
音标: 英 [dɪsˈmɪsɪv] 美 [dɪsˈmɪsɪv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 轻视的

s. showing indifference or disregard
s. stopping to associate with


1. And if they can't, the case is di*issed.

如果他们不能 这案子就被驳回了

2. Before you di*iss me, you should know this.

在你赶走我之前 你要知道

3. he'd be di*issed and you would resign.

他会被辞退 而且你也会辞职

4. They're piling on. ...to be di*issed.

媒体一拥而上 牵涉的人员之一

5. Where are all my guys? I've di*issed them.

我的人呢 我遣散了他们

6. I di*issed him before hearing him out.


7. Now what are you doing? I'm di*issing you.

你现在在做什么 你们可以走了

8. That will be all, you're all di*issed.

就是这样 你们可以走了

9. I have no argument against my di*issal.


10. Thankfully most of his plans were di*issed.

感谢上帝 他的多数方案都未被采纳
