
单词 planula
释义 planula Zool.|ˈplænjʊlə|
Pl. .
[mod.L., a little plane, dim. of plānus plane a.]
The flat-shaped ciliated free-swimming embryo of certain Hydrozoa; hence extended to a similar embryo in Cœlenterates generally.
1870Nicholson Man. Zool. 89 The embryo is a free-swimming, oblong, ciliated body, termed a planula.1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. iii. 146 In most Hydrophora the ciliated, locomotive, planula becomes elongated and fixed by its aboral pole.1878Bell Gegenbaur's Comp. Anat. 98 Developed, just like the Hydroid-Polyps, from a planula, which is at first free, and which afterwards becomes fixed.
attrib.1887Sollas in Encycl. Brit. XXII. 425/2 The history of the second or planula type [of development] has been thoroughly worked out by Schulze in a little incrusting Tetractinellid sponge (Plakina monolopha, Schulze).
So ˈplanulan, a planula; ˈplanular a., (a) of flattened form; (b) pertaining to or of the nature of a planula; ˈplanulate a., of a flattened form; ˈplanuliform a., of the form of a planula; ˈplanuloid a., resembling a planula.
1886Geddes in Encycl. Brit. XX. 420/2 The passage from Protozoa to Metazoa was, according to Bütschli, effected neither by *planulan nor gastrula but by a disk-like ‘placula’.
1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Planularis, applied by Lamarck to a section (Planulares) of soft worms having flat bodies: *planular.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Planular, pertaining to a Planula.
1846Dana Zooph. (1848) 570 The cells are nearly circular, contiguous, or *planulate.
1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. viii. 459 In the fresh-water Polyzoa, the impregnated ovum gives rise to a saccular *planuliform embryo.
1895Syd. Soc. Lex., *Planuloid, the same as Planuliform.

