
under seal under sentence of under sentence of death under separate cover under siege
under starter's orders under strength under study under supervision under surveillance
under suspicion under that under the aegis of under the arm under the auspices of
under the banner of under the baton of under the care of under the charge of under the circumstance
under the circumstances under the cloak of under the command of under the control of under the cosh
under the counter under the cover of under the direction of under the doctor under the flag of
under the guise of under the gun under the hammer under the heel of under the influence
under the influence of under the influence of alcohol under the influence of liquor under the jurisdiction of under the knife
under the lash under the leadership of under the lee under the lee of under the mask of
under the microscope under the name under the name of under the necessity of under the nose
under the open sky under the patronage of under the plough under the plow under the pressure of
under the pretence of under the pretext of under the protection of under the radar under the rose
under the rule of under the same roof under the seal of under the seal of secrecy under the shadow of
under the shelter of under the skin under the stars under the strain under the stress of
under the sun under the supervision of under the sway of under the table under the thumb of
under the title of under the tongue under the umbrella under the umbrella of under the veil of
under the wardship of under the watchful eye of under the water under the weather under the weight of
under the wind under the wing of under the wire under threat under treatment
under warranty under water under way under wraps under your nose
under your own steam under-age under-blanket under-developed under-educated
under-fifteen under-fives under-funded under-invested under-investing
under-investment under-occupied under-paid under-performing under-recorded
under-report under-representation under-represented under-resourced under-secretary
under-sixteens under-the-table under-worked underachieve underachieved
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