
词组 fool
释义 fool /fuːl/ SEE ALL
act/play the ˈfoolbehave in a stupid way to make people laugh, especially in a way that may also annoy them 装傻,扮小丑(逗人发笑或惹人烦)It’s impossible to have a decent game of tennis with Frank — he acts the fool the whole time.
If you played the fool in class a little less and worked a bit harder, you could do quite well.
NOTE In the past, a fool was a man employed by a king or queen to entertain people by telling jokes, singing songs, etc. 过去,国王或王后豢养弄臣(fool),他们插科打诨,吹拉弹唱,供人娱乐。
any fool can/could… (spoken) used to say that sth is very easy to do (形容做某事极其容易)傻子也能…Any fool could tell she was lying.
be ˌno/ˌnobody’s ˈfoolbe a clever person who cannot easily be tricked or cheated by anyone 很精明;不易上当You won’t be able to cheat her — she’s nobody’s fool.
Don’t underestimate him. He’s no fool.
a ˌfool and his ˌmoney are soon ˈparted (saying) a foolish person usually spends money too quickly or carelessly, or is cheated by others 蠢人易失财;蠢人不积财a ˌfool’s ˈerranda journey, task, etc. that is a waste of time because it was not necessary 徒劳无益的差事Are you sending me on a fool’s errand again? The last time you sent me to get tickets, the play wasn’t even on.
NOTE An errand is a job that you do for somebody that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy something, etc. * errand 是指被分派去做取信、买东西之类的跑腿儿的差事。
a fool’s ˈparadisea state of happiness which cannot last because sth which you have not thought of is threatening to destroy it 傻瓜的天堂;虚幻的幸福You’ve been living in a fool’s paradise. How long do you think we can go on spending our money without earning more?
make a ˈfool of sb/yourselfmake sb/yourself appear stupid or ridiculous (使)出丑;出某人的洋相Last time you drank champagne, you made a complete fool of yourself.
The interviewer made a real fool of me; I just couldn’t answer her question.
ˌmore fool ˈyou, them, etc. (spoken) (used as an exclamation 用作感叹语) you, etc., were very foolish to do sth 蠢死了;呆子‘He’s not going to accept that job in Vienna.’ ‘More fool him. He’ll never get another chance like that again.’
(there’s) ˌno fool like an ˈold fool (saying) an older person who behaves foolishly appears more foolish than a younger person who does the same thing, because experience should have taught him not to do it 老年荒唐无法可想,没有比老傻瓜更傻的人(指年长者有经验不应该和年轻人犯同样的错)Fred is going to marry a woman thirty years younger than him. There’s no fool like an old fool.

