
单词 异国
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-inspired〕These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes!.这些香草会激发你去品尝各种异国风味的菜肴!柯林斯高阶〔ALONE〕At first I couldn't stand the isolation of living in a foreign country. 起初,我在异国他乡生活,寂寞难耐。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕They had an exotic meal to celebrate the start of the Chinese New Year. 他们为庆祝中国农历新年的来临吃了顿异国风味的饭菜。朗文写作活用〔FAR〕Avis always dreamed of an exotic vacation in some faraway place. 阿维斯总是梦想要去某个遥远的地方去度一个富于异国情调的假期。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕Dave wants to go to New York again, but I'd prefer somewhere more exotic. 戴夫想再去纽约,但我喜欢更具异国风情的地方。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Armchair travellers can now visit the world's most exotic countries via the Internet. 安坐家中的神游旅行家现在可以通过互联网游访世上最具异国情调的国家了。朗文写作活用〔accented〕He spoke heavily accented English.他说英语带有浓重的异国口音。牛津高阶〔accented〕He spoke heavily/strongly/slightly accented English.他说英语带有浓重/明显/轻微的异国口音。韦氏高阶〔anchorless〕He really does feel a little anchorless in a foreign land.他在异国真有点飘零之感。英汉大词典〔anglicize〕The cookbook anglicized many exotic dishes to make them easier to prepare.这本烹饪书将很多异国的菜肴英式化了,以便于烹饪。韦氏高阶〔anywhere〕Did you go anywhere exotic on vacation this year? 你今年有没有去什么有异国情调的地方度假?朗文当代〔assume〕He assumed the customs of his new country.他接受了新入籍的异国的风俗习惯。英汉大词典〔authenticity〕Consumers are increasingly interested in the authentically exotic tastes.消费者对于真正的异国风味越来越情有独钟。柯林斯高阶〔beguile〕I was beguiled by the exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech.我被马拉喀什露天剧场的异国情调深深吸引了。外研社新世纪〔case〕In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India.在很多情况下, 宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。殖民地时期的印度就是一个典型例子。外研社新世纪〔celebrated〕The garden became celebrated for its exotic plants.这座花园因有异国风情的植物而变得远近驰名。麦克米伦高阶〔destination〕He enjoys traveling to remote and exotic destinations.他喜欢到遥远的有异国情调的地方去旅游。韦氏高阶〔envy〕Their exotic vacations inspired envy in/among their friends.他们充满异国风情的假期让朋友们羡慕。韦氏高阶〔exotically〕She flits from one exotic location to another.她辗转于异国他乡。柯林斯高阶〔exotica〕Minus exotica such as parrot, flamingo, and dormouse, many foodstuffs eaten by Romans would not be out of place on a 21st-century table.除了鹦鹉、火烈鸟和睡鼠这些异国动物, 罗马人吃的大部分食物还是可以端上21世纪的餐桌的。外研社新世纪〔exoticism〕He loved the exoticism of the scenes and situations in the books.他爱上了书里描绘的那些风光和景致体现出的异国情调。外研社新世纪〔exoticism〕The quality or condition of being exotic.异国情调,外国风味:外国来的性质或状态美国传统〔exotic〕She flits from one exotic location to another.她辗转于一个又一个有异国风情的地方。外研社新世纪〔flavour〕Flavour your favourite dishes with exotic herbs and spices.把异国风味的芳草和香料加到你最喜爱的菜肴里调味。柯林斯高阶〔freely〕Exotic foods are freely available in supermarkets.超市里随时可以买到来自异国的食品。剑桥高阶〔gown〕The entertainers were exotic, beautifully gowned – and male.表演者来自异国, 穿着华美的长袍——而且还是男的。外研社新世纪〔hanker〕She hankered for a new life in a different country.她渴望在异国开始新的生活。朗文当代〔imagine〕It's easy to imagine yourself in an exotic location.身处异国他乡的情况可想而知。外研社新世纪〔junket〕He took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales.他经常和朋友一起去有异国情调的地方公费旅游。外研社新世纪〔junket〕He took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales.他经常和朋友们到一些具有异国情调的地方公款游玩。柯林斯高阶〔land〕Their journey took them to many foreign lands .他们的旅程让他们踏足许多异国的土地。朗文当代〔location〕All of his movies feature lavish sets and exotic locations.他所有的电影都具有场面大和充满异国情调的特征。韦氏高阶〔non-native〕I was surprised at how well people in that country treated me, a non-native.那个国家的人们对我这个异国人如此友好,让我感到惊讶。韦氏高阶〔noticeable〕Her outlandish attire made her conspicuous in the crowd.她异国风格的服饰使她在人群中很打眼。美国传统〔partiality〕She has a partiality for exotic flowers.她特别喜爱异国花卉。牛津高阶〔play〕The composer plays with the exotic sounds of Japanese instruments.作曲者运用了日本乐器的异国音调。牛津高阶〔readjust〕It is difficult to readjust ourselves to life in a foreign country in a short time.我们要想在短期内重新适应异国的生活是不容易的。21世纪英汉〔same〕His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out.他的最新影片只不过是老一套,异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。牛津高阶〔scent〕Frank inhaled the exotic floral scent of her perfume.弗兰克嗅了一下她的香水散发出来的异国花香。牛津搭配〔scream〕The outlandish costume screamed with clashing colors.这件异国风味的服装由于颜色不协调而显得刺眼美国传统〔sea〕Living in a foreign country can mean you're always at sea about what's going on.生活在异国他乡可能意味着你对周围的事总是茫然不知。朗文当代〔shade〕Exotic trees provide welcome shade.在充满异国风情的树下可感受到令人舒爽的阴凉。外研社新世纪〔soil〕It was the first time we had set foot on foreign/French/American soil (= gone to a foreign country/France/America).那是我们第一次踏上异国/法国/美国的土地。剑桥高阶〔spice〕Seeing exotic places adds spice to a holiday.游览有异国情调的地方,可以替假日加添趣味。牛津同义词〔start〕The horse Exotic Wood was unbeaten in five starts.那匹名为“异国木”的赛马五场比赛保持不败。朗文当代〔swan〕She's always swanning off to some exotic locale.她总是去一些有异国风情的地方闲游。韦氏高阶〔taste〕His tastes run to the exotic.他喜欢异国情调。牛津搭配〔unsettle〕Foreign food always unsettles my stomach (或 me).异国饭食常会使我的胃不舒服。英汉大词典〔upset〕The foreign food upset him (his stomach).异国食品使他(他的胃)感到不适。英汉大词典〔walk〕Many exotic plants can be found along the walk.沿着这条小径能够看到许多异国植物。韦氏高阶Every nook and cranny (= Every single place, even the smallest) of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips to other countries.房间的每一个角落都塞满了他们去异国旅行的纪念品。剑桥国际He spoke in heavily accented English.他用浓重的异国口音讲英文。剑桥国际She feasted her eyes on the gorgeous display of exotic fruit.她饱览了展出的绚丽的异国水果。剑桥国际The shop display had an ethnic feel.商店的摆设有种异国情调。剑桥国际

