
音标: 英 [ˌʌn'reɡjʊleɪtɪd] 美 [ˌʌn'reɡjʊleɪtɪd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 未经调节的;未校准的

a. not regulated; not subject to rule or discipline
s. without regulation or discipline


1. No, I said it was gray, that it's unregulated.

不 我说是灰色地带 不受监管

2. Unregulated power enhancer, that's a massive bust.

未受管制的异能增进剂 相当暴利

3. These kind of alternative remedies are completely unregulated.

这些替代疗法 完全不受监管

4. The medical device industry is an unregulated gold mine.


5. Let me guess, you've been taking unregulated colloidal silver supplements.

我猜猜 你一直在服用 不规范的胶体银补充剂

6. And the internet is still in large parts unregulated, with piracy and downloading rife.

而且网上普遍的盗版与下载 仍然有很大一部分缺乏监管

7. The law has simply not caught up with technology, and drones remain and I would suggest frighteningly unregulated.

法律并未跟上科技进步的步伐 无人机同理 所以我将作出些令人意外的 非常规建议

8. These seas were largely stripped of sharks and other large fish by years of unregulated fishing.

由于多年的无管制捕捞 该海域的鲨鱼和其它大型鱼类几乎消失了

9. II understand that you're used to working in more unregulated environments, but you are going to have to learn to work with us and not around us, and follow the proper protocol.

我明白你们习惯了 在约束不多的氛围里工作 但你们必须学会 跟我们合作而不是瞒着我们 还要遵守恰当的协议

10. 前国际货币基金组织首席经济学家 partly through political contributions, so buying favours, but mostly through ideological control, convincing people that finance is good, more finance is better and unregulated finance without limit is best.

\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h西蒙·约翰逊教授 一部分通过*捐献 买通关系 但大部分是通过意识形态控制 说服人们相信借贷是好的 越多越好 而不受监管且无限制的借贷是最好的
