
单词 了望
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔conning tower〕A raised, enclosed observation post in a submarine, often used as a means of entrance and exit.了望塔:潜水艇上高高突出的、封闭的观察点,常被作为出入通道美国传统〔conveyance〕I looked ahead to see what sort of conveyance we were to ride in.我朝前望了望, 想看看我们将乘坐怎样的交通工具。外研社新世纪〔crow's-nest〕A similar lookout platform located ashore.守望楼:一种位于岸边的类似了望平台美国传统〔crow's-nest〕Nautical A small lookout platform with a protective railing and windscreen, located near the top of a ship's mast or superstructure.【航海】 桅杆暸望台:设置有防护栏杆和挡风玻璃的小型了望平台,位于船桅或船的上层结构的顶部附近美国传统〔gallery〕Nautical A platform or balcony at the stern or quarters of some early sailing ships.【航海】 船尾了望台:一些早期船的尾部或尾舷上的平台或阳台美国传统〔glass〕To scan (a tract of land or forest, for example) with an optical instrument.了望,审视:用光学仪器了望(例如,一片土地或森林)美国传统〔look ahead〕He looked ahead to see what Keith was doing.他朝前望了望, 想看看基思在做什么。外研社新世纪〔lookout〕A high place or structure commanding a wide view, used for observation.眺望台:高处或视野开阔的建筑,用于了望美国传统〔lookout〕One who keeps watch.守望员:了望的人美国传统〔observatory〕A structure overlooking an extensive view.观察台,了望台,望楼:俯瞰广阔景象的建筑美国传统〔outlook〕A place where something can be viewed.了望处:可以看见一些事物的地方美国传统〔outlook〕The act of looking out.了望了望的行为美国传统〔sight〕The look-out sighted a ship.了望员见到了一条船。牛津同义词〔smoke〕Rangers watched from their fire towers for any wisps of smoke.园林管理员在火警了望塔上观察是否有烟雾出现。朗文当代〔station〕We stationed a look-out on the roof.我们在屋顶上设置了了望台。牛津同义词〔telescope〕She set up her telescope on the balcony.她在阳台上架起了望远镜。牛津搭配〔whistle stop〕A brief appearance of a political candidate in a small town, traditionally on the observation platform of a train.短暂停留:政治竞选人在小镇子所做的短暂露面,按传统是在火车的了望平台上进行的美国传统Then he looked up at her again, with those haunted eyes.然后他又用焦虑的眼光抬头望了望她。剑桥国际

