
词组 company

■ company

1) 这个名词的意义往往是“陪伴”,不一定是“公司”。

  • He usually lunched alone, preferring his own company to other people's.他通常自己单独用午餐,宁可自己陪自己,也不要别人来陪(不能理解为“宁可要自己的公司也不要别人的公司”)。
  • Students generally attend in the company of their parents.学生参加时通常有家长陪着。
  • The two little girls had clearly been excited by each other's company.两个女孩子能彼此做伴,显然十分兴奋。

2) 可以指与某人来往的人群整体,即“交游圈子”。

  • A certain level of distinction came from the company he kept.他的交游圈子属于上流,这使得他的身份显得较高。
  • A man is known by the company he keeps.物以类聚,人以群分。
  • She has been keeping bad company recently.她近来同一些不三不四的人来往。

3) 但是 to be in good company 并不是“同好人来往”的意思,而是“(遇到好事或坏事)都有人陪,不孤单”。


  • You're in good company; we've all been fired.你并不孤单;我们全都一样被解雇了。
  • With hindsight we can also understand the Russians' position. They may have been too credulous about the feasibility of SDI, but they were in good company. It worried America's allies, who feared that its successful implementation might produce a "Fortress America with a dangerously insecure Europe in the ramparts." (The New York Review of Books)现在时过境迁回头看,我们对当时俄国人的立场是可以明白的。他们大概对于“战略防御方针”(即“星球大战”)的可行性过于轻信,但是同他们一样轻信的还大有人在。就连美国的盟国也担心起来,生怕一旦这个方针贯彻成功,就会造成“一个美国加固碉堡加上一个位于外墙的岌岌可危的欧洲”。


  • Marcelle Gannon was in good company three years ago when she graduated from the University of Melbourne with two bachelor degrees, one in engineering and one in commerce. Nearly 68 percent of the university's engineering students (up from 60 percent a year ago) are taking combined degrees.马谢尔·甘农三年前从墨尔本大学以两个学士学位毕业,一个学位是工程,另一个是商业,同她一样拿双学位的大有人在。该校学工程的学生,将近有百分之六十八(比一年前百分之六十有了提高)都是拿多个学位的。

in good company 也可以不一定指好事或坏事,只是指“不单是一个人如此”。

  • I had the impression I was in good company in regarding this as an impressive, interesting, and highly worthwhile mission.我得到一个印象,就是不单是我一个人认为这是一件动人的、有趣的、很值得去做的事。

in good company 也可以转义为“有知音”,“有人赏识”。

  • Clark was in good company for a young artist of barely 30.就一个未满三十的年轻艺术家来说,克拉克算是有人赏识的了。

4) to keep somebody company (somebody 是间接宾语)与 accompany somebody 意义有些不同。前者可以指静态的“陪伴(散心)”,如陪着聊聊天,玩纸牌,等等(属第二类动词)。

  • He kept his mother company in the late afternoons.他每天下午傍晚时陪伴他母亲。

accompany 则是陪着移动位置(属第三类动词),如果位置固定不动的就不能用 accompany。用了 accompany 就不必再加上移动位置的另一个动词。

  • She asked him to accompany her to the station.她请他送她到车站去(不要说 to accompany her to go to the station)。

音乐上的“伴奏”也用 accompany,虽然没有空间位置上的移动,但是乐曲是在动态的“进行”中的。

但是,如果 accompany 的主语和宾语都是抽象事物,而不是人,则没有陪着移动位置的动态意义(属第一类动词)。

  • Their responses, though polite, were... accompanied by forced smiles. (Dan Brown, Deception Point, p.58)他们的回答,尽管彬彬有礼,还是…带着勉强装出的笑容。

