
单词 maintaining
释义 mainˈtaining, vbl. n.
1. The action of the verb maintain; maintenance, support, etc.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 100 Þorgh Anselm may[n]tenyng was þe contek ent.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 322 In alle þis fals meyntenyng þei holden wiþ þe fend aȝenst God.1395Purvey Remonstrance (1851) 87 Vnworthi to haue ony benefice othir mayntenynge in the rewme.1490–91in Swayne Sarum Church-w. Acc. (1896) 37 To the maynteynynge of the light before the rode, xxijs. jd. ob.1592Greene Art Connycatch. iii. 2 Except they applied themselues to such honest trades..as might witnesse their maintaining was by true and honest meanes.1643Milton Divorce viii. Wks. 1851 IV. 21 To the strict maintaining of a generall and religious command.1794S. Williams Vermont 232 They were at all times ready..to contribute their full proportion towards the maintaining the present just war.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 107 The reaching and maintaining of an independent pastoral position.
2. Bearing, demeanour, behaviour. Obs.
c1477Caxton Jason 5 The broder of kyng Eson..there beyng present could not holde ne kepe his mayntening.1483G. de la Tour Prol., A fayr wyff..whiche had knowleche of alle honoure, alle good, and fayre mayntenyng.1530Palsgr. 241/2 Mayntenyng, port.
3. attrib.: maintaining power, in a watch or clock, the power which keeps the motion continuous (cf. maintainer 7); so maintaining wheel = going-wheel (Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl. 1884).
1766A. Cumming Clock & Watch Work 138 Care is to be taken to acquire in all watches as great a maintaining power as circumstances can admit.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 519 The swing-wheel..is constantly urged forward by the maintaining power, which is supplied by a small weight.1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 123 Another feature of Huyghens' clock is the maintaining power.

