
音标: 英 ['ɒnərəbl] 美 [ˈɑnərəbəl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 值得尊敬的, 荣耀的, 高贵的

a. worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect


1. I was trying to honor him, to honor you both.

我是想紀念他 紀念你們倆

2. And we need to honor that, honor him.

我们要以此为荣 以他为荣

3. And we honor him by honoring his example.

我们尊敬他 以他为榜样

4. I am honored today to be here today to present you this honor with our most prestigious honor today.

我今天无比荣幸 能够亲手向您颁发 协会最为无上的荣耀

5. An honorable transaction with an honorable man.

这是和一个可敬的人 进行的一笔可敬的交易

6. It is an honorable thing that we do, and it must be done honorably.

我们要做的是一件荣耀的事情 所以必须要光明正大的去做

7. Uh, your honor, your honor, the marriage petition.

呃 法官大人 法官大人 还有结婚申请

8. I'll honor our deal when your queen honors my coalition.

等你们的女王信守盟约时 我自会信守承诺

9. Allow me to honor you each morning as you honor all of your creatures.

请允许我在每天清晨向您致敬 正如您给予万物以荣耀一般

10. It would be an honor to serve a queen as passionate and honorable as yourself.

能够效忠像您这样热诚高贵的女王 我们不胜荣幸
