
单词 反刍
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SICK/VOMIT〕The chicks will feed on the partially-digested food regurgitated by the parent. 这些雏鸟吃的是雌鸟反刍吐出的半消化食物。朗文写作活用〔abomasum〕The fourth division of the stomach in ruminant animals, such as cows, sheep, and deer, in which digestion takes place.皱胃:一些反刍动物,如牛、羊和鹿的胃的第四部分,在那里进行消化美国传统〔antelope〕Any of various swift-running ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, native to Africa and Asia and having long horns and a slender build.羚羊:一种奔跑速度极快的反刍类羚羊科哺乳动物,产于非洲和亚洲,体形纤细有长角美国传统〔bovid〕Of or belonging to the family Bovidae, which includes hoofed, hollow-horned ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, and buffaloes.牛科动物:牛科的或属于牛科的,包括有蹄的、两边有角的反刍动物,如牛、绵羊、山羊和水牛美国传统〔compartment〕The stomach of ruminants is divided into distinct compartments.反刍动物的胃分成几个不同的部分。英汉大词典〔crop〕A pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings.嗉囊:鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟美国传统〔cud〕Cows, sheep and camels chew the cud.牛、羊和骆驼都是反刍动物。英汉大词典〔cud〕Food regurgitated from the first stomach to the mouth of a ruminant and chewed again.反刍的食物:由反刍动物的第一胃逆入口腔并再次进行咀嚼的食物美国传统〔goat antelope〕Any of various wild ruminant mammals, such as the mountain goat or the chamois, having characteristics of both goats and antelopes.羊羚:一种野生反刍哺乳动物如山地羊或小羚羊,具有山羊和羚羊的特点美国传统〔merycism〕Merycism is found mainly in young children and people with mental disabilities.反刍症主要在儿童或有精神疾病的人中发生。剑桥高阶〔muffle〕The fleshy, hairless snout of certain mammals, such as ruminants.鼻唇:哺乳动物肉质的无毛口鼻部,如反刍动物美国传统〔placidly〕The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud.附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。外研社新世纪〔placidly〕The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud.附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。柯林斯高阶〔rennet〕A dried extract made from the stomach lining of a ruminant, used in cheesemaking to curdle milk.凝乳块:由反刍动物的胃膜制成的干的提取物,用来制干酪和凝乳等美国传统〔rennet〕The inner lining of the fourth stomach of calves and other young ruminants.胃膜:牛犊以及其他幼小反刍动物的第四胃的内膜美国传统〔reticulum〕Zoology The second compartment of the stomach of ruminant mammals, lined with a membrane having honeycombed ridges.【动物学】 蜂窝胃:反刍哺乳动物胃的第二隔室,衬有一层有蜂巢状突起的膜美国传统〔ruminant〕Characterized by the chewing of cud.以咀嚼反刍食物为特点的美国传统〔ruminant〕Of or belonging to the Ruminantia.反刍动物的,属于反刍亚目的美国传统〔ruminate〕A cow ruminates its food.牛反刍它的食物。21世纪英汉〔ruminate〕Cows break down their food by rumination.牛通过反刍分解食物。韦氏高阶〔ruminate〕He wanted to have a look at the two oxen, both ruminating without raising their eyes.他想看看那两头牛,它们都在反刍,眼睛都不抬一下。柯林斯高阶〔ruminate〕To reflect on over and over again.反刍,倒嚼:沉思,反复思考美国传统〔rumination〕The act or process of chewing cud.反刍,倒嚼:反刍的行为或过程美国传统〔stomach〕Any of the four compartments into which the stomach of a ruminant is divided.胃部:反刍动物的胃被分成的四部分之一美国传统〔tripe〕The light-colored, rubbery lining of the stomach of cattle or other ruminants, used as food.肚:牛或其他反刍动物的胃的浅色、角弹性的内壁,用作食物美国传统A cow stood in the middle of the road, calmly chewing the cud.一头牛立在路中央,不紧不慢地咀嚼着反刍食物。剑桥国际Cows, sheep, and deer are ruminants/ruminant animals.牛、羊和鹿是反刍动物。剑桥国际Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.猫头鹰反刍部分消化的食物喂幼雏。剑桥国际

