
音标: 英 ['sʌntænd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 给太阳晒黑的

s (of skin) having a tan color from exposure to the sun


1. I can see his suntan all the way from here.


2. I need to go wash off this suntan lotion.


3. Everybody wants the bIondes with the suntans and the sundresses.


4. People got killed, and I get a suntan.

有人被杀了 而我去晒日光浴

5. Yeah, well, you know. I got a suntan.

没错 你看出来了 我晒黑了

6. "I can apply suntan lotion and read at the same time.


7. My daddy hauls hay and my mom does marketing for suntan lotion.

我爸是拉干草的 我妈做市场营销推广防晒油

8. She always wanted a suntan in the winter to show off to the neighbors and stuff you know.

她一直想要在冬天晒黑点儿 去向邻居们炫耀

9. Just sat on this freezing cold deck plastering on the suntan lotion.

我就坐在冷冰冰的甲板上 猛涂防晒油

10. I got you this. I can't read the label, but, um, it's either coconut water or suntan lotion.

我给你买了这个 我看不懂标签 但是 这要么是椰汁 要么就是防晒乳液
