
单词 圣诞节期
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕The hotel never has any rooms free over the Christmas period. 圣诞节期间这家宾馆从来不会有空房。朗文写作活用〔Christmastime〕The season of Christmas.圣诞节期美国传统〔Christmas〕He'll be in the hospital over Christmas, so we'll be spending our Christmas Day there.圣诞节期间他会一直住院, 所以我们的圣诞节就在医院里过。外研社新世纪〔Christmas〕I'll be in Scotland over Christmas.圣诞节期间我将会在苏格兰。朗文当代〔DURING〕They plan to redecorate their house over the Christmas period. 他们打算在圣诞节期间重新装修一下房子。朗文写作活用〔DVD〕I got a DVD of "Mary Poppins" for Christmas.我买了一张《欢乐满人间》的DVD影碟,打算在圣诞节期间看。剑桥高阶〔PREPARE〕Retailers are already gearing up to meet the Christmas rush. 零售商已作好准备,以迎接圣诞节期间的购物狂潮。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Shopping by mail avoids the hassles of crowded stores at Christmastime. 邮购避免了圣诞节期间商店拥挤带来的麻烦。朗文写作活用〔Yuletide〕Yuletide cheer 圣诞节期间的欢乐气氛韦氏高阶〔check〕The police are carrying out spot checks on (= quick examinations of a limited number of) drivers over the Christmas period to test for alcohol levels.圣诞节期间,警察对司机们进行了酒精度抽检。剑桥高阶〔christmas〕The library is closed over Christmas.圣诞节期间图书馆闭馆。牛津搭配〔christmas〕There are lots of parties at Christmas.圣诞节期间有很多聚会。牛津搭配〔compete〕The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas season.圣诞节期间,商店得为争夺顾客而竞争。朗文当代〔consumerism〕He disliked Christmas and its rampant (= extreme) consumerism.他不喜欢圣诞节和圣诞节期间狂热的购物潮。剑桥高阶〔decorate ... with〕At Christmas they decorated the hall with coloured flags, paper and lights.圣诞节期间他们用彩旗、彩纸和彩灯装饰了大厅。21世纪英汉〔forgather〕They usually forgather at Christmas time.他们通常在圣诞节期间相聚。英汉大词典〔get〕Do you get much time off at Christmas? 你圣诞节期间会有很长的假期吗?麦克米伦高阶〔greeting〕Millions of greetings / greeting cards are sent at Christmas.有数百万张贺卡在圣诞节期间寄出。牛津搭配〔handle〕The Post Office handles nearly 2 billion letters and parcels over the Christmas period.圣诞节期间邮政局要处理 20 亿件邮件。朗文当代〔hum with〕They began to hum with activities after Christmastide.圣诞节期过后他们开始忙碌起来了。21世纪英汉〔overindulge〕It's hard not to overindulge at Christmas.圣诞节期间不大吃大喝是很难做到的。朗文当代〔over〕He'd had flu over Christmas.他在圣诞节期间曾患感冒。英汉大词典〔period〕Prof. Smith had left the university a few days earlier to recuperate at home over the Christmas holiday period.史密斯教授提前几天离开学校, 为的是在圣诞节期间在家休养。外研社新世纪〔period〕There will be a reduced bus service over the Christmas period.圣诞节期间公交车的班次将会减少。牛津搭配〔rise〕Sales rose by 20% over the Christmas period.圣诞节期间销售量增加了 20%。朗文当代〔season〕We expect an increase in sales during the Christmas season.我们期望圣诞节期间销售量会有所增加。麦克米伦高阶〔short-handed〕The post office is always short-handed in the Christmas season.邮局在圣诞节期间总是人手不足。英汉大词典〔sit〕Parliament does not sit over Christmas.圣诞节期内议会不开会。牛津同义词〔staff〕We'll be down to a skeleton staff over Christmas.圣诞节期间会只剩下基干人员。牛津搭配〔store〕At Christmas the stores stay open late.在圣诞节期间,商店营业到很晚。朗文当代〔suicide〕More people commit suicide at Christmas than at any other time.圣诞节期间自杀的人比其他任何时候都多。朗文当代〔take ... on〕The supermarket is taking on a few temporary assistants for the Christmas season.这家超市正在招收几名圣诞节期间上班的临时店员。21世纪英汉〔turkey〕We raise turkeys mainly for the Christmas market.我们饲养火鸡主要是为了供应圣诞节期间的市场。牛津搭配〔window〕The shop windows are wonderful around Christmas time.圣诞节期间商店的橱窗非常漂亮。剑桥高阶Holly is widely cultivated for ornament, especially at Christmas time.尤其是在圣诞节期间,人们普遍培植冬青作为点缀。剑桥国际I've done a lot of drinking over Christmas.圣诞节期间我喝了许多酒。剑桥国际She had a bout of flu over Christmas.圣诞节期间她得了一场流感。剑桥国际We sell a lot of turkeys over the Christmas period.在圣诞节期间我们卖了大量的火鸡。剑桥国际

