
单词 secretes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adenohypophysis〕The anterior glandular lobe of the pituitary gland that secretes many hormones, including ACTH, prolactin, and somatotropin.腺性垂体前叶:脑下垂体腺的腺性前叶,可分泌包括促肾上腺皮质激素、乳汁刺激素以及促长激素的多种激素美国传统〔carcinoid〕A small tumor, usually found in the gastrointestinal tract, that secretes serotonin.类癌瘤:通常在胃肠道里发现的一种小肿瘤,分泌血清素美国传统〔digestive gland〕A gland, such as the liver or pancreas, that secretes into the alimentary canal substances necessary for digestion.消化腺:一种腺,例如肝或胰腺,能分泌消化的必要物质进入消化道美国传统〔gland〕Botany An organ or a structure that secretes a substance.【植物学】 分泌物质的器官或组织美国传统〔hypodermis〕An epidermal layer of cells that secretes an overlying chitinous cuticle, as in arthropods.分泌几丁质的细胞:皮下细胞层,比层细胞隐匿一层全面覆盖的分泌几丁质的角质层,与类人猿中的情形一样美国传统〔mantle〕A fold or pair of folds of the body wall that lines the shell and secretes the substance that forms the shell in mollusks and brachiopods.套膜:软体动物或腕足动物体壁上的膜或套膜,它连接壳体并分泌形成壳的物质美国传统〔nectary〕A glandlike organ, located outside or within a flower, that secretes nectar.蜜腺:像腺体的器官,位于花的外部或内部能分泌甘美的液体美国传统〔oil gland〕A gland, such as a sebaceous gland, that secretes an oily substance.油腺:能分泌油性物质的腺体如皮脂腺美国传统〔osmeterium〕An eversible glandular sac on the first thoracic segment of many caterpillars that secretes an unpleasant-smelling substance to ward off predators.丫腺:许多鳞翅目幼虫胸部第一节的可翻转腺囊,能散发难闻气味驱走捕食者美国传统〔proventriculus〕The division of the stomach in birds that secretes digestive enzymes and passes food from the crop to the gizzard.前胃:鸟类胃的一部分,分泌消化酶,把食物从嗉囊排到胗美国传统〔secrete〕The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.这种蟾蜍的皮肤会分泌出一种致命毒素。朗文当代〔substance〕The pancreas secretes a substance called insulin.胰腺分泌一种叫胰岛素的物质。韦氏高阶The thyroid gland secretes hormones which affect growth.甲状腺分泌一种能影响生长发育的荷尔蒙。剑桥国际

