
单词 咸肉
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BLT〕A bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.三明治:用咸肉、生菜和西红柿制成的三明治美国传统〔breakfast〕Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? 你早饭要吃熏咸肉和鸡蛋吗?牛津高阶〔off〕We lived off beans and bacon.我们靠吃豆子和熏咸肉过活。英汉大词典〔pancetta〕Italian bacon that has been cured in salt and spices and then air-dried.意大利咸肉:意大利咸肉,放在盐和调料中浸过后再在空气中风干美国传统〔pass〕The bacon has passed its sell-by day.熏咸肉已经过了保质期。外研社新世纪〔pig〕The meat produced from a pig is called pork, bacon, or ham.猪提供的肉类食品包括鲜猪肉、熏咸肉或火腿。剑桥高阶〔rasher〕A dish or an order of thin slices of fried or broiled bacon.熏肉菜:由烤的或煮的咸肉做成的菜肴或一道菜美国传统〔rasher〕A thin slice of fried or broiled bacon.熏肉薄片:烤的或煮的咸肉的一片美国传统〔rind〕He never cut the rinds off the rashers.他吃熏咸肉从不把肉皮切掉。英汉大词典〔sizzle〕I heard the sizzle of frying bacon.我听到了煎咸肉的咝咝声。韦氏高阶〔spatter〕When you cook bacon, the grease spatters everywhere.烹煮咸肉时油脂四处飞溅。韦氏高阶〔stoke up on/with sth〕As it was a cold morning, she stoked up on bacon, eggs, and beans on toast.由于早上很冷,她饱餐了一顿,吃的是咸肉、鸡蛋和豆烤面包。剑桥高阶〔streaky〕Streaky bacon contains strips of fat.五花咸肉有一条条的肥肉。剑桥高阶〔tournedos〕A fillet of beef cut from the tenderloin, often bound in bacon or suet for cooking.里脊肉:从嫩腰肉上割下的牛里脊肉,通常包在咸肉或板油中加以烹调美国传统〔tuck into〕She tucked into a breakfast of bacon and eggs.她大口地吃着咸肉和鸡蛋作成的早餐。柯林斯高阶〔whet〕The frying bacon whetted my appetite.煎咸肉增强了我的食欲美国传统Eddie ate six rashers of bacon for breakfast.艾迪早餐吃了六片熏咸肉剑桥国际He cooked us all a big breakfast of bacon and eggs (= fried bacon and eggs).他为我们每人做了一份煎咸肉和煎蛋的丰盛早餐。剑桥国际I can't eat this bacon -- it's all frizzled (up)! 我没法吃这块熏咸肉----全烤焦了!剑桥国际I had a mug of tea and a bacon sandwich.我喝了一大杯茶,又吃了一个熏咸肉三明治。剑桥国际

