
词组 note
释义 note BrE /nəʊt/
NAmE /noʊt/
hit/strike the right/wrong ˈnote (especially BrE) do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion 做事(或说话、写作等)得体/不得体Somehow, he managed to strike just the right note in his final election speech.
of ˈnote (used after a noun 用于名词后) important or famous 重要的;著名的The old theatre is one of the town’s few buildings of note.
sound/strike a ˈnote (of ˈsth)express feelings or opinions of a particular kind 表达某种情感(或观点)She sounded a note of warning in her speech.
take ˈnote of sthnotice and think about or remember sth 注意到;留意到;将…铭记在心Well, Ms Brown, I’ve taken note of everything you’ve told me, and I’ll give you my answer next week.
I’d like everyone to take note of the changes I’ve made to the timetable.
drop sb a ˈline/ˈnote (informal) write a short letter, message, etc. to sb 给某人写短信(或便笺等)I dropped her a line inviting her to my birthday party.我给她留了张条子,邀请她来参加我的生日派对。sound/strike a false ˈnoteseem wrong, not appropriate, etc. in a certain situation 显得不恰当;做得不合适I really thought his speech at the conference struck a false note. Instead of saying how serious the housing situation was, he was telling jokes about it.我真的认为他在会议上的发言不甚恰当。本来应该说说住房情况有多么严峻,他却拿这事开起了玩笑。make a mental ˈnote of sth/to do sthmake an effort to remember sth without writing it down (靠脑子)记住I must make a mental note to order more wood.我一定要记得再订购些木材。She made a mental note of the car’s registration number.她记住了这辆车的车牌号。

