“travel agent”例句

单词 travel agent
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Check with your travel agent for the best rates. 向你的旅行代理人查询最优惠的价钱。朗文写作活用〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕A good travel agent knows that a satisfied customer will always come back. 好的旅行社知道,满意的顾客还会再来。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕The travel agents messed up the arrangements and there was no room for us at the hotel. 旅行社安排得一团糟,酒店没有给我们留房间。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕You'd better ring round some travel agents to get some prices. 你最好打几个电话到旅行社问问价格。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕The Association of British Travel Agents is listed under ‘Trade Associations and Professional Bodies’ in the Yellow Pages. 英国旅行社协会在黄页电话簿中被归在“贸易协会和专业团体”类里。朗文写作活用〔agent〕They worked with a travel agent to plan their vacation.他们和旅行社代理商一起规划他们的假期。韦氏高阶〔bonded〕The company is a fully bonded member of the Association of British Travel Agents.该公司是英国旅行社协会的完全担保会员。柯林斯高阶〔bonded〕The company is a fully bonded member of the Association of British Travel Agents.这家公司是英国旅行社协会的完全担保会员。外研社新世纪〔booking〕I made the booking through a travel agent.我通过旅行社预订了。牛津搭配〔book〕She booked through her travel agent.她是通过她的旅行代理人预订的。韦氏高阶〔budgeting〕Cheap flights are available from budget travel agent from £240.收费低廉的旅行社可以提供240英镑起的低价机票。柯林斯高阶〔check-in〕Ask your travel agent about check-in times.可向旅行代办人询问办理登机手续的时间。朗文当代〔commission〕Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques.旅行社对英镑支票收取1%的服务费。柯林斯高阶〔commission〕Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques.旅行社对英镑支票收取1%的服务费。外研社新世纪〔deal〕Most travel agents do not deal directly with these companies.大部分旅行代办人都不直接和这些公司打交道。朗文当代〔detail〕You can find out more details of the offer from your local travel agent.进一步的报价详情可向当地的旅游代理查询。牛津搭配〔direct〕For reservations call the airlines direct, or your travel agent.订票可直接打电话给航空公司,或打电话给旅行社。英汉大词典〔grilling〕Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children.请仔细询问旅行代办人会为带孩子的家庭提供何种设施。柯林斯高阶〔grill〕Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children.关于给带小孩家庭提供的设施, 要向旅行社代理问清楚。外研社新世纪〔insurance〕The travel agent recommended that I take out travel insurance.旅行社建议我办理旅行保险。牛津搭配〔knock〕Travel agents are knocking £50 and sometimes £100 off the price of holidays.旅行代理人会把度假报价降 50 英镑,有时 100 英镑。朗文当代〔lay〕The airline could lay a penalty on your travel agent.航空公司可能会处罚相关旅行社。外研社新世纪〔mix up〕The travel agent mixed up the bookings.旅行社把预订搞乱了。外研社新世纪〔point the finger at sb〕Unhappy tourists have pointed the finger at unhelpful travel agents.不满的游客纷纷指责旅游代办人办事不力。剑桥高阶〔price〕We went around all the travel agents pricing the different tours.我们走遍了各家旅行社询问各种旅游项目的价格。剑桥高阶〔quote〕A travel agent quoted her £160 for a flight from Bristol to Palma.一位旅行社职员给她开出的从布里斯托尔至帕尔马的机票报价是160英镑。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕I rang round all the travel agents in the area.我打电话询问了那个地区所有的旅行社。牛津高阶〔tailor〕Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.为了满足个别人士需要,大多数旅行社都愿意作出专门的旅游安排。牛津高阶〔travel agent〕She's a travel agent.她是位旅行代理人。外研社新世纪〔warn〕Travel agents are not warning tourists about the dangers of crime in holiday resorts.旅行代理人没有提醒游客假日旅游地存在危险的犯罪活动。麦克米伦高阶〔worry〕Let the travel agent worry about the details.让旅行社去操心那些细节问题吧。韦氏高阶I can't work out when we'll be away until I've spoken with the travel agent again. 在同旅行社再次交谈之前,我无法知道我们将于何时出发。剑桥国际Most reputable travel agents are ABTA members.大多数声誉好的旅行社都是英国旅行社协会的成员。剑桥国际Our travel agent routed us through Italy. 我们的旅行社安排我们途经义大利。译典通The travel agent checked the name on her monitor.旅行社办事员在她的电脑屏幕上核对名字。剑桥国际The travel agent gave us a batch of holiday leaflets and brochures.旅行社给我们一批度假广告单和小册子。剑桥国际Unhappy tourists have pointed the finger at unhelpful travel agents.不高兴的游客们纷纷指责帮不上忙的旅行社工作人员。剑桥国际We recommend that you use an ABTA bonded travel agent.我们推荐你找由英国旅行社协会担保的旅行社。牛津商务We went around all the travel agents pricing the different tours.我们走遍了所有的旅行社询问不同旅游项目的价格。剑桥国际

