
单词 mystic
释义 I. mystic, a. and n.|ˈmɪstɪk|
Forms: 4 mystyke, -ik, 5 -ike, 4 mistyk, 6 -ik, 7 mysticke, -ique, misticke, -ique, 7–8 -ick, mystick, 4– mystic.
[a. OF., F. mystique = It. mistico, Sp. místico, Pg. mystico, ad. L. mysticus, a. Gr. µυστικός, f. µύστης mystes.]
A. adj.
1. a. Spiritually allegorical or symbolical; of the nature of, or characteristic of, a sacred mystery; pertaining to the mysteries of the faith. Also (more definitely) = mystical a. 1, but now somewhat rhetorical in tone.
1382Wyclif Bible, Ep. Jerome vii, James, Petre, Joon, Jude, seuene epistlis maden as wel mistik as redi [orig. tam mysticas quam succinctas].1490Caxton Eneydos ix. 37 To rendre theym from theyr lacyuyte, in-to pudike, mystike, and shamefaste chastyte.1535Joye Apol. Tindale (Arb.) 36 Not in a mistik allegory.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 16 The haly kirk is callit the mistike bodye and spouse of Christ.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. ii. 69 b, The holy Scripture dooth teache a more hygher and mysticall [orig. reconditam] consyderation.1648J. Beaumont Psyche vii. xcii, For genuine Divinity Shall be engag'd, but in a mistick fashion, In all the bus'ness of his Generation.1656Cowley Davideis ii. 48 Thy right hand does hold The mystick Scepter of a Cross of Gold.1827Keble Chr. Y., Tues. in Whitsun week, The mystic Dove Hovering His gracious brow above.1849Caswall Lyra Cath. 55 Offerings of mystic meaning!—Incense doth the God disclose [etc.].1879Farrar St. Paul I. 3 The mystic union of the soul with Christ.
b. mystic testament [= F. testament mystique]: in the law of Louisiana, a sealed testament.
1856Bouvier Law Dict. II. 581/1 A mystic testament is also called a solemn testament, because it requires more formality than a nuncupative testament.1888Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 574/1 A special form of will, borrowed from Roman law, called the mystic or sealed will.
2. Pertaining to the ancient religious mysteries or to other occult rites or practices; occult, esoteric.
1615G. Sandys Trav. 79 Drinke three, or three thrice told, A mysticke law of old.1627Drayton Moone-Calfe, Bat. Agincourt, etc. 175 When turning ouer his most mistique bookes, Into the secrets of his Art he lookes.1643Milton Divorce ii. iv. Wks. 1851 IV. 73 Their filthines was hid, but the mystick reason thereof known to their Sages.1648Herrick Hesper., His Fare-well to Sack, 'Tis thou, alone, who with thy Mistick Fan, Work'st more then Wisdome, Art, or Nature can.1725Pope Odyss. xi. 59 And mutter'd vows, and mystick song apply'd To griesly Pluto, and his gloomy bride.1785Burns Addr. Deil xiv, When Masons' mystic word an' grip, In storms an' tempests raise you up.1805Scott Last Minstr. v. xxvii, Car'd not the Ladye to betray Her mystic arts in view of day.1835Thirlwall Greece I. iii. 65 The mystic rites of Demeter.1875Mansel Gnostic Heresies iii. 41 Some of these..prepare a bridal chamber, and perform certain mystic rites of initiation.
3. Secret, concealed. Obs. (Cf. mystical 4.)
a1625Fletcher Noble Gent. iv. v. (1647) 42/2 These are but illusions to give couller To your most misticke leacherie!1697Dryden Virg. æneid i. 357, I have search'd the mystic rolls of Fate [L. fatorum arcana].
4. The distinctive epithet of that branch of theology which relates to the direct communion of the soul with God; hence, pertaining to or connected with this branch of theology. Now rare; cf. mystical 5.
1639N. N. tr. Du Bosq's Compl. Woman ii. 29 Saint Bridget hath written so well of the Mistick Theology, that even the learnedest men admire her doctrine.1727–52Chambers Cycl., Mystic theology denotes a refined and sublime kind of divinity, professed by the mystics.1765A. Maclaine tr. Mosheim's Eccl. Hist. Cent. xiii. ii. iii. §4 The Mystic doctors carried this visionary method of interpreting scripture to the greatest height.1854Milman Lat. Chr. viii. v, The difficult and mystic work which bore the name of Dionysius the Areopagite.
5. a. Of hidden meaning or nature; enigmatical, mysterious. (Cf. mystical 2.)
a1631Donne Elegies viii. Poems (1633) 55 Foole, thou didst not understand The mystique language of the eye nor hand.1693J. Edwards Author. O. & N. Test. I. 187 The antient Sages and Philosophers were obscure and mystick in their Stile.1727De Foe Syst. Mag. i. iii. 66 These mystick Characters were the Original of all the Hyeroglyphick Writing.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest (1820) II. 61 Her mind..rejected the mystic and turbulent promptings of imagination.1807tr. Three Germans I. 48 He sighed for the explanation to Holstein's mystic conduct.1810Sir A. Boswell Edinb. Poet. Wks. (1871) 53 [In the game of hopscotch] There, on the pavement, mystic forms are chalk'd.1819Scott Ivanhoe xxxviii, Is there no leech here who can tell us the ingredients of this mystic unguent?1874Black Pr. Thule iii, The room, too, in which this mystic Princess sat, was strange and wonderful.
b. In recent use: Inspiring an awed sense of mystery.
1842Tennyson Morte d'Arthur 144 An arm Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful.1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xxxvi. 249 At midnight—strange, mystic hour, when the veil between the frail present and the eternal future grows thin.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) I. 380 Such is the mystic voice which is always murmuring in his ears.
B. n.
1. Mystical meaning; mystical representation.
c1315Shoreham Poems i. 630 Cryst and hijs membrys, men, O body beþe ine mystyke.Ibid. 837 To þe folke þat torneþ al to cryst Ine þe body of mystyke.Ibid. 2157 Þys ylke bok þe mistyk ys Of þese sacrementis.
2. Originally, a ‘mystic doctor’, an exponent of mystical theology; also, one who maintains the validity and the supreme importance of mystical theology. Hence, in extended application: One who, whether Christian or non-Christian, seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain union with or absorption into the Deity, or who believes in the possibility of the spiritual apprehension of truths that are inaccessible to the understanding.
1679Penn Addr. Prot. ii. (1692) 146 Taulerus, Thomas a Kempis, and othere Misticks in that Communion.1714R. Fiddes Pract. Disc. ii. 380 Those mysticks who would discard the passions of hope and fear.1765A. Maclaine tr. Mosheim's Eccl. Hist. Cent. xv. i. i. §11 The Mystics were defended against their adversaries, the Dialecticians, partly by the Platonics.1781Cowper Truth 128 An Indian mystic.1856Vaughan Mystics I. Pref. p. v, The way in which mystics reduced themselves to utter inactivity.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 595 He is no mystic or ascetic seeking absorption in the divine nature.1899W. R. Inge Chr. Mysticism vii. 258 To the true mystic, life itself is a sacrament.
3. occas. One initiated into mysteries.
1859Kingsley Misc. I. 327 A mystic—according to the Greek etymology—should signify one who is initiated into mysteries.1871Jowett Plato I. 381 This was the meaning of the founders of the mysteries when they said, ‘Many are the wand bearers but few are the mystics.’
Hence ˈmysticness.
1912F. Lawrence Let. in A. Huxley Lett. D. H. Lawrence (1932) 75 Her weird mysticness throws a veil over her.
II. mystic
see mystick.

