
单词 regarding
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT〕If you have any questions regarding any of our services, please feel free to call me. 如果你对我们的服务有什么问题,请随时打电话给我。朗文写作活用〔ABOUT〕Thank you for your letter regarding the annual subscription to our magazine. 您的关于年度订阅我社杂志的信已收到,谢谢。朗文写作活用〔ASK〕I have been approached regarding the possibility of selling the building to a startup company. 有人已经找我谈过,问我是否有可能把这栋楼房卖给一家新创办的公司。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕The Pentagon laid down strict conditions regarding the export of these weapons. 五角大楼就这些武器的出口作出了严格的规定。朗文写作活用〔EQ〕Intelligence regarding the emotions, especially in the ability to monitor one's own or others' emotions and to interact effectively with others.情商:情绪的智慧商数,尤指能够监控自己或他人的情绪而与他人有效互动的能力美国传统〔HARM〕We need better regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous waste along public roads. 在公共道路上运输有害垃圾,需要有更完善的条例监管。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Various hypotheses are possible regarding the nature and structure of the world. 有关世界的本质和结构,有许多种假设是可能的。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Data regarding employees’ salaries are stored on the computer at the main office. 雇员薪酬的资料储存在总公司的电脑上。朗文写作活用〔Manichaeism〕A dualistic philosophy dividing the world between good and evil principles or regarding matter as intrinsically evil and mind as intrinsically good.善恶对立说:一种二元论哲学,把世界分为善与恶两方面,或认为物质本质是恶的而思想本质上是善的美国传统〔SUDDENLY〕There has been an abrupt shift in the government thinking regarding these issues. 政府在这些问题上的想法来了个180度的大转弯。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕Police are increasingly regarding cannabis use as being of minor importance compared with other forms of crime. 警方越来越觉得,相对于其他形式的犯罪而言,吸食大麻不算严重。朗文写作活用〔absolutist〕I used to be very absolutist regarding the death penalty, but some people really deserve to die.我以前看待死刑的态度非常绝对, 但有些人真的应该去死。外研社新世纪〔agreement〕An arrangement between parties regarding a method of action; a covenant.协定,协议:几方关于行动方法的商定;协定美国传统〔anthropocentric〕Regarding human beings as the central element of the universe.人类中心说的:把人类看成宇宙的核心元素的美国传统〔apathy〕Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.无兴趣,冷漠,漠然:尤指对有普遍重要性或吸引力的事情缺乏兴趣或关心;冷漠美国传统〔archaeoastronomy〕The study of the knowledge, interpretations, and practices of ancient cultures regarding celestial objects or phenomena.考古天文学:对有关天体或天文现象的古文化知识、古文化阐释以及古文化习惯的研究美国传统〔bear〕A pessimist, especially regarding business conditions.悲观者:一个悲观者,尤指对商业情势美国传统〔biosensor〕A device that detects, records, and transmits information regarding a physiological change or process.生物传感器:检测、记录和传送生理变化或过程的信息的装置美国传统〔bull〕An optimist, especially regarding business conditions.乐观进取的人:尤指在商业状况下的乐观进取的人美国传统〔call ... up〕The proposal regarding safety in production was called up in the conference this morning.有关安全生产的提案今天上午已在会上提出讨论。21世纪英汉〔complimentary〕We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our kitchens.我们因厨房干净整洁经常受到赞扬。外研社新世纪〔complimentary〕We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio.我们经常听人称赞我们的露台非常干净。柯林斯高阶〔confusion〕There has been considerable confusion regarding the facts of her death.人们对她死亡一事感到颇为费解。牛津搭配〔corner〕He's in a bit of a corner just now regarding money.他眼下经济有点儿拮据。英汉大词典〔death qualification〕The qualification of a juror on the basis of a favorable attitude regarding the death penalty.死亡限制:就死刑来说,陪审员基于赞同的态度的限制美国传统〔disfavour〕She sat down, regarding the plate in front of her with disfavour.她坐下身来,用不屑的眼光打量着眼前的盘子。剑桥高阶〔disorientation〕Psychology A temporary or permanent state of confusion regarding place, time, or personal identity.【心理学】 迷向,定向障碍:对地点、时间或个人身份的暂时或永久的迷惑状态美国传统〔enunciate〕Teachers frequently discuss dreams and enunciate doctrines regarding them.老师们常常讨论梦境, 并阐述梦的各种学说。外研社新世纪〔ethnoastronomy〕The study of the knowledge, interpretations, and practices of contemporary cultures regarding celestial objects or phenomena.天文学:研究与外层空间物体或是天文现象有关的知识、诠释方式及实行有关的课题美国传统〔expansion〕Her remarks today were an expansion on her earlier comments regarding the budget.她今天的言论是对先前有关预算的评论的进一步阐述。韦氏高阶〔expectation〕She has high expectations regarding the deal.她对这笔生意有很高的期待。牛津搭配〔further〕Further to your letter of 11 March, I should like to inform you of a number of recent developments regarding the Saffron Hill site.关于你方3月11日的来信,我们想通告你方关于藏红花山工地最近的一些进展情况。剑桥高阶〔insistent〕He is most insistent regarding this point.他在这一点上最为坚持。外研社新世纪〔market research〕The gathering and evaluation of data regarding consumers' preferences for products and services.市场调查:对消费者在产品和服务的取向方面所作的资料收集与评估美国传统〔nearness〕The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。柯林斯高阶〔opinion〕There are conflicting opinions regarding genetically modified food.对转基因食品存在相互对立的看法。牛津搭配〔partial derivative〕The derivative with respect to a single variable of a function of two or more variables, regarding other variables as constants.偏微商:多变量函数对其中一个变量的微商,其余变量视作常数美国传统〔partial differentiation〕Differentiation with respect to a single variable in a function of several variables, regarding other variables as constants.偏微分法:多变量函数中对其中一个变量进行微分,其余变量视作常数美国传统〔personalism〕Philosophy Any of various theories of subjective idealism regarding personality as the key to the interpretation of reality.【哲学】 人格主义:一种主观理想主义的理论,把个人人格作为解释现实的关键美国传统〔pet〕He explained the organization's current pet theory regarding violent children.他阐释了该组织目前关于暴力儿童的热门理论。外研社新世纪〔precedent〕Arab states condemned the plan, regarding it as setting a dangerous precedent.阿拉伯国家谴责这个计划,认为它开了一个危险的先例。麦克米伦高阶〔pressure group〕An interest group that endeavors to influence public policy and especially governmental legislation, regarding its particular concerns and priorities.压力集团:为了其自身特殊利益和权利而谋求对公共政策(尤其是政府立法机关)的影响的利益集团美国传统〔proposition〕He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.他上周写信给我,提出一项他认为我会感兴趣的商业建议。剑桥高阶〔publication〕A spokesman said, 'We have no comment regarding the publication of these photographs.'发言人说, “我们对这些照片的刊登不作任何评论。”外研社新世纪〔publication〕A spokesman said: 'We have no comment regarding the publication of these photographs.' 一位发言人说,“对于这些照片的公之于众,我们不予置评。”柯林斯高阶〔publicly〕Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government.工会将此次民意调查当作测试民众对政府信心的一种方式。柯林斯高阶〔query〕If you have any queries regarding this offer, simply call our helpline.如您对这一报价有任何疑问,请拨打我们的服务热线。牛津搭配〔query〕We have a number of queries regarding delivery.我们对交货有一些疑问。麦克米伦高阶〔rape shield law〕A law that prohibits the defense in a rape case from cross-examination regarding the plaintiff's prior sexual conduct.强奸保护法:在强奸案中,禁止被告一方对原告以前的性行为进行交叉调查的法律美国传统〔rave about〕He raved about the unjust punishment made by the manager regarding his fault.他愤愤不平地诉说着经理对他的错误所作的不公正处罚。21世纪英汉〔regarding〕Regarding money, that's no problem.至于钱嘛,那不成问题。21世纪英汉〔regarding〕Regarding your enquiry of May 15.关于你5月15日的询问…。文馨英汉〔regarding〕Regarding your recent inquiry, I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.关于你最近的咨询,我随信附上一份我们新的小册子。朗文当代〔regarding〕Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。牛津高阶〔regarding〕Davis had very little to say regarding the accident.关于这次事故,戴维斯没有什么好说的。麦克米伦高阶〔regarding〕EU regulations regarding the labelling of food 欧盟有关食品标签的规定麦克米伦高阶〔regarding〕He gave no information regarding the man's whereabouts.关于那个人的下落, 他没有提供任何信息。外研社新世纪〔regarding〕He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts.关于那个人的行踪他拒绝透露任何信息。柯林斯高阶〔regarding〕I had nothing to say regarding this matter.对于这件事我无话可说。21世纪英汉〔regarding〕I have a question regarding your earlier comments.关于你早前发表的评论我有个问题。韦氏高阶〔regarding〕I must speak to you regarding this matter.关于这件事,我必须跟你谈谈。英汉大词典〔regarding〕It is a question regarding quality.那是质量方面的问题。21世纪英汉〔regarding〕She has said nothing regarding your request.关于你的要求,她什么也没说。牛津高阶〔regarding〕The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.该公司的用人政策正受到质疑。剑桥高阶〔regarding〕The teacher talked to the students regarding their homework.老师就学生的作业与他们谈话。韦氏高阶〔regard〕He was regarding with dismay the cup on the table.他垂头丧气地盯着桌上的杯子。英汉大词典〔regard〕She left the school without regarding my opinion.她没有考虑我的意见就离开学校了。21世纪英汉〔relieve of〕She signed a contract that relieved him of all responsibility regarding the business.她签了一份合同,使他摆脱了与那项业务有关的全部责任。韦氏高阶〔rescript〕Roman Catholic Church A response from the pope or another ecclesiastical superior to a question regarding discipline or doctrine.【罗马天主教】 教皇回答法律问题的解答令:教皇或其他的教会高级官员对关于教规或教义的问题的回答美国传统〔reservation〕I have certain reservations regarding several of the clauses in the contract.我对合同中的几项条款持保留意见。牛津搭配〔resistance〕She sensed resistance from some of the staff regarding the changes in policy.她察觉到一些员工对政策改革有抵制。韦氏高阶〔single standard〕A set of principles applying the same standard to everyone, especially a moral code regarding the sexual behavior of both men and women.单一标准:一种对所有人施用同一标准的一套原则,尤指异性行为的道德标准美国传统〔sit〕Informal To postpone action or resolution regarding.【非正式用语】 拖延:拖延行动或对某问题的解决美国传统〔speed〕Some school officials are only now getting up to speed regarding computers.有些学校的行政管理人员在计算机方面现在才刚刚跟上形势。朗文当代〔steadily〕Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。柯林斯高阶〔suspense〕Pleasurable excitement and anticipation regarding an outcome, such as the ending of a mystery novel.悬念:对于一种结果愉悦的兴奋和期盼,如对神秘小说结尾美国传统〔tell〕She told us of her doubts regarding the policy.她跟我们说了她对该政策的疑虑。麦克米伦高阶〔testimony〕A public declaration regarding a religious experience.(信仰的)声明:对一种宗教经验的公开表白美国传统〔uncertainty〕This will remove any uncertainties regarding possible contamination.这将会消除人们对于可能发生污染的担忧。牛津搭配〔weigh in〕Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.几位著名的建筑师加入讨论,对新博物馆的设计方案提出了批评意见。剑桥高阶〔wiggle room〕He insists that there is, in fact, some wiggle room regarding the schedule.他坚持认为时间安排其实是留出了缓冲余地的。外研社新世纪〔write〕We are writing to express our concern regarding your report.我们写信表达我们对你报告的关注。麦克米伦高阶Further to your letter of March 11th, I should like to inform you of a number of recent developments regarding the Saffron Hill site.关于你方3月11日的来信,我们想通知你方有关藏红花山基地的最近的一些发展情况。剑桥国际He knew nothing regarding the case. 关于这个案子他一无所知。译典通He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.他上周写信给我,是关于一项他认为我会感兴趣的商业建议。剑桥国际I refer to my previous letter regarding your overdue payment … 关于上封信涉及你延期付款一事…牛津商务The company is being questioned regarding (= about) its employment policy.公司的雇佣政策正受到怀疑。剑桥国际They consulted some legalist regarding the case. 为了这个案子,他们请教了某个法律学家。译典通

