“to miss”例句

单词 to miss
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕She was starting to miss the familiar comforts of her home in Massachusetts. 她开始怀念马萨诸塞州的家里那些用惯了的使生活轻松适意的东西。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕She attended school regularly for a while, then started to miss classes again. 有一阵子她按时上学,然后又开始逃课了。朗文写作活用〔I must love you and leave you〕I don't want to miss the last train, so I'm afraid I must love you and leave you.我不想错过最后一班火车,恐怕不得不走了。韦氏高阶〔ROAD/PATH〕Rockland is hard to miss. Route 1 runs right through it. 罗克兰这地方很好找,1号公路就穿过那里。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕The eggs of the lice are infinitesimally small and very easy to miss. 虱卵非常细小,很容易忽视。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕I try and tape the shows I don't want to miss. 我会设法把不想错过的节目录下来。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕What time do you have, Dave? I don't want to miss my plane. 戴夫,你的手表几点了?我不想误了飞机。朗文写作活用〔be a bit much〕I thought being asked to miss my lunch was a bit much.我认为要求我不去午餐太过分了。剑桥高阶〔beat〕Her heart seemed to miss a beat.她的心跳似乎停跳了一下。麦克米伦高阶〔beetle〕Hoping to miss the traffic jams, she beetled off home at four o'clock.为避开交通拥堵,她4点钟就匆忙赶回家了。剑桥高阶〔bolt〕Being under stress can cause you to miss meals or bolt your food.人在压力之下有时会吃不上饭, 或是匆忙进食。外研社新世纪〔dallied〕Don't dally over your meal, we don't want to miss our train.你吃饭别再磨蹭啦,我们不想误火车。21世纪英汉〔event〕Her graduation from college was an event I did not want to miss.她的大学毕业典礼是我不想错过的盛事。英汉大词典〔fated〕I was fated to miss that train.我注定错过那班火车。牛津同义词〔go by〕You can't let an opportunity like that go by - it's too good to miss.你不能放过这样一个机会——良机不容错过。剑桥高阶〔introduce〕May I introduce you to Miss Brown? 让我介绍你跟布朗小姐认识好吗? 英汉大词典〔luck〕I thought I was going to miss the train but luck was on my side.我以为要赶不上火车了,还好我运气不错。牛津搭配〔luck〕I was sure I was going to miss the train; but I lucked out, the train was five minutes late.我想我肯定赶不上火车了;可是运气挺好,火车晚点了5分钟。英汉大词典〔miscue〕To miss a stage cue.未能接上提示,接错提示美国传统〔miss out〕It's easy to miss out a comma when you're writing quickly.写得快时很容易就会漏掉一个逗号。外研社新世纪〔miss out〕Well, I'm glad you could make it. I didn't want you to miss out.嗯,很高兴你赶来了,我可不希望你错过机会。柯林斯高阶〔miss〕He certainly wasn't going to miss the chance of making some extra money.他当然不会错过挣些外快的机会。朗文当代〔miss〕He was disappointed to miss the trip.他因未能成行而感到失望。英汉大词典〔miss〕Her latest movie is too good to miss (= it certainly should be seen).她最近的一部电影很好,不容错过。剑桥高阶〔miss〕I would hate to miss this opportunity.我不愿错过这次机会。韦氏高阶〔miss〕I've got a meeting and I don't want to miss the train.我有一个会,而且不想赶不上火车。麦克米伦高阶〔miss〕Of course I'm coming—I don't want to miss out on all the fun! 我当然要来,我可不想错失好玩的机会。牛津高阶〔miss〕The sale prices were too good to miss.那次价格优惠真的不可错过。牛津高阶〔miss〕You can't afford to miss meals(= not eat meals)when you're in training.你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。牛津高阶〔miss〕You should leave early if you want to miss the rush hour.如果你想避开高峰时间,就该早些出发。剑桥高阶〔overshoot〕To miss by or as if by shooting, hitting, or propelling something too far.射过头:因为或似因为射击、击打或推动过远而未击中某物美国传统〔push〕Nicola was never one to miss out on a chance to push herself forward.尼古拉从来不会错过一次表现自己的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔replace〕It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。牛津高阶〔resist〕I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist.我抵挡不住逃课的诱惑。牛津高阶〔set〕Rosenthal looks set to miss the match because of injury.罗森塔尔看来很可能要因伤错过这场比赛了。麦克米伦高阶〔shine〕Seems to me you've taken quite a shine to Miss Richmond.在我看来, 你对里士满小姐完全是一见钟情。外研社新世纪〔soon〕If we don't leave soon, we're going to miss our bus.如果我们不快点走,我们就赶不上公共汽车了。麦克米伦高阶〔sorry〕We were sorry to miss your concert.我们很遗憾没有去听你的音乐会。朗文当代〔stumble〕To miss one's step in walking or running; trip and almost fall.跌绊:走路或跑步时绊脚;绊跌美国传统〔thing〕I'm going to arrive early because I don't want to miss a thing.我要早点儿到,因为我不想错过任何东西。牛津搭配〔toast〕Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs.我和埃莉诺向雅各布斯小姐敬酒。外研社新世纪〔too good to miss〕Henri's latest show is too good to miss.亨利最近的表演太好了,不容错过。剑桥高阶〔tree〕It has always been one of his faults to miss the forest for the trees.见树不见林,这一直是他的缺点之一。英汉大词典〔trick〕She never seems to miss a trick.她对发生的事好像无所不晓 英汉大词典〔unlucky〕I was unlucky enough to miss the final episode.我不幸错过了最后一集。外研社新世纪Feebly written and directed, this is one film everybody can afford to miss.这部电影的写作和导演都不够水平,任何人错过这场电影都不会懊悔。剑桥国际Great stress can sometimes cause a woman to miss a period.有时压力太大可能导致月经失常。剑桥国际Her latest movie is too good to miss (= It certainly should be seen).她的最新影片好得不容错过。剑桥国际If you hang about much more you're going to miss the train.如果你再慢吞吞的,你会误火车的。剑桥国际The offer was too good an opportunity to miss.此报盘机会很好,不容错过。牛津商务

