
单词 一村
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aurignac〕A village of southern France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is the site of caves containing prehistoric relics.奥瑞纳:法国南部一村庄,位于比利牛斯山脉脚下。是藏有史前文化的洞穴的遗址美国传统〔Belsen〕A village of northern Germany north of Hanover. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.贝尔森,贝尔根-贝尔森:德国北部一村庄,位于汉诺威市以北。二次大战期间为纳粹集中营所在地美国传统〔Buchenwald〕A village of central Germany near Weimar. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.布痕瓦尔德:德国中部,靠近魏玛的一村庄,第二次世界大战期间纳粹集中营所在地美国传统〔Chambord〕A village of north-central France northeast of Tours. It is noted for its magnificent Renaissance château built by Francis I.钱伯德村:法国中北部一村庄,位于托尔斯东北。以文艺复兴时期弗朗西斯一世在此兴建的壮观华美的庄园而闻名美国传统〔land〕The inhabitants of a village held land in common.同一村庄的居民共同拥有土地。牛津搭配

