
单词 大声说出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mouthed〕I've always had a loud mouth, I refuse to be silenced.我一贯大声说出自己的想法,不会迫于压力而一言不发。柯林斯高阶〔afraid〕He stopped abruptly, suddenly afraid to say the words out loud.他一下子停住了,突然害怕大声说出那些话。牛津搭配〔announcer〕The PA announcer called out the score.有线广播的播音员大声说出了比分。牛津搭配〔count off〕She counted off all the things she wanted to do.她大声说出了她想做的所有事。韦氏高阶〔everybody〕Bill had the courage to say out loud what everybody else in the room was thinking.比尔敢于把房间里其他人在想的东西大声说出来。麦克米伦高阶〔loud〕Say it loud.大声说出来。韦氏高阶〔mutter〕Stop muttering and speak up! 别咕哝了,大声说出来!剑桥高阶〔out〕Don't whisper, say it out loud so we can all hear.别那么小声。大声说出来,让我们都能听得见。麦克米伦高阶〔recite〕To repeat or utter aloud (something rehearsed or memorized), especially before an audience.吟诵:重复或大声说出(预演的东西或记忆的东西),尤指面对一群观众或听众的这种行为美国传统〔shout out〕I wanted to shout it out, let her know what I had overheard.我想大声说出来,让她知道我无意中所听到的一切。柯林斯高阶〔shout〕Don't shout out all the answers.别把所有的答案都大声说出来。牛津高阶〔sing out〕If you need any help, just sing out.如果你需要任何帮助,就大声说出来。韦氏高阶〔talk〕To speak up in a frank, often insolent manner.大肆吹捧:以直言不讳的经常是厚颜无耻的方式大声说出美国传统〔trumpet〕To sound or proclaim loudly.大声说出或宣告美国传统〔whether〕Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.大多数男人还是希望他们的妻子对自己忠诚,不管他们有没有将这一想法大声说出来。柯林斯高阶

