
单词 玩得非常开心
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amazing〕We had an amazing time in Thailand.我们在泰国玩得非常开心麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕I had a blast at your party.我在你的聚会上玩得非常开心韦氏高阶〔brilliant〕We had a brilliant time at the circus.我们在马戏团玩得非常开心韦氏高阶〔enjoy〕He is thoroughly enjoying himself.他玩得非常开心外研社新世纪〔fun〕We had great fun playing in the snow.我们在雪地里玩得非常开心外研社新世纪〔hugely〕She seemed to be enjoying herself hugely.她似乎玩得非常开心柯林斯高阶〔incredible〕Thanks for taking me, I had an incredible time.谢谢你带我去,我玩得非常开心柯林斯高阶〔load〕We had loads of fun.我们玩得非常开心韦氏高阶〔lotta〕We're gonna have a lotta fun.我们将玩得非常开心牛津高阶〔myself〕I really enjoyed myself.我玩得非常开心外研社新世纪〔neat〕It was a really neat party; I enjoyed myself.这次聚会真爽,我玩得非常开心英汉大词典〔say〕I want to say how much we have all enjoyed this evening.我想说今晚我们都玩得非常开心牛津搭配〔stonking〕We had a stonking good time at the party last night.我们昨晚在聚会上玩得非常开心剑桥高阶〔such〕We had such fun!我们玩得非常开心外研社新世纪〔terrific〕I had a terrific time.我玩得非常开心韦氏高阶〔time〕Julie went to a wedding at the weekend and had the time of her life (=enjoyed herself very much) .朱莉周末去参加了一个婚礼,玩得非常开心朗文当代〔time〕We had a great time at the party.我们在聚会上玩得非常开心牛津搭配The party was really neat -- we had good fun. 这次聚会真是美妙极了,我们玩得非常开心译典通We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得非常开心剑桥国际

