“no more...than”用法

词组 no more...than

■ no more... than...

意义与用法都同 not... any more than...相近。前半部以否定形式表示否定某事,后半部则不用否定形式但表示否定,总的意思是“甲事之不,犹如乙事(之不)”。

  • They could no more decline participation in this mission than they could deny their manhood.他们无法拒绝参加这项任务,正如他们无法否认自己是堂堂男子汉。
  • An atheist can no more prove there is no God than a believer can prove God's existence. (Newsweek, Nov. 13, 2006, p.24)无神论者之不能证明没有上帝,犹如信教者之不能证明上帝的存在。
  • He's no more going to do it than I'm going to give you a lobster dinner.要他这样做,就等于要我请你吃一顿龙虾大餐一样没门。
  • We can no more opt out of this struggle than we can opt out of the climate changing around us. (Tony Blair, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007)这场斗争,我们是无法退出的,就正如我们无法退出我们周围正在变化着的气候一样。

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