
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 戈林(德国纳粹党的二号人物, 希特勒指定的接班人)

n. German politician in Nazi Germany who founded the Gestapo and mobilized Germany for war (1893-1946)


1. And I say that as someone who's been gored.


2. Sorry, I was gored by the comfy chair.

抱歉 我被这舒适的靠椅刺了下

3. It will, but without all the blood and gore.

还是会有一点 只是不会那么血腥暴力

4. A girl loves a little romance with her gore.


5. A few years ago, a man did this and got himself gored.

因为之前有人那么做 被牛抵伤了

6. Oh, yeah, the gore is super realistic.

是的 这些血都超像真的

7. But there's far more to games than just guns and gore.


8. Lots of gore with a splash of social commentary.

很多的血腥场面 加上一些社会说明

9. We'll get these horses gored in that thick shit.

枝叶那么密 马会被划伤的

10. I guess. I just read the books for the gore mostly.

是吗 我通常只看书里的血案
