
单词 动力学
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aerodynamically〕It was the best aerodynamically designed car of its time.这是当时依据空气动力学原理设计的最好汽车。外研社新世纪〔aerodynamics〕She has a degree in aerodynamics.她拥有空气动力学学位。韦氏高阶〔aerodynamics〕The dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases, especially the interaction of moving objects with the atmosphere.空气动力学:相对于气体的物体移动,特别是移动物体与大气相互作用的动力学美国传统〔aerodynamic〕Of or relating to aerodynamics.空气动力学的:属于或关于空气动力学美国传统〔aerodynamic〕The wing conforms to the same aerodynamic principle.这种机翼符合同一空气动力学原理。外研社新世纪〔aeromechanics〕The science of the motion and equilibrium of air and other gases, comprising aerodynamics and aerostatics.航空力学:空气和其他气体的运动与静止的科学,由空气动力学与空气静力学组成美国传统〔astrodynamics〕The dynamics of natural and human-made bodies in outer space.航天动力学,天体动力学:将天然及人工天体推入外层空间的动力学美国传统〔ballistics〕The study of the dynamics of projectiles.弹道学:关于射弹动力学的研究美国传统〔ballistic〕Of or relating to the study of the dynamics of projectiles.弹道学的:射弹动力学研究的或与之相关的美国传统〔biodynamics〕A method of organic gardening and crop cultivation in which certain factors, such as planetary and seasonal cycles, are considered.生物动力学:有机物栽培和作物培养的一种方法,需要考虑如行星作用和季节轮换等因素美国传统〔biodynamics〕The study of the effects of dynamic processes, such as motion or acceleration, on living organisms.生物动力学:对动力作用,如运动或加速对生物影响的研究美国传统〔biodynamic〕Of or relating to the study of the effects of dynamic processes, such as motion or acceleration, on living organisms.生物动力学的:研究动力作用对生物的影响的或与之相关的,如运动或加速美国传统〔dynamic〕Of or relating to the study of dynamics.动力学的:动力学的或与之相关的美国传统〔electrodynamics〕The physics of the relationship between electric current and magnetic or mechanical phenomena.电动力学:关于电流和磁铁或机械现象的关系的物理学美国传统〔electrogasdynamics〕Generation of electrical energy based on the conversion of the kinetic energy contained in a high-pressure, ionized, moving combustion gas.电气体动力学:建立在运动能的转化的基础上的电能的产生。运动能被包含于高压、离子化的运动燃烧气体中美国传统〔electrokinetics〕The electrodynamics of heating effects and current distribution in electric networks.动电学:关于热效应和电网中电流分配的电动力学美国传统〔fluid dynamics〕The branch of applied science that is concerned with the movement of gases and liquids.流体动力学:有关气体或液体运动的应用科学美国传统〔gasdynamics〕The branch of dynamics that deals with the motion of gases and the thermal effects of this motion.气体动力学:研究气体的运动以及这种运动的热效应的动力学的一个分支美国传统〔hemodynamics〕The study of the forces involved in the circulation of blood.血液动力学:研究涉及血液循环的力的学科美国传统〔hydrokinetics〕The branch of physics that deals with fluids in motion.流体动力学:物理中关于流动液体的分支美国传统〔hydrokinetic〕Of or relating to hydrokinetics.流体动力的:属于流体动力学的,或与之有关的美国传统〔kinesiology〕The study of muscles, especially the mechanics of human motion.人体运动学:对肌肉,尤其是人体运动力学的研究美国传统〔kinetics〕The branch of chemistry that is concerned with the rates of change in the concentration of reactants in a chemical reaction.动力学:化学的一个分支,考虑化学反应中反应物变化的速率美国传统〔locomotion〕He specialises in the mechanics of locomotion.他专攻运动力学柯林斯高阶〔locomotion〕He specialises in the mechanics of locomotion.他专门研究运动力学外研社新世纪〔magnetofluiddynamics〕Magnetohydrodynamics.磁流体动力学美国传统〔magnetogasdynamics〕Magnetohydrodynamics.磁气体动力学美国传统〔magnetohydrodynamics〕The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids or gases, such as molten metal or plasma.磁流体动力学:对磁场和导电的液体或气体,诸如熔化的金属或者等离子区之间的相互作用的研究美国传统〔magnetoplasmadynamics〕Magnetohydrodynamics.磁流体动力学美国传统〔pharmacokinetics〕The study of this process.药物动力学:对这一过程的研究美国传统〔photodynamics〕The science that deals with the activating effects of light on living organisms.光动力学:研究光对活的有机物的激发效应的科学美国传统〔quantum chromodynamics〕Chromodynamics.量子色动力学美国传统〔quantum electrodynamics〕The quantum theory of the properties and behavior of electrons and the electromagnetic field.量子电动力学:有关电子和电磁场的性质及运转的量子理论美国传统〔sink〕In thermodynamics, the part of a system from which heat, or more generally, energy is removed from the system.散热器:在热动力学中,释放热量或能量的系统的一部分美国传统〔wave mechanics〕A theory that ascribes characteristics of waves to subatomic particles and attempts to interpret physical phenomena on this basis.波动力学:将波的特征归结于亚原子粒子的理论并试图在此基础上阐释物理现象美国传统

