组词“sow your wild oats”的意思

词组 sow your wild oats
释义 sow your wild ˈoats (informal) (usually used of young men 通常指青年男子) enjoy yourself before you get married and settle down (婚前)行为不检,纵情玩乐,过放荡的生活The problem is that he never sowed his wild oats before he got married, and he wants to sow them now.问题是他结婚前从没有放荡过,可是现在倒想了。 ORIGIN Wild oats are weeds that grow in fields and look like real oats. Sowing them would be a silly or useless activity. * wild oats 指长在田里、看上去像真燕麦的杂草。种这样的杂草是一件愚蠢或毫无意义的事。

