
单词 喷水
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLOW〕Kids were squirting each other with water pistols. 小孩子们在用水枪互相喷水朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕The next day she had a hazy recollection of getting drunk and dancing in a fountain. 第二天她只模糊地记得自己喝醉了,并在喷水池里跳舞。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕He was supposed to wait for me by the fountain, but he wasn't there when I arrived. 他说好在喷水池边等我,但我到那里时他却不在。朗文写作活用〔blowoff〕A device or channel for blowing off something.喷水装置,喷气装置:用于吹散某些东西的装置或通道美国传统〔blow〕To spout moist air from the blowhole. Used of a whale.喷水:从喷水孔喷出潮湿的空气。用于指鲸美国传统〔class〕A fountain will give your garden a touch of class .一座喷水池会让你的花园显得优雅。朗文当代〔cool〕The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water.气缸可用喷水冷却。牛津高阶〔do sth for a bet〕She jumped in the fountain for a bet.她赌气跳进了喷水池。剑桥高阶〔douse〕The boys and girls doused each other with the hose.男女孩子们用软管互相喷水嬉戏。21世纪英汉〔down〕Hose the dog down outside.在屋外用喷水软管把狗好好冲洗一下。韦氏高阶〔drop〕Amanda dropped her sunglasses in/into the fountain.阿曼达把太阳镜掉进喷水池里了。剑桥高阶〔force〕Use a strong jet of water to force blockages out of the pipe.用强力喷水把堵塞物冲出水管。麦克米伦高阶〔fountain〕A white marble fountain played in the middle of the square.一座白色大理石的喷泉在广场中央喷水牛津搭配〔geyser〕A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.间歇泉:间歇向空中喷水花和蒸汽柱的天然温泉美国传统〔gush〕Showers with pumps are more expensive, but they deliver a really powerful gush of water.带有水泵的淋浴间要贵得多,但是喷水量很大。剑桥高阶〔harvest〕Potatoes are normally sprayed after harvest.马铃薯在收获后通常要喷水牛津搭配〔hose〕Firefighters hosed the roofs.消防队员用水龙带往屋顶喷水麦克米伦高阶〔hose〕Firemen hosed the burning car.消防队员用水龙向燃烧的汽车喷水牛津高阶〔hose〕The firemen unwrapped their hoses and began dousing the scorched grain silos.消防员展开水龙带,开始冲着烧焦的谷仓喷水柯林斯高阶〔life〕In the garden of the Savoy Hotel the sprinklers suddenly burst into life.萨伏伊酒店花园里的洒水器突然开始喷水柯林斯高阶〔mist〕The plant has to be misted every day.这种植物必须每天喷水朗文当代〔mist〕The plant should be misted regularly.这种植物需要定期喷水韦氏高阶〔monitor〕An articulated device holding a rotating nozzle with which a jet of water is regulated, used in mining and firefighting.水枪:一种铰接装置,它有一个调节喷水强度的旋转喷嘴,用于采矿和救火美国传统〔mop up〕When the washing machine spurts out water, at least we can mop it up.洗衣机喷水的时候, 我们至少可以把水擦干。外研社新世纪〔play〕A fountain was playing (= sending out water) in the courtyard outside.外面院子里有个喷泉在喷水剑桥高阶〔play〕Scores of hoses played on the flames.几十根水龙带向火喷水21世纪英汉〔play〕The fountain plays from 10 till 4.这喷泉从10点到4点喷水英汉大词典〔play〕The fountains played in the courtyard.喷泉在庭院中喷水美国传统〔rose〕A perforated nozzle for spraying water from a hose or sprinkling can.莲蓬式喷嘴:一种使水从管子或喷水壶里喷洒出来的有孔的喷嘴美国传统〔snort〕The elephant snorted water over his back.象用鼻子朝自己背上喷水英汉大词典〔spout〕In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.在暴风雨中, 水从出气孔中喷射出来, 就像鲸鱼喷水一样。外研社新世纪〔spout〕In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.在暴风雨中,水从出气孔中喷射出来,就像鲸鱼喷水一样。柯林斯高阶〔spout〕The burst of spray from the blowhole of a whale.喷水孔从鲸的喷水孔中射出的水柱美国传统〔spray〕I gave the plants a quick spray.我给这些花草略微喷了喷水牛津高阶〔spray〕Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose.两名囚犯朝着用水管向他们喷水的狱警们扔石板瓦。柯林斯高阶〔spray〕Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose.两名囚犯朝着用水管向他们喷水的狱警扔石板瓦。外研社新世纪〔sprinkler system〕A fire-extinguishing system consisting of a network of overhead pipes that release water automatically when a predetermined temperature has been reached.喷水灭火系统:当达到预警温度时能够自动放水的管道灭火装置,通常称为喷水灭火系统美国传统〔sprinkler〕A sprinkler system.喷水灭火系统美国传统〔spritz〕Make sure to spritz the plants with water every day.要确保每天给这些植物喷水韦氏高阶〔squirt〕He squirted a water pistol at me(= made the water come out of it).他用玩具水枪朝我喷水牛津高阶〔squirt〕I desperately squirted water on the flames.我拚命朝火上喷水牛津高阶〔squirt〕I squirted him with water.我朝他喷水柯林斯高阶〔squirt〕She was squirting the neighbours with a water pistol.她在用玩具水枪朝邻居们喷水剑桥高阶〔squirt〕Some kids squirted a water pistol in her face.有几个小孩拿着一把水枪朝她脸上喷水朗文当代〔squirt〕The children were squirting each other with water from the hose.孩子们用软水管相互喷水牛津高阶〔squirt〕The elephant squirted me with his trunk.大象用鼻子朝我喷水英汉大词典〔throw〕The hoses were throwing water on the fire.水管正朝火场喷水文馨英汉〔throw〕The shower threw a hard tight stream.淋浴喷水器喷出一股急流。英汉大词典〔water cannon〕A truck-mounted apparatus that fires water at high pressure, used especially to disperse crowds or control rioters.水炮,高压喷水装置:装在卡车上的高压喷水装置,尤指作驱散人群或控制骚乱用美国传统〔water park〕An amusement park whose attractions include slides, fountains, and other recreational settings involving water.水上乐园:以滑水道、喷水池及其它水上相关休闲设施为吸引人主题的方式游乐园美国传统A beautiful stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden. 花园中央砌造了一个漂亮的石头喷水池。译典通She jumped in the fountain for a bet.她赌气跳进了喷水池。剑桥国际There are sprays in the fields, watering the crops.地里有喷水器给作物浇水。剑桥国际

