
词组 soon
释义 soon /suːn/ SEE ALL
ˌanytime ˈsoon (especially NAmE) used in negative sentences and questions to refer to the near future (用于否定句和疑问句)随时,很快,马上Do you think she’ll be back anytime soon?
none too ˈsoon1. almost too late 差点来不及They were rescued none too soon; they’d already finished all the food and only had water for another day.
2. used for saying that sb should have done sth a long time ago 早该(做某事)‘I’ve mended the lamp in the children’s room.’ ‘None too soon. It’s been broken for weeks.’
he, she, etc. would just as soon do A (as B)sb wants to do one thing as much as another thing; it does not matter to sb what they do 同样乐于做甲事(同做乙事一样);两样事做哪个都无所谓Susan can have my ticket for the show. I’d just as soon stay at home (as go out) anyway.
He’d just as soon have pizza as a hamburger.
a ˌfool and his ˌmoney are soon ˈparted (saying) a foolish person usually spends money too quickly or carelessly, or is cheated by others 蠢人易失财;蠢人不积财speak too ˈsoonsay sth, and find afterwards that what you said is not true 言之过早‘I’m glad Simon didn’t come.’ ‘You spoke too soon. Here he comes now.’“我很高兴西蒙没有来。”“你这话说得太早了,瞧,他来了。”

