
单词 垃圾堆
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔crawl〕The pile of refuse crawled with insects.垃圾堆上爬满了虫子。英汉大词典〔crawl〕The pile of refuse was crawling with insects.垃圾堆上爬满了虫子。外研社新世纪〔deep-six〕I'd simply like to deep-six this whole project.我简直想把整个项目都扔进垃圾堆柯林斯高阶〔disgusting〕Rubbish was piled everywhere – it was disgusting.垃圾堆得到处都是,真恶心啊。朗文当代〔dump〕I'm going to clean out the basement and take everything I don't want to the dump.我要清理一下地下室,把不要的东西都扔进垃圾堆剑桥高阶〔dump〕Radioactive waste has been found at the dump.在垃圾堆里发现了放射性废物。牛津搭配〔dump〕Sheets of tin lay rusting on a dump.一张张锡板在垃圾堆上生锈。外研社新世纪〔dump〕They took the mattress to the dump.他们把床垫扔到了垃圾堆牛津搭配〔dump〕This town is a complete dump! 这个城市就像个垃圾堆剑桥高阶〔dustbin〕The politicians who lost the elections will be consigned to the dustbin of history.落选的政客将被抛进历史的垃圾堆牛津搭配〔fume〕I saw fumes rising from the rubbish dump.我看见垃圾堆冒出烟雾。英汉大词典〔heap〕We heaped up the rubbish.我们把垃圾堆起来。牛津同义词〔lagoon〕A shallow body of liquid waste material, as one in a dump.一洼废水:由废弃物质充斥的浅水体,如在垃圾堆美国传统〔midden〕A dunghill or refuse heap.粪堆;垃圾堆美国传统〔nose〕Dogs nosed around in piles of refuse.一群狗在垃圾堆上嗅来嗅去。牛津高阶〔nose〕The dogs were nosing around in the garbage.一群狗用鼻子在垃圾堆里闻来闻去找东西。韦氏高阶〔outfall〕Great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.大群海鸥聚集在垃圾堆和污水排放口处。外研社新世纪〔pick through sth〕I had to pick through the rubbish to find my electricity bill.我不得不在垃圾堆里翻找我的电费缴费单。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕She pitched the empty box into the garbage.她把空盒子扔进垃圾堆里。韦氏高阶〔pyramid〕Bags of garbage are pyramided at the side of the basement entrance.一袋袋垃圾堆在地下室入口处。英汉大词典〔rubbish〕They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。柯林斯高阶〔rubbish〕Throw it on the rubbish heap.把它扔进垃圾堆英汉大词典〔ruderal〕A plant that grows in rubbish, poor land, or waste.生长在荒地、垃圾堆或废物上的植物美国传统〔ruderal〕Growing in rubbish, poor land, or waste.生长在荒地、垃圾堆或废物上的美国传统〔scavenge〕Pigs scavenged among the rubbish.猪在垃圾堆里觅食。朗文当代〔scavenge〕Rats scavenged in the trash.老鼠在垃圾堆里找吃的。韦氏高阶〔scavenge〕There are people who live in the dump and scavenge garbage for a living.有人生活在垃圾场,以在垃圾堆里觅食为生。朗文当代〔scavenge〕We managed to scavenge a lot of furniture from the dump.我们从当地的垃圾堆里捡到了许多家具。剑桥高阶〔sky-high〕The garbage was piled sky-high.垃圾堆得很高美国传统〔sour〕The sour odour of rubbish dump haunted the air.垃圾堆的腐烂臭味在空气中弥漫。英汉大词典〔stack〕They went down to a small yard stacked high with rubbish.他们来到一个垃圾堆得高高的小院子。麦克米伦高阶〔tip〕Sorry, the flat's a real tip at the moment.对不起,公寓现在乱得跟垃圾堆似的。麦克米伦高阶〔tip〕The flat is an absolute tip.这套公寓简直就是个垃圾堆外研社新世纪〔trash〕His theories were relegated to the trash heap of history.他的理论被扔进了历史的垃圾堆牛津搭配It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.这样一个美丽的地方被垃圾堆弄脏,是件不可饶恕的事。剑桥国际Put the vegetable peelings on the compost heap.把蔬菜皮放在垃圾堆上。剑桥国际Rain water leaches heavy metals out of the dump site and carries them into the local water.雨水滤出垃圾堆中的重金属并把它们带入当地的河流。剑桥国际Take the old furniture to the rubbish dump.将旧家具扔到垃圾堆里去。剑桥国际The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。译典通The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap. 整个地区看上去像一座大垃圾堆译典通The rubbish dump is turning into a heap of putrefaction (= decaying matter).垃圾堆正变成一堆腐烂物。剑桥国际They covered the rubbish tip with soil, then grassed it over (= covered it with grass to hide it).他们在垃圾堆上盖上土,然后种上草。剑桥国际We managed to scavenge a lot of furniture from the local rubbish dump.我们设法从当地的垃圾堆里捡到许多家具。剑桥国际We were so poor we had to scavenge through rubbish dumps for old furniture.我们很穷,我们得从垃圾堆里捡回旧家具。剑桥国际Wild dogs scavenge through rotting piles of rubbish.野狗在腐烂的垃圾堆里搜寻。剑桥国际

