
单词 下冲
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Jenny stepped onto her skis and sped off at breakneck speed down the glistening, white mountain. 珍妮踩上滑雪板飞速往银光闪闪、白茫茫的山下冲去。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕I'll just rinse the lettuce under the tap. 我就把生菜放到水龙头下冲洗。朗文写作活用〔herringbone〕We headed for the hills and learnt how to herringbone up them and swoosh down them.我们出发前往小山, 并学会了如何用倒八字形爬上去, 再嗖的一下冲下来。外研社新世纪〔poke〕She poked her head out the window and yelled down to us.她从窗口探出头来,朝下冲我们大喊。韦氏高阶〔rinse〕Rinse the vegetables under a cold tap.把蔬菜放在冷水龙头下冲洗。朗文当代〔sluice〕He bent down and sluiced his head under the tap.他弯下腰在水龙头下冲洗脑袋。麦克米伦高阶〔stiffly〕Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.用一把硬刷子在冷自来水下冲洗贻贝。柯林斯高阶〔throw up〕He threw up the window and yelled down to her.他猛地向上推开窗,向下冲她大喊。韦氏高阶〔wash〕The sailors were washing down the decks.水手们在上上下下冲洗甲板。英汉大词典〔wrestle〕He wrestled with the controls as the plane plunged.飞机向下冲时,他竭力控制住操纵装置。牛津高阶She shouted down to us from the bedroom window.她从卧室窗户那儿向下冲我们喊叫。剑桥国际

