
词组 nails
释义 nails /neɪlz/ SEE ALLbite your ˈnails/ˈfingernailsfeel very excited, nervous, or afraid 感到焦虑不安,束手无策,担心害怕(而咬指甲) ˈnail-biting


very exciting or tense 非常激动(或紧张)的What an exciting movie that was — real nail-biting stuff!那部电影真刺激,着实令人神经紧张!
(as) hard as ˈnails (of a person ) not sensitive or sympathetic 迟钝;不敏感;缺乏同情心She doesn’t care what happens to anybody. She’s as hard as nails.她不关心别人如何,真是铁石心肠。(as) tough as ˈnails (informal) 1. very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations 身体强壮;非常坚强She’s almost 90 but she’s still as tough as nails.她都快 90 岁了,但还是很硬朗。2. not feeling or showing any emotion 不轻易流露感情;铁石心肠

