
单词 清新
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕All that lovely fresh air -- that's the best thing about living in the country. 如此清新的空气—那就是住在乡下最好的东西。朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕It felt good to get away from the city and breathe in some pure mountain air. 远离城市,呼吸山区清新的空气令人感到愉快。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕I like to hang the sheets out to dry. It gives them a fresh smell. 我喜欢把床单挂出去晒干,这样床单会有一种清新气味。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕It is a testament to the greatness of Rodgers & Hart that their music still sounds as fresh and vital as the day it was written. “罗杰斯和哈特”组合的音乐现在听来依然清新、充满活力,一如当初,这充分证明了他们的伟大。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕If you eat garlic, have some parsley afterwards to keep your breath fresh. 吃过大蒜以后再吃点欧芹可以保持口气清新朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕Make a list of all the benefits of stopping smoking, for example better health, fresher breath, and more money. 把戒烟的种种好处列出来,比如说身体会更健康,口气会更清新,又可以省下钱来。朗文写作活用〔a breath of fresh air〕Angela's so cheerful and lively - she's like a breath of fresh air when she visits.安杰拉如此快乐,充满活力——她一来就像带来了一阵清新的空气。剑桥高阶〔air freshener〕We need some more air freshener for the bathroom.我们需要在卫生间里多放些空气清新剂。剑桥高阶〔air〕I like to dine outdoors in the open air.我喜欢在户外清新的空气中用餐。韦氏高阶〔air〕These laws are meant to produce cleaner air.这些法律旨在使空气更加清新韦氏高阶〔as〕Cologne can also be used as a room fragrance.科隆香水也可用作室内空气清新剂。外研社新世纪〔break〕Dawn broke on a fine, crisp morning.天破晓了,唤来一个晴朗清新的早晨。英汉大词典〔breath freshener〕People often suck a peppermint as a breath freshener.人们常常含薄荷糖来清新口气。剑桥高阶〔breathe〕He wants to live where he can breathe clean/fresh air.他想住在一个能呼吸到干净/清新空气的地方。韦氏高阶〔briskly〕The breeze was cool, brisk and invigorating.微风凉爽、清新,令人精神振奋。柯林斯高阶〔brisk〕The breeze was cool, brisk, and invigorating.微风清新凉爽, 令人精神焕发。外研社新世纪〔canon〕The very first canon of nursing is to keep the air inside as fresh as the air outside.护理工作的首要原则是要保持室内空气像室外一样清新柯林斯高阶〔clean〕Add a little lemon juice to give the pasta a cool, clean taste.加一点柠檬汁给意大利面食以清凉又清新的口味。朗文当代〔clean〕The room smelled clean and fresh.房间闻起来洁净清新牛津搭配〔clear the air〕The rain has helped clear the air.这场雨使空气变得清新了。剑桥高阶〔clear〕The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.雨水使空气变得洁净,青草发出清新芬芳的气味。21世纪英汉〔crisp〕The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue.空气清新,天空碧蓝。牛津高阶〔crisp〕The air was fresh and crisp.空气清新又凉爽。朗文当代〔deliciously〕It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.它会让头发闻起来清新、芳香,令人愉悦。柯林斯高阶〔draught〕She was breathing in great draughts of invigorating air.她大口大口吸入清新宜人的空气。英汉大词典〔drift〕Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors.从室内的立体声音响里飘来清新的夏日舞曲。外研社新世纪〔drink deep〕They drank deep of the fresh spring water.他们畅饮清新的泉水。21世纪英汉〔dynamism〕She has a freshness and dynamism about her.她浑身洋溢着清新活泼的气息。剑桥高阶〔earthiness〕The rooms had the clean earthy smell of wet clay.这些房间有湿黏土散发出来的清新泥土气息。柯林斯高阶〔elevate〕The fresh morning air elevated him.早晨清新的空气使他神清气爽。英汉大词典〔fatal〕Clear morning air is fatal for my health.早晨的清新空气对我的健康不可或缺。英汉大词典〔free〕The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes.过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。柯林斯高阶〔freshen〕A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.彻底刷牙有助于口气清新柯林斯高阶〔freshen〕The air freshened after the rain.雨后空气变得清新21世纪英汉〔freshen〕The rain had freshened the air.下雨使空气变得清新了。牛津高阶〔freshen〕Using a mouthwash freshens the breath.使用漱口液可以使口气清新牛津高阶〔freshness〕Several critics praised the freshness of her style.一些评论家称赞她的风格清新韦氏高阶〔fresh〕I like drinks with a fresh lemony flavour.我喜欢喝带清新柠檬味道的饮料。麦克米伦高阶〔fresh〕The air smelled clean and fresh after the smoky little hut.从冒烟的小屋出来后,空气闻起来干净而清新麦克米伦高阶〔fresh〕The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived.空气清新, 有那么一会儿她感觉恢复了活力。外研社新世纪〔fresh〕The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived.空气清新,有那么一会儿她感到恢复了活力。柯林斯高阶〔glorious〕It was a glorious winter day - crisp and clear.那是一个令人心旷神怡的冬日——空气清新,阳光明媚。剑桥高阶〔hint〕White paint, or white with a hint of colour, will give a fresh feel.白色的涂料, 或者带有一点淡淡色彩的白色, 会给人一种清新的感觉。外研社新世纪〔lift〕A brisk walk in the fresh air can lift your mood and dissolve a winter depression.在清新的空气中轻快地散散步,会让你心情愉快,一扫冬日的抑郁。柯林斯高阶〔lift〕A brisk walk in the fresh air can lift your mood.在清新空气中轻松散步能够令人精神振奋。外研社新世纪〔light〕Her house is light and airy, crisp and clean.她的房间明亮通风而又清新整洁。外研社新世纪〔limpid〕He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.他认为这一演讲堪称典范,简洁流畅,清新自然。柯林斯高阶〔limpid〕He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.他认为这一演讲简洁流畅, 清新自然, 堪称典范。外研社新世纪〔lungful〕Polly took in a lungful of crisp cool air.波莉吸了一大口清新凉爽的空气。朗文当代〔lung〕He filled his lungs with the clean. fresh air.他吸进肺里的是干净清新的空气。韦氏高阶〔mask〕Air-fresheners mask bad smells instead of removing them.空气清新器只是掩盖住臭味,而不是除掉臭味。朗文当代〔mountain〕Many people come simply to enjoy the fresh mountain air.许多人来这里只为享受山间的清新空气。牛津搭配〔muck〕He could smell muck and clean fresh hay.他能闻到粪臭和清新的干草味。柯林斯高阶〔naivety〕I think her naivety is charming - she's so unspoilt and fresh.我认为她的天真很可爱——她是这么纯洁无瑕,清新动人。剑桥高阶〔northeaster〕The northeaster blew in fresh and cool.东北风吹来,清新而凉爽。英汉大词典〔oxygenate〕I oxygenated my lungs with a breath of evening.我深吸一口夜晚的清新空气。英汉大词典〔pep〕A walk in the fresh air will pep you up.在清新空气中散散步会使你精神振奋。牛津高阶〔perfume〕The air was cool and sweet, perfumed with the scent of roses.空气凉爽清新, 弥漫着玫瑰花的香气。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕Her voice was well pitched and brisk.她的音调很准而且清新活泼。外研社新世纪〔prose〕She writes in very clear prose.她写的散文非常清新韦氏高阶〔pure〕The air is fresh and pure.空气清新洁净。英汉大词典〔pure〕The air was sweet and pure.空气清新而纯净。牛津高阶〔rain〕Overnight rain had freshened up the grass.夜雨使草地变得清新牛津搭配〔refreshed〕The lotion cools and refreshes the skin.这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。柯林斯高阶〔restorative〕There is no restorative like bracing sea air.没有什么比清新的海风更能令人神清气爽了。麦克米伦高阶〔revamping〕The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.这项改进包括用清新的蓝白棉套装取代旧的海军制服。柯林斯高阶〔season〕This season's look is fresh and natural.今季的流行风格是清新、自然。朗文当代〔settle〕A shower settled the dust.阵雨过后,空气清新21世纪英汉〔slake〕To cool or refresh by wetting or moistening.使清新:通过湿润或潮湿使凉下来或使清新美国传统〔smell〕The substance smells like fresh soil.这种物质闻起来像清新土壤的气息。外研社新世纪〔snap〕The snap in the air seems to clarify objects seen at a distance.清新的空气似乎使远处的景物显得清晰了。英汉大词典〔socket〕The air freshener plugs into a car's lighter socket.空气清新器插头插在汽车点烟器插孔里。剑桥高阶〔stir〕A fresh breeze stirred the curtains.清新的微风拂动着窗帘。外研社新世纪〔suck in〕It's good for you to suck in fresh shore air.吸进清新的海滨空气对你有好处。21世纪英汉〔sweet〕I gulped a breath of sweet air.我吸了一大口清新的空气。外研社新世纪〔sweet〕I gulped a breath of sweet air.我吸了一大口清新的空气。柯林斯高阶〔sweet〕The air smelled sweet and clean.空气清新宜人。牛津搭配〔sweet〕The spring air was sweet.春天的空气很清新韦氏高阶〔talent〕He has a lot of talent , and his work is fresh and interesting.他很有天赋,他的作品清新有趣。朗文当代〔toilet water〕A scented liquid with a high alcohol content used in bathing or applied as a skin freshener.花露水:一种含有大量酒精成份的芳香的液体,洗澡时使用或用作皮肤清新美国传统〔unobtrusive〕Make-up this season is unobtrusive and natural-looking.本季的妆容风格是不突兀、不张扬,清新自然。剑桥高阶〔ventilate〕A sea breeze ventilated the rooms.一阵海风使房间的空气更清新美国传统〔vernal〕Fresh and young; youthful.清新的和年轻的;青春的美国传统〔vital〕Rodgers and Hart's music sounds as fresh and vital as the day it was written.罗杰斯与哈特的音乐一如刚写成时那般清新而充满活力。朗文当代〔wash〕Her novel comes as a great wash of fresh air.她的小说的问世带来一股清新之气。 英汉大词典〔zephyr〕The fresh, clear air, moved agreeably by a zephyr breeze, held a scent of jasmine.和风吹动的清新空气带有茉莉花香。英汉大词典A brisk (= cold but pleasant) wind blew over the moors.清新的风吹过旷野。剑桥国际Father opened the windows to let in the briskness of the morning air. 父亲打开窗户让早晨的清新空气进来。译典通Freshness and smoothness are very important in a cigar.清新醇和对雪茄而言十分重要。剑桥国际He opened the window to let in some fresh air. 他打开窗户放进一些清新的空气。译典通It was a glorious winter day--crisp and clear.那真是个宜人的冬日----清新而又晴朗。剑桥国际It was a sunny Sunday, with cloudless blue skies (= weather conditions) and a pleasantly refreshing breeze.这是个晴朗的星期日,蓝天无云,吹着令人愉快的清新微风。剑桥国际People often suck a peppermint as a breath freshener.人们常常吮吸薄荷来清新口气。剑桥国际She breathed deeply to fill her lungs with the fresh sea air.她深呼吸,以便让海边的清新空气透入心肺。剑桥国际She opened a window to freshen (up) the room (=make the air in it cleaner and cooler).她打开窗,让屋内空气变得清新剑桥国际She put some air freshener in her bathroom.她在浴室里放了些空气清新剂。剑桥国际The air by the sea is pure and healthy. 海边的空气清新又有益健康。译典通The rain has helped clear the air (=make the air cooler, fresher and more comfortable).雨令空气变得清新剑桥国际This detergent is intended to evoke “the fresh smell of summer meadows.” 这种洗衣粉是要使人想起“夏日草坪的清新气息”。剑桥国际With its lemon flavour and refreshing acidity, this is the perfect summer wine.它带有柠檬口味和清新的酸味, 是理想的夏季葡萄酒。剑桥国际

