
单词 娱乐形式
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bait〕In the past, bear-baiting was a common form of entertainment in the UK .从前,纵狗袭击熊在英国是一种常见的娱乐形式剑桥高阶〔displace as〕Television has displaced film as our country's most popular form of entertainment.电视已取代了电影,成为我国最大众化的娱乐形式21世纪英汉〔escapist〕The western is escapist entertainment.西部片是人们逃避现实的娱乐形式外研社新世纪〔fuse〕What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert.他们所做的就是把马戏表演和摇滚音乐会这两种不同类型的娱乐形式糅合了起来。柯林斯高阶〔golden oldie〕A recording, movie, or other form of entertainment that was very popular in the past.曾风靡一时的作品:过去非常流行的录音唱片、电影或其他娱乐形式美国传统Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping.爱玛唯一的娱乐形式似乎是购物。剑桥国际Watching football in England has never been a traditional family pastime.看足球在英国从来没有成为一种传统的家庭娱乐形式剑桥国际

