
单词 random
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕The villagers had already taken precautions against random raids by the militia. 村民们已经采取措施,以抵抗武装组织的随时袭击。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕A few random shots were fired, but the battle was over. 偶尔有几声枪响,但战斗已经结束。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕The forms were distributed at random to people passing by. 那些表格向过路人随意分发。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕The union believes that the random drug testing of employees is an invasion of their privacy. 工会认为任意对雇员进行药物测试是对他们个人隐私的侵犯。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕Twenty students were chosen at random to take part in the experiment. 任意挑选了20名学生参加试验。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕While he waited, he picked up a magazine, turned to a page at random, and started reading. 等的时候,他拿起一本杂志随便翻到一页就开始读起来。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕These responses were drawn from a random sample of the electorate. 这些回答是从选民中随机抽取的。朗文写作活用〔Raman effect〕The alteration in frequency and random alteration in phase of light passing through a transparent medium.拉曼效应:光在透过透明媒质时发生的频率变化和漫反射美国传统〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The announcer said that the contestants had been chosen at random. 主持人说参赛者是随机挑选出来的。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Athletes will be subject to random drug testing. 运动员要接受随机抽样的药物检测。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕I believe he's with Random House now. 我相信现在他在兰登书屋工作。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Many sportsmen and women consider random drug-testing to be an unwarranted invasion of their privacy. 许多运动员认为抽样药检是对他们隐私的无理侵犯。朗文写作活用〔accent〕Television anchorpersons add interest to their monologues by accenting a few syllables chosen at random.电视节目主持人通过随意加重几个音节来调节单调的播报。外研社新世纪〔accept〕Random House accepted the book for publication.兰登书屋接受了这本书准备出版。朗文当代〔at random〕Our names were chosen/selected/picked at random from the list.我们的名字是从名单上随便挑选的。韦氏高阶〔at random〕People drifted in and out of the gallery at random all evening.人们整晚都从画廊随意进进出出。韦氏高阶〔at〕Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.3个人被从一辆面包车中发射的乱弹打死了。柯林斯高阶〔ballot〕When there are more applications than places available, the council runs a random ballot.当申请人数超过现有职位名额的时候, 委员会就通过抽签决定。外研社新世纪〔beyond〕I knew nothing beyond a few random facts.除了一些零星的情况外,我什么也不知道。柯林斯高阶〔bibliomancy〕Divination by interpretation of a passage chosen at random from a book, especially the Bible.圣经占卜:从一本书中随意选取的一段预言性释义,尤指从圣经中美国传统〔breath test〕Police will conduct random breath tests.警察将随机进行呼吸测醉检查。柯林斯高阶〔chance-medley〕A random, haphazard action or occurrence.过失伤害,过失杀人:任意的、有危害的行动或事件美国传统〔cumulative〕Of or relating to the sum of the frequencies of experimentally determined values of a random variable that are less than or equal to a specified value.累积的:在一个随机变量小于或等于某个固定值的试验中求出频率总数的美国传统〔cut〕Games To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random.【游戏】 抽牌:把(一副牌)分成两份,如在结束洗牌或随意抽一张牌美国传统〔data〕The research involves collecting data from two random samples.该项研究需要从两个随机样本里收集资料。朗文当代〔degree of freedom〕Statistics Any of the unrestricted, independent random variables that constitute a statistic.【统计学】 自由度:构成一项统计资料的任何一个无限制的,独立的任意变量美国传统〔diffusion〕The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion.分子扩散运动:两种或更多种物质的分子由于随机的热运动自发混合在一起美国传统〔direction〕He started to run in a random direction.他开始漫无目的地跑。牛津搭配〔draw〕Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random.抽出的签:被抽取物,尤指签、牌或任意抽的牌美国传统〔drift〕Variation or random oscillation about a fixed setting, position, or mode of behavior.随意摇动:对固定环境、位置或行为模式的改变或任意摇摆美国传统〔drive-by〕An act, such as a random shooting, performed from a moving vehicle.开车射杀罪行:如驾车中开枪扫射等事件美国传统〔drug〕Truck operators could face heavy penalties if their drivers test positive to random drug checks.如果司机的随机药检结果呈阳性, 货车运输公司会受到严重处罚。外研社新世纪〔expectation〕The expected value of a random variable.期望值:随意可变量的期望值美国传统〔expectation〕The mean of a random variable.随意可变量美国传统〔expected value〕The integral of the probability density function and a continuous random variable over its range of values.期望值:概率函数和超过其值域的随机变量的整数解美国传统〔expected value〕The sum of all possible values for a random variable, each value multiplied by its probability of occurrence.数学期望值:随意可变量各种可能的价值的总额,每一种价值都承认它出现的可能性美国传统〔float〕To move from place to place, especially at random.漂移,游荡:尤指随意地从一处移动到另一处美国传统〔genetic drift〕Random fluctuations in the frequency of the appearance of a gene in a small, isolated population, presumably owing to chance rather than natural selection.遗传漂变:在一个小的、与世隔绝的种族里,基因面貌频率上的偶然波动,可能因为偶然性而不是自然选择美国传统〔hit-or-miss〕Marked by a lack of care, accuracy, or organization; random.漫无目的的:缺乏谨慎、精确或组织性的;随意的美国传统〔knee〕He went on his knees and filled his bag with oysters picked up at random.他跪下去,把随手捡起的牡蛎装进袋子。英汉大词典〔lottery〕Games A contest in which tokens are distributed or sold, the winning token or tokens being secretly predetermined or ultimately selected in a random drawing.【游戏】 抽奖给奖法:一种竞赛,其中记号被分配或卖掉,获胜的记号被预先秘密选定或在随意抽奖中最终被确定美国传统〔lotto〕A lottery, typically with an accumulating jackpot, in which participants play numbers of their choice in a random drawing.抽奖赌法:一种抽奖方法,具有典型的增值赌注,参加者在抽奖中用数字来代表他们的选择美国传统〔moment〕Statistics The expected value of a positive integral power of a random variable. The first moment is the mean of the distribution.【统计学】 矩,动差:任意变量的正整数功效的期望值。第一个矩是分配的平均数美国传统〔noise〕Physics A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.【物理学】 干扰噪声:一种干扰,尤指一处任意的和持续的干扰,使信号变模糊或减少美国传统〔nonsignificant〕Having, producing, or being a value obtained from a statistical test that lies within the limits for being of random occurrence.非显著的:指含有、产生或是处于偶然变差限度之内的数据测试而获得的数值的美国传统〔order〕The top three contestants were named in random order.顶尖的三名选手的顺序是随意说出来的。韦氏高阶〔panmixia〕Random mating within a breeding population.自由交配:在一个育种群中自由交配美国传统〔pick off〕Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us off at random.任何借助望远镜瞄准器的像样射手都可以随意把我们逐个干掉。柯林斯高阶〔pick out〕Flashing lights picked out groups of dancers at random.闪光灯随意照向成群的舞者。外研社新世纪〔pick〕Names were picked at random out of a hat.名字是从一顶帽子中随机选取的。牛津搭配〔pick〕The fairest way to decide the winner is to pick a name out of a hat/at random (= without looking or choosing).决出优胜者最公平的办法是任意/随机选取一个名字。剑桥高阶〔pi〕An amount of type that has been jumbled or thrown together at random.混杂活字,错乱的铅字:错乱在一起或随便扔在一起的铅字美国传统〔plasma ball〕A glass ball containing low density gas surrounding an electrode, which stimulates the gas to glow in random, moving streams of light.电浆球:一个玻璃球,里面为低密度气体包围着一个电极,该电极会不时刺激气体发出流动的光美国传统〔plink〕To shoot casually at random targets.漫无目地射击:朝随意的目标胡乱地射击美国传统〔potshot〕A random or easy shot.随手乱射:盲目射击或任意射击美国传统〔probability distribution〕A function of a discrete random variable yielding the probability that the variable will have a given value.概率分布:对每一个随机变量可能出现的值赋以这个值出现的概率的函数美国传统〔probability theory〕The branch of mathematics that studies the likelihood of occurrence of random events in order to predict the behavior of defined systems.概率论:数学的分支,研究随机事件发生的可能性以预测某一确定体系的活动规律美国传统〔promiscuous〕Casual; random.随意的;随便的美国传统〔pseudorandom〕Of, relating to, or being random numbers generated by a definite, nonrandom computational process.伪随机的:与由一个确定的,非随机计算过程产生的随机数字有关的,这种随机数的,是这种随机数的美国传统〔quality control〕A system for ensuring the maintenance of proper standards in manufactured goods, especially by periodic random inspection of the product.质量控制:一种用来确保生产出的产品保持合乎规定水平的系统,尤指通过定期对产品进行随意的检查美国传统〔random sample〕A random sample of people filled out the survey.随机抽取的人员填写了调查材料。韦氏高阶〔randomize〕To make random in arrangement, especially in order to control the variables in an experiment.随机化:在排列上使成为随机变量,尤指为了控制试验中的变量美国传统〔randomly〕Children's words and actions are often fairly random.小孩子的言行常常是随性而为。柯林斯高阶〔randomly〕The competitors will be subject to random drug testing.参赛者将要接受随机药检。柯林斯高阶〔randomly〕The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales.该调查在英格兰和威尔士随机抽样了2,000人。柯林斯高阶〔randomly〕Three black people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.3名黑人被从一辆面包车里胡乱射出的子弹打死了。柯林斯高阶〔randomly〕We received several answers, and we picked one at random.我们收到了一些答复,并从中随机挑选了一个。柯林斯高阶〔random〕A random sample/sampling/selection of doctors from around the country were selected for the study.为进行这项研究,从全国各地随机抽样选出了一些医生。韦氏高阶〔random〕A few random shots were fired.随意地放了几枪。朗文当代〔random〕Children's words and actions are often fairly random.小孩子的言行常常是随性而为。外研社新世纪〔random〕Choose a number at random.请随便选取一个号码。英汉大词典〔random〕Don't answer at random, think first.别乱回答,先想一想。英汉大词典〔random〕He grabbed a pair of random jeans and an old red shirt.他抓了一条随意拿到的牛仔裤和一件旧的红衬衫。牛津高阶〔random〕He opened the book at random.他信手打开书本。英汉大词典〔random〕Names were chosen at random from a list.名字是从名单中随便点的。牛津高阶〔random〕Pick a random word on the page.从这页上随便挑出一个词。韦氏高阶〔random〕She collects random photographs that she finds in antique shops.她收集在古玩店中偶然碰到的照片。韦氏高阶〔random〕She dodged the random items that were on the concrete floor.她避开了混凝土地上随意散放的物品。牛津高阶〔random〕Some random guy gave me a hundred bucks.有个陌生男人给了我 100 美元。牛津高阶〔random〕The company has introduced random drug testing of its employees.公司对雇员进行了随机药物测试。朗文当代〔random〕The competitors will be subject to random drug testing.参赛者将要接受随机药检。外研社新世纪〔random〕The computer program generates a list of random numbers.计算机程序可以生成一列随机数字。韦氏高阶〔random〕The gang picked their victims at random.这帮犯罪分子随意选择对象下手。朗文当代〔random〕The humour is great because it's just so random and unhinged from reality.幽默之妙在于它如此的出人意料又不受现实的束缚。牛津高阶〔random〕The information is processed in a random order.信息是按随机顺序处理的。牛津高阶〔random〕The pause in speech is by no means of random occurrence.言谈中的停顿决不是随机发生的。英汉大词典〔random〕The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.恐怖分子胡乱地向人群开枪。牛津高阶〔random〕The way the books were arranged seemed completely random.书籍的排列似乎完全没有一定之规。英汉大词典〔random〕The winning entry will be the first correct answer drawn at random.从所有给出正确答案的参赛者中,随意抽出的第一个将获得大奖。剑桥高阶〔random〕We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought.我们随机挑选一些人,问了他们的想法。剑桥高阶〔random〕We looked at a random sample of 120 families.我们研究了随机抽样的 120 个家庭。朗文当代〔random〕We picked the number at random.我们随机抽取了这个数字。外研社新世纪〔random〕We tasted the wines in random order and then rated each.我们按随机顺序品尝这些葡萄酒,然后逐一进行评价。韦氏高阶〔regression〕Statistics The relationship between the mean value of a random variable and the corresponding values of one or more independent variables.【统计学】 回归:随机变量的平均值和相应的一个或多个独立变量的值之间的关系美国传统〔researcher〕Researchers found 17% of their random sample to be severely depressed.研究者发现随机选出的受试者中有 17% 的人精神严重抑郁。牛津搭配〔rogue wave〕An unpredictable, abnormally large wave that occurs on a seemingly random basis in the oceans.滔天巨浪:在洋面上随意形成的无法预测、异常巨大的海浪美国传统〔rove〕To wander about at random, especially over a wide area; roam.尤指在宽广的区域内无目的地四处漫游;流浪美国传统〔sample〕Out of a random sample of drivers, 21% had been in an accident in the previous year.在随机抽样调查的驾驶员中,有 21% 曾在上一年发生过事故。朗文当代〔sample〕The interviews were given to a random sample of students.随机抽选出部份学生进行了采访。牛津高阶〔sample〕The study took a random sample of 100 students from 3 schools.随机抽样麦克米伦高阶〔sample〕We based our analysis on a random sample of more than 200 males.我们随机抽查了 200 多名男性,并在此基础上进行分析。柯林斯高阶〔scratch〕Assembled hastily or at random.匆匆组成的:匆匆地或随便地聚集的美国传统〔screening〕Players must pass three random drug screenings.运动员必须通过三次随机的违禁药物检测。韦氏高阶〔secondary structure〕The protein structure characterized by folding of the peptide chain into an alpha helix, beta pleated sheet, or random coil.二级结构:蛋白质结构,特征是将肽链折迭成α螺旋、β结构或不规则螺旋美国传统〔selection〕We interviewed a random selection of teenagers.我们随机采访了一批青少年。牛津搭配〔select〕People were selected at random to take the survey.参与这个调查的人群是随机选择的。韦氏高阶〔select〕The winning entry will be selected at random by computer.获胜者将由计算机随机选出。牛津搭配〔shoot〕To damage or terrorize (a town, for example) by intense or random gunfire.乱一开枪:用密集或零星的炮火破坏或威吓(比如一个小镇)美国传统〔shuffle〕Games To mix playing cards, tiles, or dominoes together so as to make their order random.【游戏】 洗牌:将纸牌、麻将牌或多米诺骨牌混在一起以使它们的排列随机化美国传统〔shuffle〕Games To mix together (playing cards, tiles, or dominoes) so as to make a random order of arrangement.【游戏】 洗牌:将(纸牌、麻将牌或多米诺骨牌)混在一起以便产生一种随机的排列组合美国传统〔spot check〕An inspection or investigation that is carried out at random or limited to a few instances.抽样调查:随机地仅限于几个事例的检查或调查美国传统〔sprinkle〕To distribute or intersperse at random.随意分配:星星点点地随机分布美国传统〔staticky〕Relating to or producing random noise accompanying transmitted or recorded sound.静电声音的:有关或产生伴随传送或纪录声音的随机噪声的美国传统〔static〕Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.随机噪声:随机噪声,如接收器中的碎啪声或电视屏幕上的光斑,是由信号的大气干扰造成的美国传统〔static〕Of, relating to, or produced by random radio noise.有关无线电噪声的:无序无线电噪声或与之有关的、或由其产生的美国传统〔stick〕He simply stuck a pin in at random among the names of candidates.他只是在候选人的名字中间随意勾选。牛津搭配〔strike〕Small random things struck her eye.一些随意的小事引起了她的注意。外研社新世纪〔strip search〕The administrators ordered random strip searches of all prisoners.管理人员下令对所有犯人进行随机光身搜查。韦氏高阶〔thought〕Let me share a few random thoughts with you.让我跟你分享一些随机的想法。牛津搭配〔toe〕They do random checks to keep workers on their toes.他们随机进行抽查,让工人不懈怠。朗文当代〔underlying〕And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts? 这些看似偶然的行为,其暗含的意义可能是什么呢?剑桥高阶〔unplanned〕Having no particular purpose, organization, or structure; random.散漫的:没有一个特定的目的,组织或结构的;散漫的美国传统〔unselective〕Marked by random selection.以随机选择为特征的美国传统〔untutored〕To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。剑桥高阶〔variate〕A random variable with a numerical value that is defined on a given sample space.随机变量:在给定的样本空间内定义的,具有一个数值的随机变量美国传统〔venture〕By mere chance or fortune; at random.碰巧;胡乱地;随意地美国传统〔wander〕These verbs mean to move about at random or without destination or purpose.这些动词表示不经心地或没有目标目的地走动。美国传统Avoid bias in your research by random sampling.在你的随机抽样调查中要避免误差。牛津商务Create passwords using a random assortment of letters, numbers and symbols.使用随机组合的字母、数字和符号产生密码。牛津商务He took a book at random. 他随手取了一本书。译典通Here are half a dozen hotels, picked at random from the latest edition of the guide.这里有6 个旅店,是从最新的指南上随便找的。剑桥国际Psychoanalysts say his case was an extreme paranoia, otherwise he would not have killed people at random. 心理分析师说他的病例是一种极端的偏执狂,要不然他也不会随机杀人了。译典通Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 5 000 households.问卷寄给了随机抽取的 5 000 个家庭。牛津商务Select a customer at random each month to receive a special gift.每月随机选择一位顾客领取一份特别的礼物。牛津商务Soiled dishes were piled at random. 脏碟子胡乱地堆著。译典通Some of those glass shoeboxes have been plonked down at random in the city center. 市中心随意竖起了几栋鞋盒式玻璃建筑。译典通The choice of poems included in the collection seems somewhat random.收录在诗集里的诗歌的挑选似乎有点无一定之规。剑桥国际The information is processed in a random order.信息是按照随机顺序处理的。牛津商务The winner of the competition will be the sender of the first correct entry that is drawn at random by the editor.比赛的获胜者将是编辑随意抽取的第一个写明正确参赛答案的寄信人。剑桥国际The winning entry will be the first correct answer drawn at random (= by chance).任意抽取出的第一个正确答案将获胜入围。剑桥国际This is the latest in a sequence of seemingly random crimes/attacks/killings.这是一连串看似随意的犯罪/攻击/谋杀中的最新一个案子。剑桥国际To pick an instance at random, she was late again yesterday.随便举个例子,她昨天又迟到了。剑桥国际We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought.我们任意抽样/挑选了一些人问他们的想法。剑桥国际We talked to a random sample of voters drawn from selected regions of the country.我们从国内抽选的地区中随意采访了一些选民。剑桥国际We wandered at random (= without any organization or plan) through the streets of the city.我们在城里街道上漫无目的地行走。剑桥国际When the liquid crystal molecules are activated, they may adopt a random orientation (= arrangement).当液晶分子被激活时,他们的取向可能是无规则的。剑桥国际You see, to my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes and yet it's a very valuable painting.你知道, 在我无知的眼里那看上去只像是一堆随意的涂抹, 但它却是很有价值的画作。剑桥国际

