
单词 同行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕He sees himself going right to the top of the tree.他预见自己在同行中将无人可及。柯林斯高阶〔CGI〕Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “Walking With Dinosaurs”.在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。柯林斯高阶〔INTRODUCE〕Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team. 鲍威尔在序言中写道,所有武装部队必须要作为一个团队协同行动。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕The conference provided some excellent opportunities for networking and she made some useful business contacts. 此次大会提供了极佳的与同行联系的机会,帮她建立了一些有价值的业务关系。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Her work on finding a cure for cancer has been widely acclaimed by her colleagues in the medical profession. 她为探索癌症疗法而作出的努力受到医学界同行们的广泛赞扬。朗文写作活用〔accompany〕To be or go with as a companion.陪伴,陪同:作为同伴相处或同行美国传统〔along〕He was not along.他没有同行文馨英汉〔assistance〕One of her fellow passengers came to her assistance (=helped her) .同行的一个乘客过来帮她。朗文当代〔break〕Kiefer's big break came with the film Stand By Me.影片《伴我同行》给基弗带来了大红大紫的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔brethren〕Our scientific brethren have been blamed for this.我们自然科学界的同行们因这件事而受到责备。英汉大词典〔business hours〕Their publishing company is the best in the business.他们的出版公司是同行业中最好的。韦氏高阶〔class〕As a jazz singer she's in a class of her own(= better than most others).作为爵士乐歌手,她比大多数同行都要出色。牛津高阶〔cloak〕A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements.可能是有人故意放火掩护小规模的部队协同行动。柯林斯高阶〔colleague〕Local firefighters will help colleagues in Eastern Europe by providing advice and equipment.当地的消防队员将会提供建议和设备来帮助东欧的同行们。麦克米伦高阶〔companion〕Abbr. C.,comp.A person employed to assist, live with, or travel with another.缩写 C.,comp.同行者,同伴:雇用以帮助他人、与他人生活在一起或一起旅行的人美国传统〔concerted〕The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries.世界上较富有的国家应该共同行动起来帮助较贫困的国家。剑桥高阶〔concurrent〕Operating or acting in conjunction with another.共同行动:和别人联合共同操作或行动美国传统〔concur〕To act together; cooperate.合作:共同行动;合作美国传统〔congener〕American scientists and their congeners in Europe 美国的科学家和他们在欧洲的同行英汉大词典〔conglomerate〕A corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields.联合企业:由许多不同行业的公司组成的有不同经营范围的大企业美国传统〔conjunction〕The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。柯林斯高阶〔consult〕We will be consulting with representatives from several different industries.我们将和来自几个不同行业的代表们商量。麦克米伦高阶〔debunk〕His claims were later debunked by fellow academics.他的断言后来被学术界同行证明是错误的。朗文当代〔discomfiture〕The rest of the press has enjoyed the magazine's discomfiture.这家杂志陷入窘境, 同行都因此窃喜。外研社新世纪〔discount〕They offer a trade discount to builders.他们向建筑商提供同行折扣价。牛津搭配〔earn your stripes〕She has yet to earn her stripes as a reporter.作为记者,她还有待得到同行们的认可。韦氏高阶〔envious〕They look enviously at the success of their European counterparts.他们看着欧洲同行的成功,羡慕不已。牛津高阶〔esteem〕He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.建筑业的同行们都非常敬重他。柯林斯高阶〔esteem〕She has always been held in high esteem by fellow actors.她一直很受同行演员们的尊重。麦克米伦高阶〔favourably〕Vocal teachers in England are more favourably disposed to early music than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe.与欧洲其他国家的同行相比, 英国的声乐教师对早期音乐作品偏爱有加。外研社新世纪〔fellow〕He knew his fellow teachers in Cincinnati shared his frustrations.他知道辛辛那提的教师同行们也有同样的不满。外研社新世纪〔fellow〕Our fellow travellers were mostly Spanish-speaking tourists.我们同行的旅伴大多是讲西班牙语的游客。剑桥高阶〔gatecrasher〕He had gatecrashed but he was with other people we knew and there was no problem.他不请自来,但他是跟我们认识的人同行,因此也没有什么关系。柯林斯高阶〔go along with〕Can you go along with me?你能与我同行吗?21世纪英汉〔growth company〕A company whose rate of growth significantly exceeds that of the average in its field or the overall rate of economic growth.发展特快的公司:增长率显著超过同行平均水平或超过经济增长率的公司美国传统〔head start〕Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbors.匈牙利商人已经领先于东欧邻国的大多数同行了。柯林斯高阶〔head start〕Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbours.匈牙利商人已经领先于大多数东欧邻国的同行了。外研社新世纪〔high-flyer〕High-flyers in the industry typically earn 25 percent more than their colleagues.这个行业中那些有能力有抱负的人收入一般都比他们的同行高25%。剑桥高阶〔highly〕He is very highly regarded by his fellow musicians.他受到其音乐同行的极度尊敬。麦克米伦高阶〔indictment〕The trend of doctors going to work abroad is seen by the profession as a serious indictment of the NHS.医生纷纷去国外工作的趋向被医务界同行看作是对国民保健制度的一种严重不满。英汉大词典〔journal〕The results of the study were published in a respected peer-reviewed journal.该研究的成果发表在一份颇有威望的同行评审期刊上。牛津搭配〔league〕An association of states, organizations, or individuals for common action; an alliance.联盟:为共同行动而结成的国家、组织或个人间的联合;联盟美国传统〔leapfrog〕American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.美国研究人员现在已经超越日本同行, 将在一两年内生产出一套数字系统。外研社新世纪〔learned〕He referred to Douglas Hogg as 'my learned friend' as if they were both in court.他称道格拉斯•霍格为“我精通法律的同行”, 好像他们两人都是出庭律师似的。外研社新世纪〔link〕He walked with her, linking arms (=putting his arm around her arm) .他与她挽臂同行朗文当代〔mediocrity〕He thought that he was a brilliant artist himself and that all his fellow painters were just mediocrities.他认为自己是个了不起的艺术家,而其他所有那些同行画家不过是些平庸之辈。韦氏高阶〔motley〕I looked at the motley bunch we were sailing with and began to feel uneasy about the trip.我看着船上同行的那些杂七杂八的人,对这次航行担心起来。朗文当代〔networking〕I'm hoping to do some networking at the conference next week in London.我希望下周在伦敦召开的会议上能结交一些同行朗文当代〔ourselves〕Nobody wanted to come with us, so we went by ourselves.没有人想和我们同行,于是我们自己去了。剑桥高阶〔passenger〕I soon got talking to my fellow passengers.很快我就和同行的客人聊起来了。牛津搭配〔peer review〕All research proposals are subject to peer review before selection.所有研究建议均须经过同行评议后再行筛选。牛津高阶〔peer review〕All these papers have been published after being subjected to peer review.所有这些论文都是在同行审议后发表的。剑桥高阶〔peer〕Research data will be subjected to peer review.研究数据将交由同行评审。牛津搭配〔peer〕She is highly respected by her professional peers.她深受专业同行的尊敬。牛津搭配〔perversely〕Psychotherapists often take a perverse delight in criticizing other psychotherapists.精神治疗师们经常幸灾乐祸地批评自己的同行柯林斯高阶〔press corps〕David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps.戴维•麦克尼尔和白宫特派报道组同行外研社新世纪〔prince〕To his 19th-century peers, Robert Brown was the prince of botany.对于19世纪的同行来说,罗伯特·布朗是植物学巨匠。柯林斯高阶〔prince〕To his 19th-century peers, Robert Brown was the prince of botany.对于他那些19世纪同行来说, 罗伯特•布朗就是植物学巨匠。外研社新世纪〔propitious〕When the moment became propitious we might act together.时机一到,我们可共同行动。英汉大词典〔provincial〕In the United States the academic profession had ties all over the country and was not divided as in England into Oxford and Cambridge on the one side and “provincial” universities on the other.在美国,学术界同行与全国各地都有联系,并不像英国那样把大学分成牛津、剑桥派和“地方”大学派。英汉大词典〔reason〕Surely there is no earthly reason why you wouldn't want to come with us? 你肯定没什么理由拒绝和我们同行吧?牛津搭配〔recognition〕Her paintings received recognition from her fellow artists.她的画作受到了画家同行的赏识。韦氏高阶〔regard〕She is a handwriting analyst highly regarded in her profession.她是得到同行高度评价的笔迹分析鉴定专家。英汉大词典〔rest〕He was unable to travel with the rest of the team.他不能和其余的队员同行外研社新世纪〔review〕All papers submitted to the journal undergo a process of peer review.提交给该期刊的所有论文均需经过同行评审这一步。牛津搭配〔scepticism〕This theory was initially received with great scepticism by her fellow scientists.她的科学界同行最初对这一理论持有强烈的怀疑态度。牛津搭配〔speak〕I speak for all my colleagues.我代表所有同行讲话。牛津搭配〔status〕Duffield has a lot of status among fellow businessmen.杜非尔德在企业同行中有很高的威望。麦克米伦高阶〔switch〕They carefully designed that the two trunks exactly alike would be switched in the waiting room.他们精心设计了在候车室调换两只相同行李箱的方法。21世纪英汉〔synchronize〕To operate in unison.共同行美国传统〔take〕Her amazing energy has taken her to the top of her profession.旺盛的精力使她成为同行中的佼佼者。麦克米伦高阶〔tower above/over sth〕One computer manufacturer towers above all the rest.一家计算机制造商在同行中一枝独秀。剑桥高阶〔trade〕People who work in the trade can buy their books at a discount.同行购书可以打折。剑桥高阶〔trade〕The trade could do more to help its workers.同行业者可以多尽些力帮助其从业人员。麦克米伦高阶〔trade〕They offer discounts to the trade(= to people who are working in the same business).他们对同行业的人给予折扣。牛津高阶〔trade〕We are three of a trade.我们三人是同行英汉大词典〔traveller〕He passed the time chatting with fellow travellers.他与同行的旅客闲聊消磨时间。牛津高阶〔trip〕On that trip I travelled with my brother.那次旅行,我和我兄弟同行英汉大词典〔us〕Does God walk among us? 上帝与人们同行吗?韦氏高阶〔which〕We travelled together as far as Paris, at which place we parted company.我们一路同行直到巴黎,在那里我们分了手。英汉大词典Business colleagues described her as an ambitious autocrat who did what she wanted without any regard for other people.商界同行都认为她是一个雄心勃勃独断独行的人,她总是做她想做的事而从不考虑他人。剑桥国际Everyone in the company undergoes peer review.公司里的每个人都要经过同行评议。牛津商务Frank always took a couple of heavies along with him when he went collecting his debts.弗兰克出去收债时总带上几个强壮的保镖同行剑桥国际He got wind of my plan to travel north and asked if he could come with me. 他听说我要去北方旅行,问我能否一道同行译典通Jack often picks up hitch-hikers.杰克经常带上免费搭车者同行剑桥国际Last week a British health minister joined her colleagues in other countries to fulminate against ‘passive’smoking.上个星期,一位英国卫生部部长加入到她的别国同行们当中,强烈揭露“被动”吸烟的危害。剑桥国际People who work in the trade (= the same business or industry) can buy their books at a discount.同行人购书可以打折扣。剑桥国际The chief executive of the newspaper group has been told by his fellow directors to fall into line, and stop interfering in editorial matters.这位报业集团的董事被同行告知要遵守规则,不要再干涉编辑事务。剑桥国际The company is recognized as a world leader in its field.这家公司获同行奉为世界领先者。牛津商务We are outperforming peer companies.我们的业绩超过了同行公司。牛津商务We invest a lot in research to try to stay ahead of the curve.为了超越同行业的一般水平,我们在研究方面做了大量投资。牛津商务What nurses would like to see is pay parity with fellow nurses in other major European countries.护士们想要看到的是和其他主要欧洲国家的护士同行享有工资上的相等水平。剑桥国际

