉弗斯长吸了一口烟。朗文当代〔enchanted〕Celtic stories of cauldrons and enchanted vessels.有关大锅和施了魔法的船的凯尔特传说柯林斯高阶〔firmly〕He made a firm decision to leave Fort Multry by boat.他打定主意乘船离开穆尔特里堡。柯林斯高阶〔first-class〕The Altea is a newly built first-class hotel.阿尔特阿是家新建的高级宾馆。柯林斯高阶〔foam〕Stewart was foaming at the mouth about an incident the previous afternoon.斯图尔特正为头天下午的事情而大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔furthest〕Maltby's book has probably gone furthest in explaining these events.莫尔特比的书可能是解释这些事件最详细的。朗文当代〔grange〕Chiltern Grange 奇尔特恩庄园剑桥高阶〔hit〕They hit it off straight away, Daddy and Walter.爸爸和沃尔特很快就一见如故。柯林斯高阶〔home〕It was a home win for Celtic.对于凯尔特人队来说, 这是一次主场胜利。外研社新世纪〔inclusion〕Stuart Law joined Muller as an inclusion to the Bulls side.斯图尔特•劳连同马勒一起加入了公牛队。外研社新世纪〔ineffably〕Walters is ineffably entertaining.沃尔特斯真是说不出地风趣。外研社新世纪〔inform〕Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest.沃尔特斯并未按规定被告知被捕的原因。剑桥高阶〔legend〕There have always been stories of human giants in Celtic legend and mythology.凯尔特神话传说中一直都有巨人的故事。牛津搭配〔lock in〕Manda cried out that Mr Hoelt had no right to lock her in.曼达大喊着说赫尔特先生无权关禁她。柯林斯高阶〔lose the plot〕I can't believe Stuart did that - he must be losing the plot.我无法相信这是斯图尔特干的——他肯定是犯傻了。剑桥高阶〔muster〕Senator Newbolt has been trying to muster support for his proposals.纽博尔特参议员一直在努力争取人们支持他的提议。朗文当代〔name〕In the business world he goes by the name of J. Walter Fortune.在商界他使用 J‧沃尔特‧福琼这个假名。剑桥高阶〔on〕The attacks on Walters in the newspaper have been entirely unfair.报纸上对沃尔特斯的攻击完全是不公正的。麦克米伦高阶〔outpace〕Bolt managed to outpace every other runner.博尔特设法超过了其他所有的赛跑选手。剑桥高阶〔pacify〕General Ortega has worked with them to help pacify the country after ten years of war.奥尔特加将军已经与他们合作, 以促成这个遭受10 年战乱之苦的国家实现和平。外研社新世纪〔pardon〕Walter begged her pardon for all the pain he had caused her.沃尔特请求她原谅自己给她造成那么多痛苦。朗文当代〔question〕Stuart got serious quickly and popped the question six months later.斯图尔特很快认真起来,6个月之后便求婚了。柯林斯高阶〔rattled〕Walter got rattled when they didn’t call.他们没有打电话来,这让沃尔特担忧。剑桥高阶〔reflex〕Walter fumbled in his pocket, a reflex from his smoking days.沃尔特在口袋中摸索, 这是他吸烟那段时间形成的习惯动作。外研社新世纪〔ridge〕The cottage is set on a ridge in the Chiltern Hills.这间小屋坐落在奇尔特恩山的山脊上。麦克米伦高阶〔scratchy〕Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately.听到沙哑的录音,我立刻知道那是沃尔特·惠特曼。柯林斯高阶〔see〕Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter.凯瑟琳确保这条消息直接传达给了沃尔特柯林斯高阶〔see〕I'll see to it that Walter gets your message.我会确保沃尔特收到你的口信的。外研社新世纪〔sergeant〕Sergeant Salter 索尔特中士牛津高阶〔set down〕Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.老沃尔特正在写他乡村生活的回忆录。柯林斯高阶〔sir〕Sir Walter (Scott) 沃尔特(‧司各特)爵士剑桥高阶〔snap〕He snapped at Walter for no reason.他无缘无故地斥责沃尔特朗文当代〔sooner〕Detective Holt said: 'The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better'.霍尔特侦探说:“绑架者是一名男子,我们必须抓住他,越快越好。”柯林斯高阶〔stand〕Stewart can stand any amount of personal criticism.无论针对他个人的批评有多少, 斯图尔特都能经受得住。外研社新世纪〔stock-in-trade〕Stewart's stock-in-trade was the face-to-face interview.斯图尔特的习惯做法是面对面的采访。朗文当代〔storyteller〕He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers.他是首位将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。柯林斯高阶〔strip away〕Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other.奥尔特曼揭去了电影产业的伪装和神秘光环, 暴露了它与其他产业并无二致的商业本质。外研社新世纪〔their〕Janis and Kurt have announced their engagement.贾尼斯和库尔特已宣布订婚。柯林斯高阶〔thrash〕Second-placed Celtic thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil.排名第二的凯尔特人队以五比零大胜圣约翰斯通队。外研社新世纪〔tie〕The intruders tied Kurt up and left him.闯入者把库尔特捆绑起来,然后丢下他走了。朗文当代〔turn〕It was Walter who turned me on to vegetarian food.是沃尔特让我喜欢上素食的。朗文当代〔unsuited〕Liberman realized Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.利伯曼意识到库尔特不适合坐办公室,但还是跟他签了聘用合同。剑桥高阶〔upside down〕Salter held the bag by the corners and shook it upside down.索尔特抓住包的外角, 把它倒过来晃了晃。外研社新世纪〔victim〕He described himself and Altman as victims rather than participants in the scandal.他把他自己和奥尔特曼描绘成这一丑闻的受害者而不是参与者。柯林斯高阶〔whacky〕The place is stuffed with whacky memorabilia like a sculpture of the Seven Dwarfs that Walt Disney gave to Debbie Reynolds.这个地方堆满了古怪的纪念品,比如沃尔特‧迪斯尼送给黛比‧雷诺兹的7个小矮人雕像。剑桥高阶〔win〕Celtic must win by three goals to reach the semifinals.凯尔特人队必须赢3球才能进入半决赛。麦克米伦高阶A car from the army base at Aldershot has been stolen together with military documents described as very sensitive.阿尔特肖特的军事基地的一辆汽车连同车上被形容为高度机密的军事文件被偷走了。剑桥国际Basques became very popular after Madonna wore one which had been designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier.自从玛当娜穿了吉恩--保罗·高尔特设计的紧身上衣后,它就流行起来。剑桥国际Ortega has probably the most powerful forehand of anyone in this tournament.在这次锦标赛当中,奥尔特加的正手球比任何人都有力。剑桥国际Walt Disney is the most famous animator of feature-length films.沃尔特·迪斯尼是最著名的动画故事片绘制艺术家。剑桥国际Walter expostulated with the waiter about the size of the bill.沃尔特向侍者抱怨帐单的数目太大。剑桥国际Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest.没有让沃尔特斯足够了解逮捕她的原因。剑桥国际

