
单词 needly
释义 I. needly, a. rare.|ˈniːdlɪ|
[f. needle n. + -y1.]
Resembling a needle or needles.
1671Marten Voy. Spitzbergen in Acc. Sev. Late Voy. ii. (1694) 52 The needly Snow is generated by Westerly and Southerly Winds.1869Blackmore Lorna D. (1891) 132 His..small quick eyes, and black needly beard.
II. ˈneedly, adv.1 Obs.
Forms: 1 néodlíce, 3 neod(e)liche, 4–5 ne(e)dely.
[OE. néodlíce (= OS. niudlîko), f. néod desire, eagerness.]
Zealously, carefully; earnestly.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. ii. xiii, Næniᵹ þinra þeᵹna neodlicor..hine sylfne underþeodde.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 262 Rudan ᵹeseoð on ele oððe on wine..smire þa sidan mid þy neodlice.c1205Lay. 15594 Heo arisen up & eoden neor & neodeliche ȝerden of þissere uncuðe talen.1340–70Alisaunder 748 A rink [she] sendes Anon too Nectanabus & needely hym praies, Þat he cofly comme too carpen her tyll.c1475Sqr. lowe Degre 293 He bethought hym nedely, Every daye,..How he myght venged be On that lady.
III. ˈneedly, adv.2 Obs.
Forms: 4 nedlych(e, -like, 4–5 ned(e)lich(e; 4–5 nedly, 4–6 nedely, (4 -li), 6 needely, need(y)lie, -lye, 6–7 needly.
[f. need n. + -ly2. Cf. MDu. nodelike, MLG. nôtliken, MHG. nôt-, nœtlîche.]
Necessarily; of necessity.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 12399 Alle þo þat sey ‘hem behoueþ nedely’, Þey acoupe God of here folye.c1330Chron. Wace (Rolls) 8040 Nedlike at þe y mot wyse how, Who þan gat þy sone Merlyne.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 342 Ech sufficience of man mut nedeli be ȝovun of God.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VII. 259 He muste nedely obbey the writynge of the pope.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 22 Slouthe nor delay not that thou must nedely execute.1515Barclay Egloges i. (1570) B iij, Of a trene vesell then must thou nedely drinke.1596Lodge Marg. Amer. 38 A grove, thorow which the new married couple should needly passe.1647Trapp Comm. Rev. xiii. 7 The Jesuites will still needly have the Roman Church to be the Catholike Church.

