
单词 汽缸
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MACHINE〕The SVT is available only with a six-cylinder engine. 这种SVT汽车只有六汽缸的型号。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕The engine's efficiency depends on the effective compression of gas in all its cylinders. 发动机的效率取决于所有汽缸内气体压缩的有效性。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕Take out the spark plugs and turn the cylinder block upside down. 拔下火花塞,把汽缸翻转过来。朗文写作活用〔V-engine〕An internal-combustion engine having cylinders arranged so that pairs form V shapes.V型发动机:具有成对排列成V型的汽缸的内燃机美国传统〔compression ratio〕In an internal combustion engine, the ratio of the volume between the piston and cylinder head before and after a compression stroke.压缩比:内燃机中,在压缩行程前后活塞到汽缸盖之间的容量比美国传统〔cylinder head〕The closed, often detachable, end of a cylinder in an internal-combustion engine.汽缸盖:在内燃机里的汽缸封闭端,通常可分开美国传统〔cylinder〕The chamber in which a piston of a reciprocating engine moves.汽缸:有往复式发动机的活塞移动的空室美国传统〔dashpot〕A device consisting of a piston that moves within a cylinder containing oil, used to dampen and control motion.缓冲器:由在装有油的汽缸里活动的活塞构成的一种设备,用来减幅和控制运动美国传统〔eight〕An eight-cylinder engine or motor vehicle.八汽缸发动机或八汽缸汽车美国传统〔engine block〕The cast metal block containing the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine.内燃机引擎铸模:带有内燃发动机汽缸的金属铸模美国传统〔external-combustion engine〕An engine, such as a steam engine, in which the fuel is burned outside the engine cylinder.外燃机:燃料在汽缸外燃烧的一种发动机,如蒸汽机美国传统〔fin〕A projecting vane used for cooling, as on a radiator or an engine cylinder.散热片:如在散热器或内燃机汽缸上的以供降温的外伸风向标美国传统〔fire〕The engine/cylinders failed to fire.发动机/汽缸未能启动。韦氏高阶〔gear〕A toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, that meshes with another toothed part to transmit motion or to change speed or direction.齿轮:有齿的机器部件,比如一个车轮或汽缸,与另一个有齿部分相啮合,以传送运动或改变方向、速度美国传统〔hit〕To ignite a mixture of air and fuel in the cylinders. Used of an internal-combustion engine.点燃:在汽缸内点火或打火。用于内燃机美国传统〔leak〕The gas had apparently leaked from a cylinder.气体似乎由一汽缸漏出。柯林斯高阶〔multiport〕Having, relating to, or being a system of multiple ports for injecting fuel separately into each cylinder of an engine.多汽缸的:把燃料分别注入发动机的每一个汽缸中的多汽缸系统的,或与其有关的美国传统〔proportion〕The pressure in the cylinders would go up in proportion to the boiler pressure.汽缸内的压力会随着汽锅压力的增加而相应增加。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕The pressure in the cylinders would go up in proportion to the boiler pressure.汽缸内的压力会随着汽锅压力的增加而增加。外研社新世纪〔radial engine〕An internal-combustion engine, formerly used in propeller-driven aircraft, with cylinders arranged radially around the crankshaft.星形发动机:汽缸绕曲轴径向排列的内燃机,以前用于螺旋桨式的飞机美国传统〔radial engine〕An internal-combustion engine, formerly used in propeller-driven aircraft, with cylinders arranged radially around the crankshaft.辐状引擎:曾用于螺旋推动式飞行器的内燃机,其汽缸呈放射状地环绕机轴排列美国传统〔reciprocate〕The piston is reciprocating inside cylinder.活塞在汽缸内部往复运动。21世纪英汉〔six〕Something having six parts, units, or members, especially a motor vehicle having six cylinders.六个单位组成的东西:由六部分、单位或成员组成的某物,尤指带有六个汽缸的机动车美国传统〔slap〕The piston was slapping in the cylinder.活塞在汽缸中砰砰地撞击。英汉大词典〔spark plug〕A device inserted in the head of an internal-combustion engine cylinder that ignites the fuel mixture by means of an electric spark.火花塞:塞在内燃机汽缸口的设施,通过电火花点燃汽油混合物美国传统〔steam chest〕A compartment in a steam engine through which steam is delivered from the boiler to a cylinder.蒸汽室:蒸汽机中的一个室,通过它蒸汽从锅炉传送到汽缸美国传统〔steam engine〕An engine that converts the heat energy of pressurized steam into mechanical energy, especially one in which steam drives a piston in a closed cylinder.蒸汽机:一种将加压蒸汽的热能转化为机械能的机器,尤指蒸汽在封闭汽缸中带动活塞美国传统〔suction pump〕A pump for drawing up a liquid by means of suction produced by a piston drawn through a cylinder.抽吸泵,真空泵:一种通过带阀活塞在汽缸中运动而产生的吸力将液体提升的泵美国传统〔supercharger〕A blower or compressor, usually driven by the engine, for supplying air under high pressure to the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine.增压器:增压器或压气机,通常由发动机驱动,在高压下给内燃机的汽缸提供空气美国传统〔valve-in-head engine〕An internal-combustion engine, as in some automobiles, that has the inlet and exhaust valves in the cylinder head instead of in the engine block.顶置气门发动机:一种内燃机,如用于汽车上的内燃机,在汽缸顶部而非发动机内部装有进给阀和排气阀美国传统He's just bought himself a powerful new car with a six-cylinder engine.他刚买了部大功率的新车,引擎有六个汽缸剑桥国际The cylinder is getting too much gas and not enough air. 汽缸里汽油太多而空气不足。译典通The engine isn't firing on all its cylinders.引擎内所有的汽缸都点不燃火。剑桥国际The exhaust manifold in a car carries the exhaust gases away from the cylinders.汽车的废气排放管将废气排出汽缸剑桥国际

