“noli me tangere”的英英意思

单词 noli me tangere
释义 noli me tangere|ˈnəʊlaɪ miː ˈtændʒərɪ|
Also 6 noly.
[L., ‘touch me not’, occurring in the Vulgate, John XX. 17: cf. sense 5.]
1. Path. An eroding ulceration attacking the face: in later use = lupus.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. lix. (Bodl. MS.), Noli me tangere is a cankery posteme in þe face and freteþ..lasse þanne oþer.1527Andrew Brunswyke's Distyll. Waters B iij, The same water heleth that evyll soore named noly me tangere.1577Frampton Joyful News 42 b, An vlcer..comming of a Noli me tangere, which began to take roote alredy at the gristles of the Nose.1601Holland Pliny II. 200 The very ill-fauoured Polype and Noli-me-tangere in the nosthrils, the juice of this root doth cvre and heale wonderfully.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 257 The dried skinne..helps the paine of a hot cause; and any impostume or noli me tangere.1674J. Josselyn Voy. New Eng. 184 Head-aches are frequent, Palsies, Dropsies, Worms, Noli-me-tangeres.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 144 A Spoonful of it..cures the Noli me tangere, all Shankers.1762R. Guy Pract. Obs. Cancers 114 Lydia Goldsbury came with an obstinate Noli me tangere on the Nose.1834Cycl. Pract. Med. III. 169/1 The terms lupus and noli me tangere are synonymous in British medicine, and have always signified the same thing since they have been used in any definite sense.
fig.1650B. Discolliminium 6 Some of his arguments are mortally sick of the Polypus or Noli me tangere; I shall not meddle with them.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 6 May ii, She's a noli me tangere in my flesh, which I cannot bear to be touched or tampered with.
2. Bot. A species of balsam, growing in the North of England, so called from the peculiarly forcible expulsion of its ripe seeds, which occurs when it is touched. Now only as part of the full botanical name, Impatiens Noli (me) tangere.
1563T. Gale Antidot. 35 b, And also, Noli me tangere all diseases brede of fleame and colde humours it healeth them.1578Lyte Dodoens i. 76 There is yet an other herbe founde called Noli me tangere, the whiche also is reduced and brought vnder the kindes of Mercury.1704Collect. Voy. & Trav. III. 824/2 There grows another Tree in Ceylon like our Noli me tangere.1741Compl. Fam.-Piece ii. iii. 362 You may now sow, in Natural Ground, the wild spirting Cucumber, and the Noli me tangere.
3. A person or thing that must not be touched or interfered with.
a1635Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 18 He was wont to say of them, that they were of the Tribe of Dan, and were noli me tangere's; implying, that they were not to be contested with.1654Whitlock Zootomia 166 Sure Learning was no such Noli me tangere, in the Apostles account.1692T. Watson Body of Div. (1858) 460 Herod could not brook to have his incest meddled with—that was a noli me tangere.1782Burney Hist. Mus. II. 15 [They] rather chuse to impoverish the melody, by making a fourth of the Key a noli me tangere, than admit this innovation.1828Lytton Pelham iii, Mr. Wormwood, the noli-me-tangere of literary lions—an author who sowed his conversation..with..thorns.
4. A warning or prohibition against meddling or interference, etc.
1634W. Wood New Eng. Prosp. (1865) 24 The Porcupine..stands upon his guard and proclaimes a Noli me tangere, to man and beast.1641Maisterton Serm. 18 The forbidden fruit, upon which God hath set a Noli me tangere.1792C. Smith Desmond II. 129 Every attempt at redress is silenced by the noli-me-tangere, which our constitution has been made to say.1806J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life x. xxi. (ed. 5) I. 219 Every dish, as it is brought in, carrying a ‘noli me tangere’ on the face of it.1817Byron Let. 15 Nov. in Moore Lett. & Jrnls. (1875) 605, I used to think that I was a good deal of an author in amour propre and noli me tangere.
5. A painting representing the appearance of Christ to the Magdalen at the sepulchre.
1680Evelyn Diary 2 Sept., The Noli me tangere of our blessed Saviour to Mary Magdalen after his Resurrection, of Hans Holbein.1722Richardson Statues Italy 173 Noli me tangere..is a Magnificent Picture.1800J. Dallaway Anecd. Arts Eng. 481 The ‘noli me tangere’ at All Souls College was painted by Raffaelle.1859Hawthorne Marb. Faun xxxvii, Half of the other pictures are Magdalens,..Noli-me-tangeres.
6. attrib., as noli me tangere face, noli me tangere manner, etc.
1822De Quincey Confess. 28 A sort of noli me tangere manner, nervously apprehensive of too familiar approach.1842C. Whitehead R. Savage (1845) II. iv. 221 A sort of noli me tangere sensitiveness.1877Reade Wom. Hater x, A trick of putting on noli me tangere faces among strangers.
Hence noli-me-tangereˈtarian. nonce-wd.
1846Landor Exam. Shaks. Wks. 1853 II. 294/1 If a dean is not on his stilts,..he stands on his own ground: he is a noli-me-tangeretarian.

