
单词 Mart
释义 Mart, n.3 Obs.
[ad. L. Mart-em: see Mars.]
1. Mars, the Roman god of war.
c1384Chaucer H. Fame iii. 356 For yren Martes metal ys, Which that god is of bataylle.1515Dunbar Poems xxxiii. 67 Sum held he had bene Dedalus,..Sum the Martis smyth Wlcanus.1590Spenser F.Q. i. Introd. iii, Triumphant Mart, In loves and gentle jollities arraid.
2. War, battle. (in equal mart = L. æquo Marte.)
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 149 The Scottes..wente furthe and toke to theyme seetes, what thro marte [L. ferro] other fauor, nye to the Pictes.1513Douglas æneis i. Prol. 516 The horrible sterne dedis of Mart.1567Turberv. Ovid's Ep. vii. G iij b, But if thou long for warre, or young Iulus seeke By manly Mart to purchase prayse, and giue his foes the gleeke.1600Fairfax Tasso vi. xxxvi, These fooles thus vnderfoot I tread, That dare contend with me in equall mart.1636Massinger Bashf. Lover ii. vii, My father (on whose face he durst not look In equal mart).
3. The planet Mars. (Frequent in Gower.)
1390Gower Conf. III. 130 Complexion he takth of Marte.

