
单词 各个
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BE〕It is sometimes difficult to believe that the different groups living within our borders constitute a single society. 有时很难相信生活在我国境内的各个不同的群体竟会构成一个单一的社会。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕Each of the delegates suggested a different approach to the problem. 各个代表对这个问题都提出了不同的处理方法。朗文写作活用〔EVERYONE〕The changes will cause problems right across the board. 这些变化将引发各个方面的问题。朗文写作活用〔EVERYONE〕The present crisis is a result of the collective failure of the political parties to put forward a plausible economic programme. 当前的危机是由于各个政党都不能提出一项可行的经济计划引起的。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕We spent two weeks in Mexico and traveled all over. 我们在墨西哥逗留了两周,游遍了各个地方。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕Everywhere he was treated with kindness and friendliness. 他在各个地方都受到亲切友好的接待。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕At that time, the state controlled nearly every aspect of people's lives. 那个时候,国家几乎控制了人民生活的各个方面。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕Various political and religions groups united to oppose the dictatorship. 各个政治、宗教团体联合起来反对独裁统治。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕Electoral systems vary from country to country. 各个国家的选举制度不尽相同。朗文写作活用〔a level playing field〕If the tax systems are different in each European country, how can industries start on a level playing field? 如果欧洲各国的税制不同,那么不同国家的各个行业怎能在均等机会下展开竞争呢?剑桥高阶〔action〕Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.各个度假点重又呈现出一派兴旺景象,旅游业的龙头老大们都在争着分一杯羹。柯林斯高阶〔affect〕The divorce affected every aspect of her life.离婚使她生活的各个方面都受到了影响。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.官员们预计各个毒品团伙头目之间的对抗可能会引发一场全面的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔aspect〕She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.她觉得她已从各个角度去考虑了这个问题。牛津高阶〔balance〕It is important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance.保持生活各个方面的平衡很重要。牛津搭配〔bar〕The police barred the exits.警察封锁了各个出口。英汉大词典〔base〕She made sure that she touched all the bases in her report.她确保自己在报告中把问题的各个方面都谈到了。韦氏高阶〔bifurcate〕The blood supply bifurcates between eight and thirty times before reaching each particular location in the body.血液要分流8到30次才能到达身体的各个部位。外研社新世纪〔bullet〕Bullets were used to separate each item.圆点用来分隔各个条目。韦氏高阶〔business〕Students on the course learn about all aspects of business.这门课程的学生要学习商业活动的各个方面。朗文当代〔checkpoint〕Vehicles were inspected at various checkpoints.车辆在各个检查站接受检查。英汉大词典〔choreograph〕The group had choreographed all aspects of the banquet.小组对宴会的各个方面都做了安排。韦氏高阶〔conceivable〕They discussed the question from every conceivable angle.他们从各个可能的角度讨论了那个问题。韦氏高阶〔conceivable〕We were discussing the problems from every conceivable angle.我们正在从各个能想到的角度对问题进行讨论。朗文当代〔count〕To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number.算出总数:一个接一个地说出或列出(一群或一组中的各个单位)以得其总数;计数美国传统〔craniology〕The scientific study of the characteristics of the skull, such as size and shape, especially in human beings.头盖学:对头盖,尤其是对人类头盖的各个特征,如大小和形状的科学研究美国传统〔devolve sth to sb〕They have devolved financial control to individual schools.他们已将财政管理权下放给了各个学校。剑桥高阶〔dislike〕He is widely disliked at every level of politics.他在政界各个阶层都没有人缘。麦克米伦高阶〔each〕Every one of a group considered individually; each one.各个,每一个:一组中视为单个个体的一个;每一个美国传统〔economical〕He was economical in all areas of his life.他在生活的各个方面都精打细算。牛津高阶〔equal〕We are equal in every way.我们在各个方面都是平等的。外研社新世纪〔every〕The school's much better now in every way.学校目前在各个方面都有很大改观。朗文当代〔experience〕He has also had managerial experience on every level.他还有各个层级的管理经验。柯林斯高阶〔export〕Europeans now export their values to all parts of the world.欧洲人现在把他们的价值观念传播到了世界各个角落。外研社新世纪〔express oneself〕That increased confidence expressed itself in every ways.信心的增强体现在各个方面。21世纪英汉〔extend to〕The president's power extends to all parts of the whole country.总统的权力及至全国各个方面。21世纪英汉〔feature〕Any of the distinct parts of the face, as the eyes, nose, or mouth.面貌特征:脸上的各个部分,如眼睛、鼻子或嘴美国传统〔feeler〕When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.出现职位空缺时, 办事处就会到各个大学去打探。外研社新世纪〔feeler〕When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.有空缺职位的时候,办事处就到各个大学去打探。柯林斯高阶〔flood〕The afternoon light flooded the little rooms.下午的阳光充满了各个小屋。外研社新世纪〔foster〕The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.主教促使这一观念得到宣扬,即社会要包容各个阶层。朗文当代〔from〕Over 150 companies will be there, covering everything from finance to furniture.将有150多家公司出席, 涉及从金融业到家具业的各个领域。外研社新世纪〔go〕She went through the cupboards in the spring cleaning.在春季大扫除时她擦洗了各个橱柜。英汉大词典〔half〕Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities.班上大约有一半是西班牙人,其余的则来自各个国家。剑桥高阶〔harmonious〕The different parts of the garden fit together in a harmonious way.这座花园各个部分协调地融为一体。外研社新世纪〔hawk around〕Most of the women were hawking food around the various prisons.那些女人大多数都在各个监狱四周兜售食物。外研社新世纪〔heroic〕His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.他英雄般的行为在印度的各个角落广为传颂。外研社新世纪〔infuse〕Politics infuses all aspects of our lives.政治影响着我们生活的各个方面。牛津高阶〔involve〕We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.我们希望在决策过程中的各个阶段都有职工参与。朗文当代〔jumbled〕The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse, jumbled, contradictory, at every point inviting inquiry and debate.犹太-基督教传统呈现多样化,混乱复杂,相互矛盾,在各个方面都会引发质疑和争论。柯林斯高阶〔lag〕If you have to take the floorboards up, take the opportunity to lag any pipes at the same time.如果一定要把地板掀开,不妨趁此机会给各个管道加一层隔热保护。柯林斯高阶〔liaison〕He blamed the lack of liaison between the various government departments.他指责各个政府部门之间缺乏沟通。剑桥高阶〔microfinance〕Since 1976, microfinance programs have sprung up in developing nations around the world.自1976年以來,微型信贷在全球各个发展中国家纷纷涌现。剑桥高阶〔nature〕It is in the nature of things that categories will overlap.各个类别通常会相互重叠。麦克米伦高阶〔network〕The new rail services will form a network connecting the capital and major cities.新的铁路设施将形成一个网络,连接首都和各个主要城市。牛津搭配〔nook〕Boxes are stacked in every nook and cranny at the factory.盒子叠放在工厂的各个角落。柯林斯高阶〔on/at every corner〕After the game, police were stationed on every corner.比赛后,城里各个路口都安排了警察。剑桥高阶〔parallel〕Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.仔细研究各个国家的民族音乐之后可发现许多酷似之处。外研社新世纪〔parasexual〕Of, relating to, or involving a form of reproduction in which recombination of genes from different individuals occurs without meiosis and fertilization.准性的,拟有性的:属于、有关或包含一种来自各个体的基因重组时没有减数分裂和受精作用的生殖形式的美国传统〔pastime〕Fishing is an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.钓鱼是各个年龄段的人都喜欢的消遣。牛津搭配〔permeate〕Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.司法体制中各个层面都有歧视女性的现象。柯林斯高阶〔phase〕It covers all phases of Picasso's work.它记述了毕加索艺术创作的各个时期。英汉大词典〔point〕There were flashlights all around us, pointing in all directions.我们周围都是手电筒,对着各个方向照射。朗文当代〔pound〕A unit of weight differing in various countries and times.不同重量单位:在各个国家及时代各不相同的重量单位美国传统〔prefabricate〕The company prefabricated sections of houses and moved them to building sites for workers to assemble.公司预制好房屋的各个部件,然后运到建筑工地由工人们将其组装起来。21世纪英汉〔push〕There has been a big push for higher standards in schools.各个学校都在大力提高标准。牛津搭配〔radiable〕Heat radiates from the heating radiator and spreads to every corner of the room.热从暖气片散发出来并传播到室内各个角落。21世纪英汉〔realm〕The matter was hotly debated in all the towns of the realm.此事在该王国内的各个城镇都进行了激烈的讨论。剑桥高阶〔relevant〕We received all the relevant information.我们收到各个方面的相关信息。朗文当代〔review〕They reviewed each aspect of the plan bit by bit.他们对计划的各个方面逐一地进行了审核。21世纪英汉〔revolve〕This plot revolves around a youngster who is shown various stages of his life.这个故事情节围绕着一个年轻人展开,描述了他人生的各个阶段。柯林斯高阶〔severally〕The partners are jointly and severally responsible for the company's debts.各个合伙人都从整体和个人层面上对公司的债务负责。剑桥高阶〔size sth/sb up〕Voters are still sizing up the candidates.选民们还在衡量各个候选人的情况。剑桥高阶〔span〕Bernstein's compositions spanned all aspects of music, from symphonies to musicals.伯恩斯坦创作的乐曲涉及了从交响乐到音乐剧等音乐的各个方面。柯林斯高阶〔span〕Lining a corridor is a wall of photographs spanning his rugby days.走廊的一面墙上贴满了他橄榄球生涯里各个时期的照片。柯林斯高阶〔stamp〕Overweight and sweating in the humid weather, she stamped from room to room.她很胖,在潮湿的天气里浑身大汗,烦躁地在各个房间之间噔噔地走来走去。柯林斯高阶〔strand〕Plato draws all the strands of the argument together.柏拉图把各个论点归结到一起。朗文当代〔strip〕I stripped down the two SU carburettors, cleaned and polished the pieces and rebuilt the units.我将这两个SU汽化器拆卸开,把各个零件清洗擦亮后重新组装起来。柯林斯高阶〔systematically〕She began applying systematically to colleges.她开始有计划地向各个大学提出入学申请。柯林斯高阶〔system〕A run in the morning is good for the system - it wakes the body up and gets everything going.晨跑对身体很好——它能唤醒整个身体,使各个部分运转起来。剑桥高阶〔tailor〕Treatment is tailored to the needs of each patient.治疗方案针对各个病人的需要进行制订。朗文当代〔take ... in〕The article takes in every aspect of the labour problem.这篇文章涉及了劳工问题的各个方面。21世纪英汉〔take apart〕He takes apart the theory and shows its weaknesses.他评析这个理论的各个方面并指出其缺陷。韦氏高阶〔thing〕All things considered, I think you'll be happier if you switch jobs.考虑到各个方面,我觉得你换个工作会更快乐。麦克米伦高阶〔tidal wave〕The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy.经济衰退的情况在加剧,各个行业相继出现失业高峰。柯林斯高阶〔toddy〕We went round each tent with a hot toddy for each soldier.我们走遍各个帐篷, 给每名士兵送上一杯热甜酒。外研社新世纪〔total〕They added up the totals, and divided by four.他们把各个总数相加, 然后除以4。外研社新世纪〔trade〕The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade.该政府部门直接掌控着外贸的各个方面。柯林斯高阶〔unison〕For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable.对于通常无法统一行动的各个教会来说,今天这一前所未有的举动无疑更加非同寻常。柯林斯高阶〔unite〕A treaty united the independent nations.一纸协定将各个独立的国家联合起来。韦氏高阶〔yardstick〕There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.有意就读的学生在报名参加一门课程前没有任何参照标准去衡量各个学校的水平。柯林斯高阶Although the central government has some vestigial (= a small amount of) authority, power has largely passed to the individual states.虽然中央政府还残存了一点儿权威,但是权力基本上都已经下放到了各个州里。剑桥国际From the hilltop we could see for miles and miles in every direction.从山顶上我们向各个方向望去,都可以看到很远很远的距离。剑桥国际Hot water is piped to all apartments from the central boiler room.热水从中央的锅炉房用管子送到各个房间里。剑桥国际Let's look at all sides of the picture before we make a decision.在作决定之前,让我们考虑这个问题的各个方面。剑桥国际Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities.大约班级的一半是西班牙人,其余是来自各个国家的混合。剑桥国际The idea was to modernize various aspects of the house without changing its essential character.这个主意是将房子的各个方面现代化而不改变它最主要的特征。剑桥国际The improvement has been across the board, with all divisions either increasing profits or reducing losses.改善是全面的,各个部门或者增加了利润,或者减少了亏损。剑桥国际The walking is flat and easy, with tracks frequently veering off to isolated farms.那路面平坦易于行走,有多条小径拐向各个独立的农场。剑桥国际There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy. 在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身分区别。译典通

